1. #1
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    A lot of pieces of shit in this video and the officer isn't one of them

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  2. #2
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    I wish he blew all their heads off
    This post was nominated 2 times . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: Orbison, and Hman

  3. #3
    stevek173's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    I wish he blew all their heads off

  4. #4
    When you are SBR you are SBR 4 Life
    pologq's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    should have put that cigarette in her eye socket

  5. #5
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    Dindu Nuffin Niqqa Lives Matter Gotdameit!!!

  6. #6
    KnuckleHeadz's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Of course it’s got much worst now that they get away with it but this isn't much different than their normal behavior and people wonder why they get yanked out of cars and shit goes south quick

  7. #7
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    Start this man a gofundme page. I’ll donate a $100 so he can more than a few beers after dealing with this BS.

  8. #8
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Was this before Covid? No one was wearing a mask??? I hope those folks were eventually arrested for harassment? Dumb asses all over this country on all sides. Do we really want all these idiots to have guns?

  9. #9
    Mac4Lyfe's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    I wish he blew all their heads off
    Then he would be in jail. He did the right thing. Sucks he had to be put in that situation. As soon as he fought back, the city would have to end up settling court cases. He showed incredible restraint. This society is fukked up.

  10. #10
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Was this before Covid? No one was wearing a mask??? I hope those folks were eventually arrested for harassment? Dumb asses all over this country on all sides. Do we really want all these idiots to have guns?
    Watch it again. They are wearing masks (not the cop).

  11. #11
    Did we win?
    unde0087's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Just shows me the real problem. A bunch of broke ass uneducated piles of shit trying to get a reaction. Let me guess about 3 people in that crowd have a job and the rest are just waiting on the new Democrat president to give them free money. That fat bitch in front definitely voted Biden because she needs a new Iphone paid for by my tax dollars. Fuk that bitch.

  12. #12
    sackdud's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    I wish he blew all their heads off

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
    Then he would be in jail. He did the right thing. Sucks he had to be put in that situation. As soon as he fought back, the city would have to end up settling court cases. He showed incredible restraint. This society is fukked up.
    he did the right thing?

    not in my world

    then you say this society is fukked up?

    you voted for these democrat clowns

  14. #14
    Did we win?
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    he did the right thing?

    not in my world

    then you say this society is fukked up?

    you voted for these democrat clowns
    ya, I thought he would have said the cop looked at them wrong.

  15. #15
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    I think we all know i wouldn't of been able to stay grounded. An absolute release of adrenaline would course through me and everyone within striking distance until they either ran off or overtook me

  16. #16
    TheMetsSuck's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Blowing smoke in an officers face during an air borne pandemic is not ok. That’s assault brotha

  17. #17
    themike78's Avatar SBR MVP
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    But black people matter. They can do whatever they want now. Biden sure as hell won't condemn it.

  18. #18
    Hman's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    I wish he blew all their heads off

    It will happen

    And they will have all of the good ppl on their side

    There's no way the left could win a civil war, impossible, no chance

  19. #19
    Did we win?
    unde0087's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    This is why I love my state. Every democrat got voted out of office because of shit like this. This state respects law enforcement and the military. They sent these clowns in on a bus a few months ago to a few cities in Montana to try and start shit. I happened to be in Kalispell the one day. They formed up in the center of town by the veterans memorial. Not even an hour in a van load of ex marines, army, and navy seals showed up in full armor with assault rifles and circled the memorial to protect it. I was at a bar a block away with a friend I went to see and 3 black SUVs with lights and the SWAT van blew by. They went to make sure these clowns didn't get fuked up. Needless to say, they left quickly because no one here wants these clowns here.

  20. #20
    Did we win?
    unde0087's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Complete trash

  21. #21
    johnnyvegas13's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Wow he should b one of those palace guards

  22. #22
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    Just talk to wikkidinsane

    He says the girl should be nominated for Nobel Peace Prize

  23. #23
    It's not what they bring...
    KVB's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    He's wishing to himself "Why isn't this a group of this chick"...

    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“You must be the change you want to see in the world.” - Gandhi <a href="https://t.co/l9iYZVs6Hl">pic.twitter.com/l9iYZVs6Hl</a></p>&mdash; GrantB911 (@GrantB911) <a href="https://twitter.com/GrantB911/status/1268313715058921473?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw" >June 3, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

  24. #24
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Funny thing is that those people call the police for help more than anyone else. And then when the cops get there to help, they get chastised by them.

  25. #25
    DiggityDaggityDo's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    He's wishing to himself "Why isn't this a group of this chick"...

    I wonder what she looks like?

  26. #26
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  27. #27
    It's not what they bring...
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    I think that guy was seriously thinking about it.

  28. #28
    nyplayer33's Avatar Restricted User
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    I once worked security where a guy tried to get in my car, yhen i got in car and ran him.over..i once worked with inmates...we got there food cart from kitchen....just saying. One guy got very sick..or msybe more then 1

  29. #29
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    I wonder what she looks like?
    sounded like Rachael Dratch,...
