1. #281
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    Lolz. Yep, if there is a god, he's a fcking jerkoff. Assuming he's all powerful as we're lead to believe.

    religion was ridiculous for me since a young age, because whenever I challenged what i was being taught, I was usually told some form of "you just gotta have faith". I'd always give the same "do you think I'm fcking dumb, i know you don't believe this shit and are just looking to rob some cash" look.

    you know you're on thin ice, intellectually speaking, when you can't satisfy a 5th graders question of "how isn't this a huge scam just like Santa, it's Santa for grown up, be good or Santa won't bring you shit, be good or you won't float off, and while you're at it, kick over 10% of your salary, oh don't worry, you'll get that back 10x over when you float off?"

    obv scam is an obv scam. I went to some crazy ass church though, they'd talk in 'tongue', they'd try and touch you to knock you out. I tried to get 'knocked out', didn't take. Maybe because I wasn't a 'true believer'.

    my grandmother, who used to be half a drunk, took to the bible thumping, tried to convert me, gave up after she told me about how god came to see her when she was trying to quit drinking. She looked devastated when I asked her if it was possible that it never happened, and was likely a delusion from alcohol detox.

    i think it's ubsurdly narcissistic to presume you're so fcking special that god came to you. Out of all the unanswered prayers, what makes you so fcking special?

  2. #282
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    Quote Originally Posted by scumbag View Post
    Lolz. Yep, if there is a god, he's a fcking jerkoff. Assuming he's all powerful as we're lead to believe.

    religion was ridiculous for me since a young age, because whenever I challenged what i was being taught, I was usually told some form of "you just gotta have faith". I'd always give the same "do you think I'm fcking dumb, i know you don't believe this shit and are just looking to rob some cash" look.

    you know you're on thin ice, intellectually speaking, when you can't satisfy a 5th graders question of "how isn't this a huge scam just like Santa, it's Santa for grown up, be good or Santa won't bring you shit, be good or you won't float off, and while you're at it, kick over 10% of your salary, oh don't worry, you'll get that back 10x over when you float off?"

    obv scam is an obv scam. I went to some crazy ass church though, they'd talk in 'tongue', they'd try and touch you to knock you out. I tried to get 'knocked out', didn't take. Maybe because I wasn't a 'true believer'.

    my grandmother, who used to be half a drunk, took to the bible thumping, tried to convert me, gave up after she told me about how god came to see her when she was trying to quit drinking. She looked devastated when I asked her if it was possible that it never happened, and was likely a delusion from alcohol detox.

    i think it's ubsurdly narcissistic to presume you're so fcking special that god came to you. Out of all the unanswered prayers, what makes you so fcking special?
    Gods not about taking your money, show me a verse in the Bible, that's prosperity gospel, and I agree if I left it to any one man... I wouldn't believe either.. We have all sinned... God is not a scam, I tell you the truth. How is doing good and righteous a scam ? You are special to God, you just don't know how special... As for unanswered prayers... Some might have to learn how to pray, this is how we should pray..

    Our Father, Who art in heaven
    Hallowed be Thy Name;
    Thy kingdom come,
    Thy will be done,
    on earth as it is in heaven.
    Give us this day our daily bread,
    and forgive us our trespasses,
    as we forgive those who trespass against us;
    and lead us not into temptation,
    but deliver us from evil. Amen.
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  3. #283
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    brainfreeze, you seem like you're somewhat fanatical about god.

    instead of reciting bible verses or posting links, give me one definite proof that god exists.

  4. #284
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    Fukkin wife and kids love this song and were looking for concert tix. I told them no.
    i don't know about their other songs but that song is pretty fukking deep. i love it...

  5. #285
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    It's humorous reading all of these posts. Yes, there will always be a battle between.... GOD? or no GOD?

    But what's even more comical...

    Going to holiday family events... and watching people fight over who's better? Baptist's GOD? Or Catholic's GOD? Funny how people fight over who's God is better? That was a riot. Created a huge family fight!

    What is wrong with society? Damn.

  6. #286
    Swaggy P
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    Many gods and goddesses but none of them are omnipotent.

  7. #287
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    Haven't read this thread in some time. By the responses, God was correct by the Godlessness in these times. I am convinced i could walk into the living room of some of these folks here with Jesus Christ, introduce them watch Jesus perform a miracle and have one of these Einsteins here say it was face.
    Absolutely no convincing you of your impending outcome.
    Some here even post lyrics to songs to show support of why they don't believe.

