1. #176
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    Quote Originally Posted by cheapskate24 View Post
    dunk on them jew pussies im white i dunk worse than scwareneneggger

  2. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    How do you know there is one? Should one really feel him in ones heart?
    Years ago i saw pure evil manifest through a person. It opened my eyes and revelations reads like a current newspaper, this was all i needed to realize that God exist.
    Wish i could give detail on the event, but it was a unique incident that maybe i shouldn't divulge on a public website. What me and a buddy saw and dealt with was real and mentally disturbing.
    If evil exist is that not a sign God exist?
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  3. #178
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    You got me thinking now raccoon.

  4. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    You got me thinking now raccoon.
    I'll also tell you Boston that thing didn't fear me or my buddies, it feared 1 VERY old 80+ Y/O man from a local Christian establishment. Couple years went by and the more i thought about the incident it became apparent to me.

    1. I could keep living current lifestyle and become teammates with the shit me and some buddies dealt with when i die. or…….

    2. Fully accept the gift of Christ and live in peace.

    2. Was my selection.

    You for whatever reasons have come to a crossroads, wish you luck and hopefully you choose the only obvious selection.

    Only thing i changed when i accepted Jesus was i don't drink in large amounts and quit chasing skirts, my Wife is the only one i chase and I've always helped people throughout my life, now i do it in name of Jesus Christ. You don't have to be an uppity Christian, still have friends who tell dirty jokes etc. doesn't offend me. I guess you can say I'm at peace…..real peace.

    Good-luck Boston, let us know how it goes.

  5. #180
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    "I guess you can say I'm at peace…..real peace. "

    What a time for me to read this particular thread recon.
    A lover of sports-betting and a mathematician by trade, I find myself unemployed and and caring for my 2 aging parents
    both in their 80's. I have had practically no sense of peace for the last 15 years becasue of a out of control son who turned
    30 years of age on September 29th...... He died October 3rd ( 2 weeks ago) of a heroin overdose.
    How do I feel I don't really know but finding inner peace remains a priority. Even though I had not seen my son in 7 years
    he demonstrated " evil " , destructive, sociopathic tendencies from his early teenage years that were undeniable and truly unstoppable.I gave it everything I had and the effects
    Whether it be by finding Jesus or the 2 billion or so who follow eastern religions or whatever, I have to regroup and keep searching.

    What a topic to stumble on to in a sports betting site but we all love our betting and share that passion.

    Maybe "we" shouldn't trash each other so badly sometimes even in fun.

    Good luck with the games to all and PEACE.


  6. #181
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    Good luck finding peace my friend.

  7. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by DRB View Post
    "I guess you can say I'm at peace…..real peace. "

    What a time for me to read this particular thread recon.
    A lover of sports-betting and a mathematician by trade, I find myself unemployed and and caring for my 2 aging parents
    both in their 80's. I have had practically no sense of peace for the last 15 years becasue of a out of control son who turned
    30 years of age on September 29th...... He died October 3rd ( 2 weeks ago) of a heroin overdose.
    How do I feel I don't really know but finding inner peace remains a priority. Even though I had not seen my son in 7 years
    he demonstrated " evil " , destructive, sociopathic tendencies from his early teenage years that were undeniable and truly unstoppable.I gave it everything I had and the effects
    Whether it be by finding Jesus or the 2 billion or so who follow eastern religions or whatever, I have to regroup and keep searching.

    What a topic to stumble on to in a sports betting site but we all love our betting and share that passion.

    Maybe "we" shouldn't trash each other so badly sometimes even in fun.

    Good luck with the games to all and PEACE.


    I'd like to warn you about esoteric religion, It's not the religion of the true God.

    Really sorry to here about your Son and the conditions of your relationship with him when he died.

    Don't stop praying for his soul.

    I've been in some dire positions in life and i always seem to remember God NEVER promised us a smooth sailing life, but a life of adversity. Our gifts are not here, they are after our service here is over.

    I dealt with people like your Son on a daily bases, those people get the baddest wrap. I actually saw them as people with problems and convinced some will make it to heaven.

    Good-luck DRB.

