1. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by onemoregoal View Post
    where is the devil in all of this?
    why arent there any talking snakes nowadays?
    If they were available, I'd buy one!
    Or a dinosaur!

  2. #107
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    Quote Originally Posted by onemoregoal View Post
    Lucifer became a snake and the snake told eve not to eat an apple, but eve ate the apple,
    did she eat the apple?
    what happens?
    why are we still eating apples and not killing all snakes?
    shouldnt christians be killing snakes?
    wasn't lucifer the best of god's angels? if they were in heaven, the place where eternal happiness takes place, why did lucifer have evil thoughts and evil intentions? was it jealousy? was it ego? if so, i thought those things didn't exist in heaven?

  3. #108
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    Kenny Stabler?

  4. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    wasn't lucifer the best of god's angels? if they were in heaven, the place where eternal happiness takes place, why did lucifer have evil thoughts and evil intentions? was it jealousy? was it ego? if so, i thought those things didn't exist in heaven?
    Im not sure. Maybe he took an apple from the forbidden garden, with himself to heaven. He then ate the apple and turned evil.
    then he turned into a snake, came back to the garden and told eve to eat some apple, just after eve was created from adams rib who was just randomly created himself.
    im not sure, though, i really believe this is what happened though and this is my faith.

  5. #110
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    come on guys, his is just too good. if im not top 10 im gonna pull my teeth out.

  6. #111
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    doesnt the bible say our planet was created 5000 years ago and everything was created in 7 days?
    if yes, then shouldt a mod throw this topic in the junk forum?, they do it with my topics all the time

  7. #112
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    Maybe it was reverse dog years.

  8. #113
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    God is real Boston Gambler. Pray my friend, and I'll pray for you. We were created with free choice, and not made to be computers. Love brings forth trust, and if that trust isn't returned, there is a consequence. God reveals himself to everyone. Some people may ask what kind of all-loving God would give you an option of good or evil? Well then my question to you would be..... if you love someone, and they choose to leave the relationship your in with them, do you force them to stay with you? No friend. I am glad to be given the opportunity to share a quote from Nikola Tesla, the inventor of 111 patents; Tesla is namely known for his discovery and innovative use of the altering current and wireless "free" energy. "The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work." - Nikola Tesla.

    I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiving my sins, and helping me realize what is important when I came and prayed.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I hope you have a great day friend.
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  9. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bankroll First View Post
    God is real Boston Gambler. Pray my friend, and I'll pray for you. We were created with free choice, and not made to be computers. Love brings forth trust, and if that trust isn't returned, there is a consequence. God reveals himself to everyone. Some people may ask what kind of all-loving God would give you an option of good or evil? Well then my question to you would be..... if you love someone, and they choose to leave the relationship your in with them, do you force them to stay with you? No friend. I am glad to be given the opportunity to share a quote from Nikola Tesla, the inventor of 111 patents; Tesla is namely known for his discovery and innovative use of the altering current and wireless "free" energy. "The gift of mental power comes from God, Divine Being, and if we concentrate our minds on that truth, we become in tune with this great power. My Mother had taught me to seek all truth in the Bible; therefore I devoted the next few months to the study of this work." - Nikola Tesla.

    I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for forgiving my sins, and helping me realize what is important when I came and prayed.

    Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I hope you have a great day friend.
    do you like apples and snakes?

  10. #115
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    ^LOL. I don't think you can invent a patent. Just saying. Not that that's even the nuttiest part of your post, it was just the easiest to respond to without sounding like a dick to all of the bible thumpers out there...

  11. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    wasn't lucifer the best of god's angels? if they were in heaven, the place where eternal happiness takes place, why did lucifer have evil thoughts and evil intentions? was it jealousy? was it ego? if so, i thought those things didn't exist in heaven?
    He was a musical Angel and became full of iniquity. Lucifer thought to use his power for his splendor. He wanted to rise above God and "try" to be like the most high, he gave that line to some of the angels "we our gods". Michael the Arch Angel had to bat him and his friends down and now they roam the earth before God sends them back where they belong. Lucifer parted from God and therefore was full of darkness. Just read some of the bible.