    2 Timothy 3:1-5 ...'This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.'

  8. #288
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  9. #289
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    if god is for us.... who can be against us?

  10. #290
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    Do people know what the Bible says? It is a horrifying book. It says if you die without being a disciple of Jesus and His blood cleansing your sins, you go to Hell. A literal place of fire and torment where billions of souls already dwell. I live in dread over that book. If it is true, my loved ones that died before me are there and all my loved ones now on earth are headed there.

  11. #291
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  12. #292
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    this is just the comparison of the stars...

    this is just the observable universe...

    to think that the earth is that important is ego driven.

  13. #293
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    this a debate i dont wanna get into i just tell people you believe what you want and ill believe what i want. i hope there is a god and a heaven because theres people who i have lost that one day i hope i can see them again

  14. #294
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    The truth lies in the more spiritual non dual traditions of any major religion you look. Gnosticism (christianity) advaita (hinduism) sufism (islam) etc

    The truth is much deeper than just believing in some bearded man living in the sky who created the world. That is just childish bullshit.

  15. #295
    The Kraken
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    Reality is nobody knows. It's an circular argument without end.

    Respect whatever it is others choose to believe and follow the golden rule "Treat others as they want to be treated" and life is good

  16. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Reality is nobody knows. It's an circular argument without end.
    I disagree. People DO know. Highly advanced yogis in India have been able to realize profound truths for centuries. These can achieved by anyone who take spiritual practice seriously.

  17. #297
    The Kraken
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    Nobdoy knows swaggy. That's where faith comes in

  18. #298
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    swaggy just took the thread to a whole new level of sheepish posting...

    brainfreeze, you seem like a really nice guy... gullible to the max, but nice, nonetheless ...

  19. #299
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    raydog, you can believe in whatever you want, im not here to condition others but ill take ancient eastern wisdom over your western materialist dogshit any day.

  20. #300
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    there is a difference in wisdom and what you just described... you saying that there are people who "know" beyond any doubt, is the dumbest shit in the thread man... nothing against you at all, its just , in my opinion, ridiculous to believe something like that... its crazier than believing the shit in the bible

    fwiw, if i had to choose, i would choose buddhism over any other

  21. #301
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    Quote Originally Posted by sumtingwong View Post
    Do people know what the Bible says? It is a horrifying book. It says if you die without being a disciple of Jesus and His blood cleansing your sins, you go to Hell. A literal place of fire and torment where billions of souls already dwell. I live in dread over that book. If it is true, my loved ones that died before me are there and all my loved ones now on earth are headed there.
    God is not a liberal kinda place where everyone gets a trophy. Just gotta accept the gift Jesus offers confess your sins and turn away from them. Really is pretty simple. He's not expecting perfection from us, just repentance.

  22. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggy P View Post
    I disagree. People DO know. Highly advanced yogis in India have been able to realize profound truths for centuries. These can achieved by anyone who take spiritual practice seriously.

    Esoteric religion is not the way.
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    swaggy just took the thread to a whole new level of sheepish posting...

    brainfreeze, you seem like a really nice guy... gullible to the max, but nice, nonetheless ...

    When you have a book (Bible) that's predicting the events we live in today written over 2,000 years ago, it's difficult to believe you use the word "Gullible" when referring to that person.
    Good-luck in your search

  24. #304
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    raydog, the reason why i have a lot of confidence in eastern wisdom is due the very experiential and analytical nature of these traditions. For example you mention Buddhism, here is a popular quote by the Buddha

    “Now, Kalamas, don’t go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought, ‘This contemplative is our teacher.’ When you know for yourselves that, ‘These qualities are skillful; these qualities are blameless; these qualities are praised by the wise; these qualities, when adopted & carried out, lead to welfare & to happiness’ — then you should enter & remain in them.”

    In other words he says, the path to Nirvanic bliss is open to all but don't buy into it just because you "heard" of it or are just merely going by what tradition says but to practice and see for yourselves. No blind faith needed at all. That is why I find it so believable. Indian Buddhism is extremely pragmatic.

  25. #305
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    When you have a book (Bible) that's predicting the events we live in today written over 2,000 years ago, it's difficult to believe you use the word "Gullible" when referring to that person.
    Good-luck in your search
    you realize if you throw enough darts, some will hit, right? you also realize that the bible committee chose what to put in and leave out ... yes, in my opinion, you are extremely gullible to believe whats in that book...

