1. #1
    ChuckyTheGoat's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Most ridiculous Poker Hand ever


    I met this guy at a more recent WSOP few years ago. I asked him "Hit any Royals lately?"

    He said "Not lately." And I gave him the fist-pump.

    Insane hand, improbable to impossible:
    1) Phillips holds the nuts on the turn with a Flush re-draw. One out to a Royal.
    2) Mabuchi flops top set. On the turn, he's drawing to Ten Outs that are Aces Full or better.

    On river:
    *Mabuchi catches one of his ten outs.
    ...Problem is that he catches the ONE out that improves him to Quads.
    ...And THAT is the card that makes Phillips' Royal.

    Come on. Can't make this stuff up.


  2. #2
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    Josherzz1's Avatar SBR High Roller
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    That hand is unreal, haha. I remember watching that on ESPN back in the day. Ahh, good times.
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  3. #3
    OldBill's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    wow i thought mines was bad a tourney on legit oline poker site

    i ahve AA flop 10 A K turn K im all in caled by two others pocket piar Queen Q spdes Q diamnds other drawing dead J 10

    so river card comes J spades so waiting for chips to come to me nope QQ made a royal because the borad had A 10 K Jack spades

    and with full table 6 players and one J out in J 10 there was 30 cards left in deck

  4. #4
    OldBill's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    b tw this is why i never play holdem i play for free and still lose like QK suited flop comes rain bow Q 9 2 turn card A im all in bitch calls

    river card 6 I lost to Q 6 offsuit my AA Lost to AA all in preflop but the board popped 4 clubs he wins with nut flush

    KK lost to ace 6 off suit flop Q 2 9 t urn 5 river of course ACE

  5. #5
    ChuckyTheGoat's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josherzz1 View Post
    That hand is unreal, haha. I remember watching that on ESPN back in the day. Ahh, good times.
    Ya, Mabuchi does a pretty good job of selling it, he shoves the stack. "Gamble!"

    To his credit, Phillips doesn't Hollywood it. Makes the quick call and says "Wow!"

    Think about the range of hands that Phillips would call with there. Mabuchi blocks all Ax hands, so we have to think Phillips calls with:
    *Any boat, which is 99/QQ/TT.
    *Nut Flush which is any Kx(diam) that's not KJ.
    *2nd-nut flush, which is Jx. Hands like J9 or J8.

    With this much action, would he fold small flushes? I believe he'd fold the KJ straight if it didn't include the Diam. Would he call with KJ(o) if it included one diamond?
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  6. #6
    Tom, What do I do now?
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    I watched the Final Table of WSOP23 the other day. Just me or was some of that really strange? Walton went all-in with a pair of 8's before the flop only to find out Weinman had a pair of A's. This is the thing, its not like Walton was going to be blinded out anytime soon either? Jachtmann did play a lot of hands before down to the last 4, but all of a sudden he starts playing with K/5, Q/6, etc. like every single hand. Serious, when you are FF wouldn't you change your strategy just a little? Then, Jones sort of did the same thing. Staying in on hands that had no juice or not much to start. I get it that the blinds keep getting higher and all, but it seems like they had no restraint or discipline when it got down to 4-3-2 where Weinmann did. What do you think Chuck? Anyone else? I'm by far no poker pro and I will admit that, but I know enough to notice these things.

  7. #7
    ChuckyTheGoat's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    Quote Originally Posted by hehfest View Post
    I watched the Final Table of WSOP23 the other day. Just me or was some of that really strange? Walton went all-in with a pair of 8's before the flop only to find out Weinman had a pair of A's. This is the thing, its not like Walton was going to be blinded out anytime soon either? Jachtmann did play a lot of hands before down to the last 4, but all of a sudden he starts playing with K/5, Q/6, etc. like every single hand. Serious, when you are FF wouldn't you change your strategy just a little? Then, Jones sort of did the same thing. Staying in on hands that had no juice or not much to start. I get it that the blinds keep getting higher and all, but it seems like they had no restraint or discipline when it got down to 4-3-2 where Weinmann did. What do you think Chuck? Anyone else? I'm by far no poker pro and I will admit that, but I know enough to notice these things.
    I watched some of the 23 hands. But not the whole thing. I might go back:

    1) The key hand for Weinman was the suckout on JJ vs QQ/KK. He obviously got lucky to land the Jack.

    2) One basic idea about short-stack Late Game strategy: *The opening ranges get much wider.
    ...You're not waiting for a premium hand. Kx becomes a stronger relative holding. Most Qx hands are opened as well.
    ...If you're four-handed, you only have to clear out a few guys to get the blinds.

    3) I sort of recall the 88 vs AA hand. I'll re-watch it.
    ...The Late-game shoves (under 25BB) are normally based on charts.
    ...To my point above, ranges are wider on < full-ring games. 6% chance of holding a Pocket Pair. So, 88 is very high in the starting hand chart.
    ...May well be a shove at his stack. I'll go back and look at the hand action.
