1. #157991
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
    Daggles knew.
    I'm still sporting a stiffy.
    Daggles knew, he knew.

  2. #157992
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfmanmeadows View Post
    humans might give up on dogs, but dogs don't give up on humans
    Look at how happy that good boy is.
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  3. #157993
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    Just like your pal Nasher's expression right after Tessie Dog rips an extra gassy silencer.

  4. #157994
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    Stormy's got a serious case of the M.A.D's going on.
    Those fun bags of hers are pretty much scraping the floor.

  5. #157995
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    Nasher, can you name them all?

  6. #157996
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    No, but I'll die with a smile on my face trying to.

    There aren't enough weekends in the year to get in all that motorboating.

  7. #157997
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Welcome to the fuk shop!

    Funny, was just thinking when I saw that, there’s NO F#CKING WAY IN HELL Slash & Eddie signed off on letting 2 Live Crew use their guitar riffs for that song…..

  8. #157998
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    Just got my hair cut, I look like a male bimbo.
    A mimbo.

  9. #157999
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
    Just got my hair cut, I look like a male bimbo.
    A mimbo.

  10. #158000
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  11. #158001
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post

    This is genius.
    Ship those turds off to the shitty part of town.

  12. #158002
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    If it's poo related, I'm down.

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  14. #158004
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    That made me laugh.
    Well played sir.

  15. #158005
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    A.K.A. - ‘The Polish Spy Balloon’…..

    Ahhhh, Polack jokes. I remember my dad & granddad told them all the time…..
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  16. #158006
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
    A.K.A. - ‘The Polish Spy Balloon’…..

    Ahhhh, Polack jokes. I remember my dad & granddad told them all the time…..
    Polish guy walks into the pub, sits down, the barkeep says "what'll it be fella"?
    The man says "I'll have a thirteen please"
    Bartender says "Thirteen, what's a thirteen"?
    Polish dude says "You know, a seven and seven"

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    Quote Originally Posted by MaltedHopsFrenzy View Post
    A.K.A. - ‘The Polish Spy Balloon’…..

    Ahhhh, Polack jokes. I remember my dad & granddad told them all the time…..
    Basically back when we could tell all kinda jokes.

    I was telling my neighbor dude a joke the other night.

    He almost choked on his whisky. His wife gave me the evil
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  18. #158008
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Basically back when we could tell all kinda jokes.

    I was telling my neighbor dude a joke the other night.

    He almost choked on his whisky. His wife gave me the evil

    All this time, had no idea we were neighbors!

  19. #158009
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Basically back when we could tell all kinda jokes.

    I was telling my neighbor dude a joke the other night.

    He almost choked on his whisky. His wife gave me the evil
    Back in the day when we were all kids we grew up with Archie Bunker on the looky-loo.

    Archie will tell Irish jokes, and Catholic jokes, and black jokes, and Puerto Rican jokes, and Italian jokes, no ethnic group was spared, and all the kiddies like me and you, and their moms and dads, all of us laughed and laughed at them and nobody got butt hurt, not a single one.

    The third rule of comedy states "It's always funny until it's about you" but we all back in the day understood all that, but we all knew also the jokes were told without malicious intent, we laughed at the ignorance, the ignorance is what amused us.

    Sometime after Archie Bunker left the airwaves and before today we all became pretty much a nation of Karen's, a nation where you get cancelled for calling the main bedroom of your home the 'master bedroom' and you can't call your maple syrup Aunt Jemima any longer, and God forbid you can't root for the Washington Redskins and the Cleveland Indians any longer too because if you did you're labeled a racist in our nation of Karen's, or worse, you got cancelled as well.

    What's sad is that a poll showed 92 percent of all American Indians said "Cleveland Indians" did not bother them one bit.

    Makes you wish you were a kid again when harmless off color jokes did not matter, what mattered were news about A-Bombs that could wipe us all out, those things mattered more than teams named the Indians or Redskins.