    I will pray for your Son and you my friend

  8. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Years ago i saw pure evil manifest through a person. It opened my eyes and revelations reads like a current newspaper, this was all i needed to realize that God exist.
    Wish i could give detail on the event, but it was a unique incident that maybe i shouldn't divulge on a public website. What me and a buddy saw and dealt with was real and mentally disturbing.
    If evil exist is that not a sign God exist?
    not even in the slightest ... sorry about your buddy, but im sure it can be explained by drugs/mental disorder/attention seeking...who knows... so much evil goes unpunished and too many bad things happen to good people... the "god has a better plan" idea for the diseased dying kids/death of the young/bad shit happening to good people..etc. is the most beaten to death, whoreshit excuse used by people who are grasping for anything to help their "god" appear real...when the guesses/excuses start to fly, it makes the simpleton sheep appear more pitiful ...

    believe in yourself and what you can control
    Last edited by raydog; 10-22-14 at 12:09 AM.

  9. #184
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  10. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by raydog View Post
    not even in the slightest ... sorry about your buddy, but im sure it can be explained by drugs/mental disorder/attention seeking...who knows... so much evil goes unpunished and too many bad things happen to good people... the "god has a better plan" idea for the diseased dying kids/death of the young/bad shit happening to good people..etc. is the most beaten to death, whoreshit excuse used by people who are grasping for anything to help their "god" appear real...when the guesses/excuses start to fly, it makes the simpleton sheep appear more pitiful ...

    believe in yourself and what you can control
    Raydog sounds a lot like me when i was in denial. God never promised a bed of roses in fact his only Son was murdered, but somehow we should be special? God knows people can be tyrants and rejective of the real truth, but you are given an opportunity to choose your path. You talk of tragedy and disease like God is the one who causes both, but again fail to realize evil too exist and is very active. You think God created cancer? i think man created this disease and you need look no further than GMO foods. decisions, decisions…….
    The shit i and another had to deal with that night was not of this world. Kid had no mental illness, never consumed an illegal narcotic, was a successful student and baseball player for local college and not even 1 citation to his name. Once church was finished doing the dangerous job of dealing with these type things the parents sent kid to psychologist and he passed with praise. Kid is now and has been a profesional in his chosen field and coaches a successful high school baseball team.
    What was learned was he and a small group of about 12 people got caught being in house one Florida evening due to rain from a tropical depression. Someone suggested the ouija board while some where playing beer pong etc. I know some of those kids present that night have never recovered from that experience. All the kids later said they didn't believe in this board and thought it was just a novelty item since they bought it in a toys r us. I spoke with University cops after incident and they told me University refused to have clergy go through that dorm and clean it out. UPD and myself went to that room and it was the second time i felt pure evil in my life. Wanted to immediately throw up upon entrance and the UPD guy ran!. This is still when in my life i was like you in your views.
    University took the room off of registry for 3 years because of the lure of other students. Fast forward several years, a double murder took place in this dorm.

    Wish you luck in your search for truth, but decision is yours.

  11. #186
    It's not what they bring...
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    Whatever version you like, the truth is out there:


    I can't seem to put the video in directly so a link will have to do.

  12. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Raydog sounds a lot like me when i was in denial. God never promised a bed of roses in fact his only Son was murdered, but somehow we should be special? God knows people can be tyrants and rejective of the real truth, but you are given an opportunity to choose your path. You talk of tragedy and disease like God is the one who causes both, but again fail to realize evil too exist and is very active. You think God created cancer? i think man created this disease and you need look no further than GMO foods. decisions, decisions…….
    The shit i and another had to deal with that night was not of this world. Kid had no mental illness, never consumed an illegal narcotic, was a successful student and baseball player for local college and not even 1 citation to his name. Once church was finished doing the dangerous job of dealing with these type things the parents sent kid to psychologist and he passed with praise. Kid is now and has been a profesional in his chosen field and coaches a successful high school baseball team.
    What was learned was he and a small group of about 12 people got caught being in house one Florida evening due to rain from a tropical depression. Someone suggested the ouija board while some where playing beer pong etc. I know some of those kids present that night have never recovered from that experience. All the kids later said they didn't believe in this board and thought it was just a novelty item since they bought it in a toys r us. I spoke with University cops after incident and they told me University refused to have clergy go through that dorm and clean it out. UPD and myself went to that room and it was the second time i felt pure evil in my life. Wanted to immediately throw up upon entrance and the UPD guy ran!. This is still when in my life i was like you in your views.
    University took the room off of registry for 3 years because of the lure of other students. Fast forward several years, a double murder took place in this dorm.

