1. #1
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    There was a debate tonight.

    I got through it…

    Prettyboy Gav with the big white smile. all cocky and smiley .
    Mr bland, kind of dullish Ronnie with some spark.

    They both won by just by being there..

    Looking at Prettyboy Gav. seems like he studied videos of Bill Clinton. He almost looked like Slick Willie a couple of times when he moved his head certain ways. From Slick Willie to Slick Gav.
    Slick Gav is slippery, avoiding questions, smiling brightly with his 100,000 dollar Hollywood smile.. DeSantis did not seem to have the killer instinct. He got his points across well enough.

    All in all, interesting .

  2. #2
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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  3. #3
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Was that a debate? More like a screaming match with everyone talking over each other. Hannity won.

    Reaffirmed my decision six years ago to cut the cable. And why is there so much concern over these guys since neither is going to win their party’s nomination???

  4. #4
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Was that a debate? More like a screaming match with everyone talking over each other. Hannity won.

    Reaffirmed my decision six years ago to cut the cable. And why is there so much concern over these guys since neither is going to win their party’s nomination???
    This is true. But I expect pretty boy has his sights on the White House but just won't admit it. This I'm guessing was a feeler or tester to see how he does. He's fake.

  5. #5
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Wonder what would happen if any candidate started talking policy only and cut the emotional drama show?

    Might even be a winning strategy in this field of dopey childish amateur-manipulator excuses for political leaders.

  6. #6
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I just watched it. My goodness that Newsom guy is a horrible. He lied and refused to answer key questions about his State. He's the male version of Crooked Hilary. He is everything wrong with American politics. All talk and spin with no substance. No wonder they had enough votes to try an recall him. What a loser.

    DeSantis in a KO.

  7. #7
    slewfan's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    I just watched it. My goodness that Newsom guy is a horrible. He lied and refused to answer key questions about his State. He's the male version of Crooked Hilary. He is everything wrong with American politics. All talk and spin with no substance. No wonder they had enough votes to try an recall him. What a loser.

    DeSantis in a KO.
    Gavvie is mr. Hollyweird in the flesh.

  8. #8
    VeggieDog's Avatar SBR PRO
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    • Fox News’s Thursday night special, “DeSantis vs. Newsom: The Great Red vs. Blue State Debate,” brought in a whopping 4.75 million average viewers.
    • The 90-minute debate between GOP presidential candidate and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) and California Governor Gavin Newsom (D) was moderated by Sean Hannity and was Hannity’s highest-rated telecast of the year. The debate more than doubled Hannity’s average ratings of 2.25 million in November.
    • Hannity’s telecast also brought in a very impressive 742,000 viewers in the key 25-54 age demographic coveted by advertisers.
    • As far as political programming goes this year, the debate was an undeniable win for Fox and topped former President Donald Trump’s town halls.

  9. #9
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Conspiracy Theory:

    Trump goes to jail.

    Haley wins the Republican Nomination.

    Biden leaves the White House due to medical reasons.

    Harris claims the Presidency and pardons the Bidens and
    then realizes she can't get re-elected but serves out her term.

    Newsom runs full blast smiling to the Dem Nomination
    finish line ala Slick Willy Clinton.

    Trump gets shanked in prison but survives as a vegetable.
    (Gods punishment to the Donald for poking fun at the handicapped)

    Fox News kicks Hannity and his $15m salary to the curb
    and Haley and Palin take over Hannity's prime time slot.

    Did I miss anything?

    Disclaimer: Not responsible for grammatical errors.
    Been drink'n & drug'n all night so I hereby invoke my 5th Amendment rights.

  10. #10
    I don't believe you ... please continue
    DwightShrute's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    Conspiracy Theory:

    Trump goes to jail.

    Haley wins the Republican Nomination.

    Biden leaves the White House due to medical reasons.

    Harris claims the Presidency and pardons the Bidens and
    then realizes she can't get re-elected but serves out her term.

    Newsom runs full blast smiling to the Dem Nomination
    finish line ala Slick Willy Clinton.

    Trump gets shanked in prison but survives as a vegetable.
    (Gods punishment to the Donald for poking fun at the handicapped)

    Fox News kicks Hannity and his $15m salary to the curb
    and Haley and Palin take over Hannity's prime time slot.

    Did I miss anything?

    Disclaimer: Not responsible for grammatical errors.
    Been drink'n & drug'n all night so I hereby invoke my 5th Amendment rights.
    Trump never made fun of the handicapped.

  11. #11
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  12. #12
    turbobets's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    Wonder what would happen if any candidate started talking policy only and cut the emotional drama show?

    Might even be a winning strategy in this field of dopey childish amateur-manipulator excuses for political leaders.
    Nope we are too dumbed down in America. We just want to be promised stuff we can't afford and told that it's patriotic to fund forever war.