    Man walks into the bar, sits on the empty stool next to a beautiful, stunning blonde.
    Man says to the bartended, "Barkeep, give the young lady a drink, on me"
    Twenty minutes later "Buy her another" and so on and so forth.

    After two hours and six rounds later the man says to the blonde, "Let's finish this at my place"
    Blonde says to the man "Sounds good, but there is just one thing you need to know"
    Man says "what's that"?
    Lady says "I'm a lesbian"

    Dude says "No shit? How's everything back in Beirut"

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  21. #158011
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    Quote Originally Posted by wolfmanmeadows View Post
    I didn't see it as Fidel attacking Nasher. He specifically said "not mods". He did say Shut the F Up, but that was more of being an asshole, I don't view that as a serious attack. The phrase "fighting to keep this thread alive" could be interpreted that this thread is on the chopping block. Maybe one could think that there is a hidden agenda that the Admins are trying to crush this thread, there has been a lot of new changes going on at SBR. Maybe Fidel was coming from the angle "I'm not sure what is and isn't allowed, is this thread on the chopping block?" Maybe he was just looking for more clear communication and felt like he didn't want to be posting with an axe over his head on this thread ending after all that's been invested. That was a possible interpretation, not speaking for anyone.

    Also I don't think anyone is obligated to post on an open discussion forum. You can leave or take a long term break for whatever personal reasons. Any reasons for not posting whether how little or serious is your personal business and you don't have to share that with anyone...
    I have to agree with this. This is pretty much exactly what I was planning to post ^^^^, exactly.

    Just what did CashFlow do to get banned?

    From everything I just read, to this point, I don't see it, not at all. I have been out for a week or so, so perhaps there are posts that were so bad they were deleted.

    Not gonna lie Opti, I'm having trouble seeing why you got, as you put it, so bent out of shape. With all due respect. Seems like things escalated very quickly when I saw it as CashFlow as seeking clarification. This has nothing to do with a poop photo and everything to do with that peculiar phrase about trying to save this thread. Was that over one post of poop, or a broader concept there? That never got answered.

    As far as the post "ohh shut the fuk up" that was hardly a shot, but the Jerky laughing could be seen as piling on, but it wasn't. I still don't see it as enough. Again, there must be posts I didn't see. Ghosting the thread? What?

    I'm owed no answers, so that's fine if there are none, but I can't take what I see at face value here, a banning just doesn't add up to me. There just aren't enough posts there for that, are there?

    I've been busy, took a break from SBR to get caught up and focused. It seems when I do that I always come back to shit, but I just don't know about this one.

    I think it was Donker talking about owners and posters learning each other's expectations. Those words made some sense.

    Did times really change that much?

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  22. #158012
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    It's OK, you can blame Nasher for coming back to a 'shit show'
    Blame it on the white dude.

  23. #158013
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    Not looking for someone to blame, just trying to figure out what the hell went down.

    Seems like, instead of banning someone, this could have very easily been worked out.

    I just don't get it.

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  25. #158015
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post

    Nice Knickers

  26. #158016
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    I have to agree with this. This is pretty much exactly what I was planning to post ^^^^, exactly.

    Just what did CashFlow do to get banned?

    From everything I just read, to this point, I don't see it, not at all. I have been out for a week or so, so perhaps there are posts that were so bad they were deleted.

    Not gonna lie Opti, I'm having trouble seeing why you got, as you put it, so bent out of shape. With all due respect. Seems like things escalated very quickly when I saw it as CashFlow as seeking clarification. This has nothing to do with a poop photo and everything to do with that peculiar phrase about trying to save this thread. Was that over one post of poop, or a broader concept there? That never got answered.

    As far as the post "ohh shut the fuk up" that was hardly a shot, but the Jerky laughing could be seen as piling on, but it wasn't. I still don't see it as enough. Again, there must be posts I didn't see. Ghosting the thread? What?

    I'm owed no answers, so that's fine if there are none, but I can't take what I see at face value here, a banning just doesn't add up to me. There just aren't enough posts there for that, are there?

    I've been busy, took a break from SBR to get caught up and focused. It seems when I do that I always come back to shit, but I just don't know about this one.