    Wish you luck in your search for truth, but decision is yours.
    Wow, cool story. I've heard similar stories, but not in the 1st person. Have to be careful of those Ouija boards.
    They are gateways to the underworld if used wrong. Used it when was a kid. It's cool how it works.

    I think non believers get confused with free will. God gave us free will, but we should remember who gave it to us.

    I'm going deep here. Each one of us has planned our lives before we came here. Some come here to learn something. Some come here to help others. Yes, even some come here to kill.

    We are all different, but are the same. If you are a strung out druggie and die from it, that's what you came here to
    experience. Your struggles and dying, might've helped others around you. It's all intertwined.

    Some tragic stories are actually how those people wanted to die. Some bring public light to their death.

    Some of us have been here many times. Others, their 1st time here.

    There's a lot of youtubers on here, check out the videos of people who died and came back. Listen to the common
    denominators. It might change your views.

  13. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    Wow, cool story. I've heard similar stories, but not in the 1st person. Have to be careful of those Ouija boards.
    They are gateways to the underworld if used wrong. Used it when was a kid. It's cool how it works.

    I think non believers get confused with free will. God gave us free will, but we should remember who gave it to us.

    I'm going deep here. Each one of us has planned our lives before we came here. Some come here to learn something. Some come here to help others. Yes, even some come here to kill.

    We are all different, but are the same. If you are a strung out druggie and die from it, that's what you came here to
    experience. Your struggles and dying, might've helped others around you. It's all intertwined.

    Some tragic stories are actually how those people wanted to die. Some bring public light to their death.

    Some of us have been here many times. Others, their 1st time here.

    There's a lot of youtubers on here, check out the videos of people who died and came back. Listen to the common
    denominators. It might change your views.
    Well said Kelly

  14. #189
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    Raydog sounds a lot like me when i was in denial. God never promised a bed of roses in fact his only Son was murdered, but somehow we should be special? God knows people can be tyrants and rejective of the real truth, but you are given an opportunity to choose your path. You talk of tragedy and disease like God is the one who causes both, but again fail to realize evil too exist and is very active. You think God created cancer? i think man created this disease and you need look no further than GMO foods. decisions, decisions…….
    The shit i and another had to deal with that night was not of this world. Kid had no mental illness, never consumed an illegal narcotic, was a successful student and baseball player for local college and not even 1 citation to his name. Once church was finished doing the dangerous job of dealing with these type things the parents sent kid to psychologist and he passed with praise. Kid is now and has been a profesional in his chosen field and coaches a successful high school baseball team.
    What was learned was he and a small group of about 12 people got caught being in house one Florida evening due to rain from a tropical depression. Someone suggested the ouija board while some where playing beer pong etc. I know some of those kids present that night have never recovered from that experience. All the kids later said they didn't believe in this board and thought it was just a novelty item since they bought it in a toys r us. I spoke with University cops after incident and they told me University refused to have clergy go through that dorm and clean it out. UPD and myself went to that room and it was the second time i felt pure evil in my life. Wanted to immediately throw up upon entrance and the UPD guy ran!. This is still when in my life i was like you in your views.
    University took the room off of registry for 3 years because of the lure of other students. Fast forward several years, a double murder took place in this dorm.

    Wish you luck in your search for truth, but decision is yours.
    You got any links for this story? At least when did this happen and what school?

  15. #190
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtymer56 View Post
    You got any links for this story? At least when did this happen and what school?
    No further info at this time. Was and is a sensitive incident.

  16. #191
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    If nothing else it gets people thinking/talking/searching in this thread.

  17. #192
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcoloco View Post
    Or leprechauns

  19. #194
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    No further info at this time. Was and is a sensitive incident.
    Has a story that reads like something out of a horror novel but when asked can't provide any real details. How convenient.

    Can you at least tell us about the double murder?
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcoloco View Post
    That's great.

  21. #196
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Gods real... Go out and look at the grasp that evil has on people and then look at the ones among the chaos who walk in peace knowing what's going on around them. This is the game of life and everyone has a role. When a guy signs up for the army he must know what he's getting involved in, he can die for the army. Well I signed up for God and would risk my life for that. Even if you don't believe in a higher power, a good and evil, the people running the show do, so you will be effected indirectly. They want to lock away your minds and hearts to nothing of value. Just watch tv, movies, play games, watch games, go to parties, back to work, more games, they keep you moving so you don't have time to think, sit back for a second and put some things in perspective and you tell me.... If Gods real. ..bg
    Excellent post

    Would love to worship with you sometime

  22. #197
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    Well put Brainy

  23. #198
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    Quote Originally Posted by recon1 View Post
    That's great.
    So we cant get anything else on the haunted dorm? Demons and evil aside, sounds like it would be interesting.

