1. #36
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  2. #37
    BuckyOne's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hman View Post
    Just ridiculous

    Every other country has put that past behind them and moved on to better times.

    All except here where ppl insist on living in the past.
    There has been slavery in all parts of the world at some point in history.

    They were enslaved for a 1000 years in Africa before their ancestors sold them to Americans. Americans did commit the atrocity of buying them.

    That being said - how to ever make it right is a monumental task.

  3. #38
    BarkingToad's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Never heard of her or the term, I thought it might be some sort of feminine product.

  4. #39
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    people called them Lady A for short already. I don't see how the word Antebellum was closely related to slavery. The article I read said it was a word from pre civil war area for a style of house

  5. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 19th Hole View Post
    Lady Antebellum

  6. #41
    SBR Tony
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuckyOne View Post
    There has been slavery in all parts of the world at some point in history.

    They were enslaved for a 1000 years in Africa before their ancestors sold them to Americans. Americans did commit the atrocity of buying them.

    That being said - how to ever make it right is a monumental task.
    what's worst, the people that Sold them, or the people that bought them?
    I would say both the same.

    but instead of blaming only the Americans, how about we give some blame to the portuguese and europeans that started it all.
    if it wasn't for them, they might have not even been here in the first place. Let's chop this up to all involved.

    also I believe it was the middle east that started buying them first, so now that's another slice of the pie to chop up.

    How to make it right? well it's been a long time and I think we have come a long way. Hard to change "History" you can only move forward
    but what's going on now is over the top, you're not changing what happened 100's of years ago overnight. Sorry

  7. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    All you middle aged white men should lead a march against oppression . Lmfao
    Where are you hearing white men say they are oppressed? We are just sick of lies and tired of trying to appease unappeasable children.

    How have you been oppressed? What a crock of Schiff LOL

  8. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    All you middle aged white men should lead a march against oppression . Lmfao
    Too busy working. Great suggestion, though.

  9. #44
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    Looking forward to seeing the Dixie Chicks get cancelled.

  10. #45
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    Some people just need to focus more on their own lives and stop worrying about what others are doing. If I don't like something I just vote with my dollars. You don't like the Dixie Chicks name, then don't purchase their music or apparel and don't go to their concerts. Shaming people is childish.

  11. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by teecee View Post
    Some people just need to focus more on their own lives and stop worrying about what others are doing. If I don't like something I just vote with my dollars. You don't like the Dixie Chicks name, then don't purchase their music or apparel and don't go to their concerts. Shaming people is childish.
    That's what I do. I haven't bought their music or seen them live since they were trash talking Bush in England. I actually turn the radio station too when they come on

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by gummo View Post
    Looking forward to seeing the Dixie Chicks get cancelled.
    They just changed their name.

    Now they are called The Chicks.

  13. #48
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Tony View Post

    Country group Lady Antebellum now wants to be known as simply Lady A, and say they've renounced their previous name because the word "antebellum" is closely associated with slavery.

    well, i figured wrong.... as I figured she'd dumped that stupid mother fukkin' weird hat wearing fukstick, and was now out on her own.......

    fuk lady a.......

    bring me LADY T AND A!!!!!

  14. #49
    Auto Donk
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    WELL FUK ME........... i had, as usual, my country music whores mixed up......

    i thought lady antebellum was this whore:


    come to find out, that whore above is part of sugarland, another equally homosexual name for a county music outfit, and another reason I haven't listened to county music since about 1995, other than all the good shit that is now considered classic......

    new country sucks my nuts, and not in a good way..........

  15. #50
    packerd_00's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Heard the Dixie Chicks changed their name to the chicks.

    Horrible business move.

  16. #51
    bigtymer56's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Just finding out about this.

    What was the point of this if the A still stands for Antebellum?
    Anyway, update. They are beefing with a black blues singer over "Lady A".


  17. #52
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    Bunch of pussies. Lady a?

  18. #53
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    i wonder if Lynchburg VA will change the city name?? lol

  19. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by carolinakid View Post
    i wonder if Lynchburg VA will change the city name?? lol

    Lol, it can stay...unless the British ever reconquer Virginia.

    "Delaney explains that the term lynching is actually named after Lynch's brother, Charles Lynch.

    Charles Lynch would tie British soldiers to a tree and beat them until they cried” Liberty!” which would stop the beating since that meant they agreed with the revolution.

    From there it evolved into what we know today -- the racist killings of African Americans."

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