    I think it was Donker talking about owners and posters learning each other's expectations. Those words made some sense.

    Did times really change that much?
    First bold; I don't agree. At all.

    Second bold; Already posted that nothing has changed. That was Fidel's LIE to act like a Karen and disrespect the green new mod, who was his friend the day before.

    Fugg that guy if he thinks he is entitled to back stab Steve on day one like he did.

    Anyway, if Fidel wants to email me to discuss it himself, he can.

    Not looking for someone to blame, just trying to figure out what the hell went down.

    Seems like, instead of banning someone, this could have very easily been worked out.

    I just don't get it.

    He isnt banned, he is suspended for another couple of weeks.

    And if anyone makes the new mods lives hard, they will get at least what Fidel got and maybe worse from me immediately every time. Coming from him, in this thread, it was extra low.

    Fidel had gthat choice first KVB. He could have worked out or discussed his issue with Steve if he wanted to work anything out.

    I saw nothing to work out by the time he had ranted. He had over stepped the line and if he can choose to abuse SBR and Steve over multiple angry posts, I can choose to remove him from the forum.

    He already showed he has no respect for you or Diggity or anyone else in this thread when he ghosted ya'll then came back crying/lying that he could not say a word as he was too sick or some shit.

    Now he has run a bus over Steve showing he has no respect for you guys again.

    I don't care either way if he returns. Go make a new thread and forget this one now is my suggestion. Forget the guy.
    Last edited by Optional; 04-08-23 at 06:31 AM.

  27. #158017
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  28. #158018
    pay Bobby
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  29. #158019
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    I still don't get it. I don't see a ban worthy rant, I don't see anyone under a bus, I also don't see an admin, as was requested initially.

    Still no answer about "saving the thread" and just what that meant.

    It is what it is, decisions have been made. I think there was unnecessary escalation there.

    I'm not here to argue, that's how I see it.

    If I were a mod or admin, I would have addressed the posters concerns before acting so harshly. But I am not those, and don't know the training they gave, if any.

    I also think that when CashFlow says "Oh shut the fukk up" and it's immediately followed by Nasher saying "back at you slick" with a laughing guy that it's hard to say there was a ton of disrespect there. If there was, it certainly didn't land with Nashers response. Then a third party comes in and decides who is disrespected and who isn't withouth the initial parties even being asked.

    Again, I'm not going to argue, just showing how I saw it.

    But I will take a stand in one spot, because it pisses me off.

    This nonsense needs to stop, please...

    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    ...He already showed he has no respect for you or Diggity or anyone else in this thread when he ghosted ya'll then came back crying/lying that he could not say a word as he was too sick or some shit...
    Show some respect yourself.

    You actually doubled down on this concept too.

    None of us were disrespected and that's just a foolish take on the situation.

    I just took a week off, for a few reasons, and routinely take time off around the turn of the year. I guess I disrespected everyone.

    I guess that's forum eitquette, I missed that class.

    But that little sentence I quoted is, to me, the single most disrespectful thing I've read at SBR in a long time. I'm not going to hold it against you because you clearly do not know the situation. After all, how could you?

    You should still apologize, it's wrong to say, an unwarranted attitude, and I think you know it. Maybe you don't, but I do, and you should at least think about it, and why I might be so vocal with this issue. I'm listening to you, I see you rushing to a mod's defense, even if I think you may have jumped the gun. But I'm still listening, and trying to see all the viewpoints. I hope it goes both ways.

    As someone who does have respect for all parties involved, this whole situation seems so off. It just doesn't sit well with me.

    Nasher says "blame the white guy" and then laughs about it. I know it's all over now, but I don't think it's funny.

    As posters, we can't even learn a lesson in expected behaviour here, because there may not be one. I get the part about abusing mods, but I don't see how it applies here, or, at least, I think it's being used very loosely.

    One mod is laughing, while the other is clearly not. Which one was abused? I'm the first to say the mods are posters too, I just wish the switching of hats is done with a little more tact.