  24. #199
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    I'd be interested in a hayride

  25. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcoloco View Post
    Can someone explain how this is comparable to not believing in God?

    I must be missing something because I highly doubt any nonbeliever (or any rational person for that matter) would answer no that question...since you know, we actually have proof of where babies come from, and can see it everyday of our lives.

  26. #201
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    I think non believers get confused with free will. God gave us free will, but we should remember who gave it to us.

    I'm going deep here. Each one of us has planned our lives before we came here. Some come here to learn something. Some come here to help others. Yes, even some come here to kill
    Just a question here is all. if that is the case, and everything is planned out and God is infallible, why pray?

    why is prayer such a central tenet of major religions if every movement and action of every living thing has been predetermined by a superior being? meaning your prayers will have no influence on the outcome of your life, yet you are expected to take all things to God in prayer.
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  27. #202
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    Quote Originally Posted by statnerds View Post
    Just a question here is all. if that is the case, and everything is planned out and God is infallible, why pray?

    why is prayer such a central tenet of major religions if every movement and action of every living thing has been predetermined by a superior being? meaning your prayers will have no influence on the outcome of your life, yet you are expected to take all things to God in prayer.
    U bring up good points. So if people pray for a certain outcome does God finally say " ok enough people prayed for it so I will take care of it".

    Maybe it's one of those things that we are not supposed to understand.

  28. #203
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    Quote Originally Posted by laclippers504 View Post
    Excellent post

    Would love to worship with you sometime
    Every second of everyday I'm worshiping God, even if I'm at a red light, Im always praying for those around me, where ever I am.. But when I have a ministry I'd love for you to come by, Do you go to a particular church, it's ok to pm me as well laclippers504 Thank you for the comment as well, God bless you

  29. #204
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    Life is to short even if u live 100 years

  30. #205
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    If there was a god, BYU would have won the BCS more often, you would think.

  31. #206
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    Good point mo

  32. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoMoneyMoVaughn View Post
    If there was a god, BYU would have won the BCS more often, you would think.
    Same with Notre Dame

  33. #208
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    Quote Originally Posted by statnerds View Post
    Just a question here is all. if that is the case, and everything is planned out and God is infallible, why pray?

    why is prayer such a central tenet of major religions if every movement and action of every living thing has been predetermined by a superior being? meaning your prayers will have no influence on the outcome of your life, yet you are expected to take all things to God in prayer.
    That's where your free will comes into play. Your initial plans can be changed at anytime.

    Organized religion is, in my view, a social structure. People follow each other. A united we stand, divided we fall thing. Some use religion to socialize, some use it to further their business contacts and some use it to just belong to something. Sort of like us in this forum.

    Some swear by praying. Prayer groups concentrate on one thing or a person. Is praying a power of suggestion or
    is it a power we can't see? Is prayer just a social thing because everyone else is doing it?

    How do you know praying doesn't have an influence on the outcome of your life or for those you pray for?
    Think long and hard, I'll bet you can think of something that has come to fruition from a simple prayer or talked
    to yourself in the hope of an outcome.

    I have too many to count, but be careful what you wish/ pray for. Sometimes it doesn't go your way.

    When praying or talking to an entity of unknown origin and you get a little tingle up your spine,
    you've made contact. That's your physical confirmation.
    Last edited by rkelly110; 10-25-14 at 10:17 AM.

  34. #209
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    Matthew 6:7-13King James Version (KJV)

    The Lord's Prayer
    …7"And when you are praying, do not use meaningless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they suppose that they will be heard for their many words. 8"So do not be like them; for your Father knows what you need before you ask Him.


    9 After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.

    10 Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.

    11 Give us this day our daily bread.

    12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.

    13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

  35. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    When praying or talking to an entity of unknown origin and you get a little tingle up your spine,
    you've made contact. That's your physical confirmation.
    You must be a hoot to be around during earthquakes or an eclipse.

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