  12. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    He was a musical Angel and became full of iniquity. Lucifer thought to use his power for his splendor. He wanted to rise above God and "try" to be like the most high, he gave that line to some of the angels "we our gods". Michael the Arch Angel had to bat him and his friends down and now they roam the earth before God sends them back where they belong. Lucifer parted from God and therefore was full of darkness. Just read some of the bible.
    did this take place in heaven? i thought everything was jolly over there.

  13. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    He was a musical Angel and became full of iniquity. Lucifer thought to use his power for his splendor. He wanted to rise above God and "try" to be like the most high, he gave that line to some of the angels "we our gods". Michael the Arch Angel had to bat him and his friends down and now they roam the earth before God sends them back where they belong. Lucifer parted from God and therefore was full of darkness. Just read some of the bible.
    literally with his wings? he batted him with the wings?
    like a bat?
    this reminds me of some adam sandler film, forget the name.

  14. #119
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    also, God should have let Lucifer have his moment. Why was god so selfish? He should have risen above it

  15. #120
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    He did...why we have a choice...

  16. #121
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    Quote Originally Posted by onemoregoal View Post
    literally with his wings? he batted him with the wings?
    like a bat?
    this reminds me of some adam sandler film, forget the name.
    Little Nicky?
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  17. #122
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    yes little nicky! haha such a random film.

  18. #123
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    Worst part of this thread by miles is the sad reality for the people who believe in "God" - and yet so ignorant about the fact that the bible is not, was not, and will NEVER be a scientific textbook...

    I believe that there is a God, and yet I have NO doubt 100% whatsoever that evolution is a 100% accurate scientific theory.

    The difference between any atheist and myself literally comes down to the fact I believe in a "jump" - a "leap of faith" as to the entity that created us - not some ridiculous myth about an ark, or 7 day's of "whalla"...

    The ancient text was made for people to pass on in its simplicty, and beauty of understanding... Now that we have "evolved" past that point, my faith isn't ruined by Bill Nye vs Jon Hamm and Eggs debate... I have more in common with Nye.

    Don't let the fools make this an evolution vs creation debate, because that is that is just lowering the discussion to plain ignorance.

  19. #124
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    Yes. The definition of a patent comes as follows. Patent : a government authority or license conferring a right or title for a set period, especially the sole right to exclude others from making, using, or selling an invention.

    So a patent and invention are relative. In order to create a patent you need an invention.

  20. #125
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    I always say, " Well I didn't create myself",

  21. #126
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    Just got a chance to read 3 pages of this thread. Brainfreeze... you keep talking. I like reading your input. You're unlocking closed doors inside my brain... from when I went K-12 in Private Catholic Schooling. It's unfortunate that life changes you. I feel like I've changed. You give me hope Brainfreeze. Even though there will always be a battle if there is a god... or there wasn't a god. It's a great read.

  22. #127
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    Quote Originally Posted by BetterBizness View Post
    Worst part of this thread by miles is the sad reality for the people who believe in "God" - and yet so ignorant about the fact that the bible is not, was not, and will NEVER be a scientific textbook...

    I believe that there is a God, and yet I have NO doubt 100% whatsoever that evolution is a 100% accurate scientific theory.

    The difference between any atheist and myself literally comes down to the fact I believe in a "jump" - a "leap of faith" as to the entity that created us - not some ridiculous myth about an ark, or 7 day's of "whalla"...

    The ancient text was made for people to pass on in its simplicty, and beauty of understanding... Now that we have "evolved" past that point, my faith isn't ruined by Bill Nye vs Jon Hamm and Eggs debate... I have more in common with Nye.

    Don't let the fools make this an evolution vs creation debate, because that is that is just lowering the discussion to plain ignorance.
    Ah, but you see

    We can't have this conversation without evolution because evolution is all we are

    It's 100% of our past

  23. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Just got a chance to read 3 pages of this thread. Brainfreeze... you keep talking. I like reading your input. You're unlocking closed doors inside my brain... from when I went K-12 in Private Catholic Schooling. It's unfortunate that life changes you. I feel like I've changed. You give me hope Brainfreeze. Even though there will always be a battle if there is a god... or there wasn't a god. It's a great read.
    Change, real change... Is a great thing, I went to a few catholic school as well when I was a child but didn't graduate and I must've not been listening, got a G.E.D on my own. Everything we're talking about here, I learned on my own. I was searching a dedicated search, no man stored for me the faith I have, Jesus alone. If you take God serious, He takes you serious, He knows your heart, I'll pray for ya dude.

