1. #1
    Big Bear
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    Let me ask you guys a hypothetical question about Women Preferences

    Okay so lets say you could have your choice between 3 options

    A.) 23 year with a nice body who is a bit wild and a party animal

    B.) 27 year old with a good personality but average looks but easy to get along with

    C.) 38 year old with a surprisingly really hot body and a good personality

    so before you say the 38 year old is a no brainer..

    is it a cause of concern that when she reaches her 40’s her sex drive will go down and her looks will quickly fade?

    This is all hypothetical I don’t know any women who fit the above descriptions personally

    just curious how you guys view stuff like this

  2. #2
    jts1207's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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  3. #3
    MaltedHopsFrenzy's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    F### - 'A'
    Marry - 'C'
    Kill - 'B'
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: KVB

  4. #4
    Big Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
    F### - 'A'
    Marry - 'C'
    Kill - 'B'

  5. #5
    PharaohUB's Avatar SBR MVP
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    If you want to be happy date B, have affair with C, and one night stand with A.

  6. #6
    Bostongambler's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Big bear why not get in a think tank with that eagle dude and solve problems,

  7. #7
    BigDofBA's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    I feel like most of you would be happy with any option. With all due respect.

  8. #8
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
    F### - 'A'
    Marry - 'C'
    Kill - 'B'

  9. #9
    The great game of POT...LIMIT...OMAHA
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    Women who are active generally maintain their sex drive. Does the 38 year old work out? Also...should be obvious...if you're good in bed, kinky, get her off, know what you're doing, their drive won't fade as much.

  10. #10
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    C if she has money, bang the other two in the side.

    I've never understood men that want to settle down. Why?

    it just blows my mind that you would want to knock up some brought a couple times, drive a minivan, be middle management, and live a life and just complete placid boringness.

    Modern "men"in general are cucks
    Last edited by thechaoz; 05-13-19 at 12:49 AM.

  11. #11
    Big Bear
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post

    C if she has money, bang the other two in the side.

    I've never understood men that want to settle down. Why?

    it just blows my mind that you would want to knock up some brought a couple times, drive a minivan, be middle management, and live a life and just complete placid boringness.

    Modern "men"in general are cucks
    What about the companionship aspect though

    It’s a lot of work to keep looking for a new woman to hook up with.

  12. #12
    mrpapageorgio's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post

    C if she has money, bang the other two in the side.

    I've never understood men that want to settle down. Why?

    it just blows my mind that you would want to knock up some brought a couple times, drive a minivan, be middle management, and live a life and just complete placid boringness.

    Modern "men"in general are cucks
    You don't want a kid Chaoz? I know a few guys who have a similar attitude as you towards marriage, but at the same time do eventually want a kid (usually wanting a son as their heir apparent).

    I know one guy who's about 35 and is basically in a "committed" relationship with his gf and they have a kid together. Never got married, but they raise the kid together. I asked why he never got married and he basically said he got tired of chasing tail non-stop but doesn't want the complications of getting married.

    I think it also has to do with the fact he still messes around on the side (just not as much as he used to when he was younger) and the worst she can do is come after him for child support rather than also taking half his stuff in a divorce also.
    Last edited by mrpapageorgio; 05-13-19 at 01:48 AM.

  13. #13
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Why does everybody have to complicate matters.

    You take the one with the biggest ...


  14. #14
    2019 SBRs Toughest Poster
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrpapageorgio View Post
    You don't want a kid Chaoz? I know a few guys who have a similar attitude as you towards marriage, but at the same time do eventually want a kid (usually wanting a son as their heir apparent).

    I know one guy who's about 35 and is basically in a "committed" relationship with his gf and they have a kid together. Never got married, but they raise the kid together. I asked why he never got married and he basically said he got tired of chasing tail non-stop but doesn't want the complications of getting married.

    I think it also has to do with the fact he still messes around on the side (just not as much as he used to when he was younger) and the worst she can do is come after him for child support rather than also taking half his stuff in a divorce also.
    Why is God's name would I want a bank draining, shit sipping, cr+p factory?

    I enjoy doing whatevever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want. I love my life. Many people I know who are succesfull have never had children or been married.

    Marriage for men in this country is absolutely retarded. There is zero reason. You receive nothing as a benefit (trust me, it doesn't make her faithful, unhappy married woman are sooooo easy), and all it does is cause you to lose your lifes work and money/property/time for some tail? lol. Good luck with that.

    EDIT: I know a lot of people who feel having the heir, I don't understand the concept. Why? Who cares? What makes me so special I need one? I just don't understand the need.

  15. #15
    PharaohUB's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post
    Why is God's name would I want a bank draining, shit sipping, cr+p factory?

    I enjoy doing whatevever I want, whenever I want, with whomever I want. I love my life. Many people I know who are succesfull have never had children or been married.

    Marriage for men in this country is absolutely retarded. There is zero reason. You receive nothing as a benefit (trust me, it doesn't make her faithful, unhappy married woman are sooooo easy), and all it does is cause you to lose your lifes work and money/property/time for some tail? lol. Good luck with that.

    EDIT: I know a lot of people who feel having the heir, I don't understand the concept. Why? Who cares? What makes me so special I need one? I just don't understand the need.
    That's good for you that you've found what you want, but why all the hatred for people who want to settle down and have a family? I used to think like you, then I started getting bored with that life. Yeah women and children are difficult, but it's worth it for some of us. Someone to share chores with, someone to challenge us, someone to go on vacation with, someone to build memories with, someone to have a family with. It gets tiring always having to seek out new friendships and activities as people move on with their lives with families of their own or move out of town altogether. It's nice to have something/someone somewhat solid in your life. I find that I'm able to actually explore MORE things about myself and my world, and take on new hobbies when I'm in a stable relationship, because I'm not constantly running around town trying to keep my current fling happy or maintain friendships with new people.

    Not all women are financial drains either. Some of them have decent jobs or family money.

    You sound super bitter towards women! I hope you enjoy your single life, but it's not for all of us...