    Shit, I don't even know if this post will be considered running a bus over a mod, or as a back stabbing disrespectful post. It shouldn't be, I post this as conversation, about an incident, not an argument or fight.

    But I don't know. I really don't. Is that the disposition posters should be in?

    Ok, I've said my piece/peace and that's that. Outside of answering a specific question, I don't plan to revisit this topic in this thread or anywhere. I don't plan too, but I really do draw the line at the whole ghosting the thread and disrespecting accusation. It's not about me, and any lack of communication I've done personally, God knows I'm guilty of it, it's about knowing the situation specifically and I see it as totally uncalled for.

    We all have things going on outside of the Forum,, that should always be respected, but even more so when our health is at stake.

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  31. #158021
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  32. #158022
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    I still don't get it. I don't see a ban worthy rant, I don't see anyone under a bus, I also don't see an admin, as was requested initially.

    Still no answer about "saving the thread" and just what that meant.

    It is what it is, decisions have been made. I think there was unnecessary escalation there.

    I'm not here to argue, that's how I see it.

    If I were a mod or admin, I would have addressed the posters concerns before acting so harshly. But I am not those, and don't know the training they gave, if any.

    I also think that when CashFlow says "Oh shut the fukk up" and it's immediately followed by Nasher saying "back at you slick" with a laughing guy that it's hard to say there was a ton of disrespect there. If there was, it certainly didn't land with Nashers response. Then a third party comes in and decides who is disrespected and who isn't withouth the initial parties even being asked.

    Again, I'm not going to argue, just showing how I saw it.

    But I will take a stand in one spot, because it pisses me off.

    This nonsense needs to stop, please...

    Show some respect yourself.

    You actually doubled down on this concept too.

    None of us were disrespected and that's just a foolish take on the situation.

    I just took a week off, for a few reasons, and routinely take time off around the turn of the year. I guess I disrespected everyone.

    I guess that's forum eitquette, I missed that class.

    But that little sentence I quoted is, to me, the single most disrespectful thing I've read at SBR in a long time. I'm not going to hold it against you because you clearly do not know the situation. After all, how could you?

    You should still apologize, it's wrong to say, an unwarranted attitude, and I think you know it. Maybe you don't, but I do, and you should at least think about it, and why I might be so vocal with this issue. I'm listening to you, I see you rushing to a mod's defense, even if I think you may have jumped the gun. But I'm still listening, and trying to see all the viewpoints. I hope it goes both ways.

    As someone who does have respect for all parties involved, this whole situation seems so off. It just doesn't sit well with me.

    Nasher says "blame the white guy" and then laughs about it. I know it's all over now, but I don't think it's funny.

    As posters, we can't even learn a lesson in expected behaviour here, because there may not be one. I get the part about abusing mods, but I don't see how it applies here, or, at least, I think it's being used very loosely.

    One mod is laughing, while the other is clearly not. Which one was abused? I'm the first to say the mods are posters too, I just wish the switching of hats is done with a little more tact.

    Shit, I don't even know if this post will be considered running a bus over a mod, or as a back stabbing disrespectful post. It shouldn't be, I post this as conversation, about an incident, not an argument or fight.

    But I don't know. I really don't. Is that the disposition posters should be in?

    Ok, I've said my piece/peace and that's that. Outside of answering a specific question, I don't plan to revisit this topic in this thread or anywhere. I don't plan too, but I really do draw the line at the whole ghosting the thread and disrespecting accusation. It's not about me, and any lack of communication I've done personally, God knows I'm guilty of it, it's about knowing the situation specifically and I see it as totally uncalled for.

    We all have things going on outside of the Forum,, that should always be respected, but even more so when our health is at stake.
    I don't agree. Not sure what else to say without writing a thesis in reply too, but I think you are wrong (or misguided or poorly informed) in almost every point you made.

  33. #158023
    Huck Fobos
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    who is steve????????

  34. #158024
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    Quote Originally Posted by gauchojake View Post

    who is steve????????

  35. #158025
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