  26. #306
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    swaggy just took the thread to a whole new level of sheepish posting...

    brainfreeze, you seem like a really nice guy... gullible to the max, but nice, nonetheless ...
    So I seem gullible ... What makes you think so ?

  27. #307
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    God is not a liberal kinda place where everyone gets a trophy. Just gotta accept the gift Jesus offers confess your sins and turn away from them. Really is pretty simple. He's not expecting perfection from us, just repentance.
    Yes, but if your a white collar criminal, I would repent " turn away " and find new career, or for the drug dealer, thief, or prostitute .., When one comes to Jesus, we no longer serve sin, it's below us... God is now our master, either we can serve God or " the other one " ...
    There is no middle..

  28. #308
    Swaggy P
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Esoteric religion is not the way.
    Prove it.

  29. #309
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    Gautama Buddha, also known as Siddhārtha Gautama,[note 2] Shakyamuni,[note 3] or simply the Buddha, was a sage[3] on whose teachings Buddhism was founded.[web 1] He is believed to have lived and taught mostly in eastern India sometime between the sixth and fourth centuries BCE.[4][note 4]

    Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national God of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]

    God was here and made the beginning ... He will be here to watch all other false gods and idols burn to the ground as well in the end...

  30. #310
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Yes, but if your a white collar criminal, I would repent " turn away " and find new career, or for the drug dealer, thief, or prostitute .., When one comes to Jesus, we no longer serve sin, it's below us... God is now our master, either we can serve God or " the other one " ...
    There is no middle..
    Nobody is our master. It's all up to us to work for own salvation. There is too much suffering in the world to believe in an omnipotent god. You mean to tell me we suffer because someone thousands of years ago decided to eat fruit from the wrong fukking tree? Come on now. It's time to grow up guys.

  31. #311
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Yahweh (/ˈjɑːhweɪ/, or often /ˈjɑːweɪ/ in English; Hebrew: יהוה‎), was the national God of the Iron Age kingdoms of Israel and Judah. The name may have originated as an epithet of the god El, head of the Bronze Age Canaanite pantheon ("El who is present, who makes himself manifest"),[1]:94–95 and appears to have been unique to Israel and Judah,[2]:184 although Yahweh may have been worshiped south of the Dead Sea at least three centuries before the emergence of Israel (the Kenite hypothesis). The earliest reference to a deity called "Yahweh" appears in Egyptian texts of the 13th century BC that place him among the Shasu-Bedu of southern Transjordan.[3]
    Which proves fu*k all. Thank you for this meaningless quote.

  32. #312
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    God is not a liberal kinda place where everyone gets a trophy. Just gotta accept the gift Jesus offers confess your sins and turn away from them. Really is pretty simple. He's not expecting perfection from us, just repentance.
    We must strive towards perfection though recon..

    Mathew 5:48

    Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.
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  33. #313
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    God was here and made the beginning ... He will be here to watch all other false gods and idols burn to the ground as well in the end...
    Only thing burning to the ground is Christianity which has had its balls chopped off by Charles Darwin and modern scientists.

  34. #314
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggy P View Post
    Nobody is our master. It's all up to us to work for own salvation. There is too much suffering in the world to believe in an omnipotent god. You mean to tell me we suffer because someone thousands of years ago decided to eat fruit from the wrong fukking tree? Come on now. It's time to grow up guys.
    This tree you speak of was the tree of knowledge of good and evil... Big deal Swaggy, very big deal... YAHWEH gave them one command ... to not eat of this tree, they will die.. Satan does what he does best and lied to Eve saying " surely you will not die " which is a double meaning lie.. That's how satan works he comes with a little truth wrapped in a whole lot of lies .. because we actually don't die " spiritually " either we go to hell or heaven.. and I'm sure there's different levels of both, Scriptures talk about a " third heaven " .. so most likely there's different parts of hell as well.. So yes now that they bit off the tree " Adam and Eve ".. We have to prove ourselves on earth and our heart and intentions ... because of this knowledge

  35. #315
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swaggy P View Post
    Only thing burning to the ground is Christianity which has had its balls chopped off by Charles Darwin and modern scientists.
    There's atheist becoming Christians all the time ...

    So I don't know what you mean there.

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