  24. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post
    If you really think about it, we're all gods. We can create life and take it away. Isn't that the idea behind most of the bible and other religious texts? We can do amazing shit like cure cancer and other diseases. But, the reality is that the universe is infinite. There is no possible way to explain everything. The theory of one being who holds all of the answers is tempting, but highly improbable.
    The universe isn't infinite. It's finite and expanding. Try wrapping your mind around that.

  25. #130
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    Boston Gambler, if you want to know what real Christianity is about, watch the move Ragamuffin. It's the first time I've ever really heard the Gospel in media for what it truly is. Everyone of us is dead in our own sin, pain, loneliness, struggles, and none of us are what we should be. And very soon, we'll all be dead. Let that be a clue as you search your own heart and see your own desperation. There is no hope without God and mercy. The message of the Cross is about God taking the form of a man and bleeding and dying as a sacrifice for everything we have done or will do in the future. It paid for everything. God loves us not because of any good we've done. He invites all of us into redemption and eternal glory, we just have to admit that we need him. The rest is done by him.

    You don't get that message in church very often.
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  26. #131
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    Quote Originally Posted by GUMMO77 View Post
    Only a higher power could create something like this.

    Attachment 70739
    That's definitely a very good start to the thought process.

  27. #132
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    BG, I'll keep it simple. Do you really have enough faith to believe that the earth can continuously revolve around the sun in perfect order day after day if there is no pilot guiding it? Do you believe that your lungs can breathe and your heart can keep beating and your body can digest food to keep you alive, or if there wasn't a Creator that designed you? That the two HD cameras in your eyelids can transmit signals to your brain that translate to sight, and they just evolved from nothingness, then a Big Bang, then time........then order? I don't have enough faith to be an atheist.

    Follow your heart and your inner yearnings. They all point to a great need for God. I don't think you'd be asking this question if you didn't already have some sort of inkling of that.
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  28. #133
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    Also, don't listen to all the so called smart people that say science says there is no God. The Bible says that the message of the Cross is foolishness to those that are perishing....that we became fools to the world for the sake of God. Block out all the noise, look at your heart, and go from there. Following God is not easy, and you will always be imperfect and make many mistakes. It's not about being good, it's about grace.
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  29. #134
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    He made all those babies with AIDs in Africa exactly how he wanted?
    in fairness, black babies with AIDS should blame their mothers

  30. #135
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    Very well said Albert. Good job.

  31. #136
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    Ah, but you see

    We can't have this conversation without evolution because evolution is all we are

    It's 100% of our past
    Ah, but we can... I don't have to disagree with ANYTHING you say if I believe the big bang was created in the convoluted sense of what we know as the first moment of time. The only place you and I would differ is the idea of "pure" randomness... it's not a perfect discussion, but we're at least not talking about 7 literal days of magic...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Albert Pujols View Post
    Also, don't listen to all the so called smart people that say science says there is no God. The Bible says that the message of the Cross is foolishness to those that are perishing....that we became fools to the world for the sake of God. Block out all the noise, look at your heart, and go from there. Following God is not easy, and you will always be imperfect and make many mistakes. It's not about being good, it's about grace.
    Every moment in my life I see science... I am in awe at how it was created. I choose to belive it was created with a purpose rather than randomness. No bibical text is going to change my thought, nor should it, that I am a fool for believing this way. The fools are the ones that believe that the bible is to be read literally, and fundamentally. There are messages within the text, but clearly the debates fall within all the people trying to be right all the time.

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    Somewhere I read about finding God in the shadows...

    This thread has brought that thought to life.

  34. #139
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    since you have chicks in your avatar, so what came first chicken or the egg?

  35. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    since you have chicks in your avatar, so what came first chicken or the egg?
    Bacon first...

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