1. #141
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    i did not say that, but he had np in keeping the lie going was what i was getting at, once the ball got going and he had np problem getting on cnn very fast too

  2. #142
    2daBank's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinakid View Post
    i did not say that, but he had np in keeping the lie going was what i was getting at, once the ball got going and he had np problem getting on cnn very fast too
    I mean sure, most ppl do/say anything for attention these days. I care/pay attention to nascar equally as much as I did before, as in not at all, I never even heard of the guy before this. Lol

  3. #143
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    Duck duck noose..

    If you can't see the so called NOOSE is attached to the garage door slide door you are retarded.. Secondly it's been there for years...

    It's a COMPLETE racial hoax and always was.. It's a frigg'n joke.. Bubba and Jessie should share a jail cell together for a year for this race baiting non sense IMO!!! Send a message as it just divides the Country more!!

    The timing was just right for both of them to claim I'M A TARGET also which no one mentions..

    Gotta be an idiot to believe any of this shiiiit is real racial hate..

  4. #144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_archie View Post

  5. #145
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  6. #146
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
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    That POS needs to be taken to guantanamo bay immediately!LOl...

  7. #147
    It's not what they bring...
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chi_archie View Post
    This guy LMAO.

    I love his chosen background.

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