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    Did you know....

    John Madden coached for 10 years and only lost 32 games....

    Was looking at some stats following a questionable trivia episode. Absolutely amazing stat considering the era of Shula, Broadway Joe, the Steel Curtain and Dan Fouts.

  2. #2
    Thomorino - Fade and Get Paid
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    I had no clue. Thank you.

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    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    They played less games too

  5. #5
    ans61201's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    About what Bill is doing, but playing 2 less games on schedule and the free agency frenzy hadn’t yet begun so easier to dominate. Puts in better perspective what Bill has been able to do

  6. #6
    MinnesotaFats's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I love Belichek but let's be honest....

    That division has sucked for 20 years. He has penciled in 6 wins versus Buf, Mia, NYJ (minus the 2 good Rex years) for 20 years. That practically guaranteed him 10 wins per year and a home field playoff game.

    He came into the league w a HOF caliber qb in Bledsoe and a top 10 defense.

    In the AFC Central w Browns he was sub .500 because Pit, Cinci and Hou were no joke.

    Madden coached w fewer teams, in an era with more ways to win a game, and without a real superstar QB or RB for the duration.... kinda musical chairs in the backfield.

  7. #7
    POOLSIDE's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    I love Belichek but let's be honest....

    That division has sucked for 20 years. He has penciled in 6 wins versus Buf, Mia, NYJ (minus the 2 good Rex years) for 20 years. That practically guaranteed him 10 wins per year and a home field playoff game.

    He came into the league w a HOF caliber qb in Bledsoe and a top 10 defense.

    In the AFC Central w Browns he was sub .500 because Pit, Cinci and Hou were no joke.

    Madden coached w fewer teams, in an era with more ways to win a game, and without a real superstar QB or RB for the duration.... kinda musical chairs in the backfield.
    This is ridiculous. Belichick is a genius. Not sure why you feel the need to belittle accomplishments. I don’t care if you’re a Pats fan or not, what he’s done with that franchise is something we’ve never seen before in an era where it simply does not happen.

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    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Fatty your a wise guy man, you have that look

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by POOLSIDE View Post
    This is ridiculous. Belichick is a genius. Not sure why you feel the need to belittle accomplishments. I don’t care if you’re a Pats fan or not, what he’s done with that franchise is something we’ve never seen before in an era where it simply does not happen.
    Not belittling Bill, I love his style and what he's done. But if Bill was in the NFC North he'd have the same # of rings as Farve or Rodgers..... 1

    I just can't figure out how Madden won so much....

  10. #10
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Loved listening to John Madden

  11. #11
    ans61201's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    I love Belichek but let's be honest....

    That division has sucked for 20 years. He has penciled in 6 wins versus Buf, Mia, NYJ (minus the 2 good Rex years) for 20 years. That practically guaranteed him 10 wins per year and a home field playoff game.

    He came into the league w a HOF caliber qb in Bledsoe and a top 10 defense.

    In the AFC Central w Browns he was sub .500 because Pit, Cinci and Hou were no joke.

    Madden coached w fewer teams, in an era with more ways to win a game, and without a real superstar QB or RB for the duration.... kinda musical chairs in the backfield.
    I used to have the same take, and then I realized that if it were all the division the guy wouldn’t get to the super bowl every other season.

    Side note: your point is actually hurtful
    To your argument. It’s much easier to dominate with less teams in the pre free agency era. Both great accomplishments but Bill is definitely the goat

  12. #12
    paco's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Bill would be another below .500 coach if he wasn’t blessed with Tom Brady. Guy got fired from the browns, gimme a break. Tom Brady made bellichick

  13. #13
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Let's not forget Madden coached during the steel curtain era and the great dolphins teams coached by Shula. Not to mention the great Vikings teams. He actually coached in an incredible era when the nfl really started becoming what it is. His biggest obstacle was the Steelers and he lost 5 of 7 AFC championship games. He only won one Superbowl as a head coach but his record is pretty great for such a short stretch.

  14. #14
    billyloco's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    An EXCELLENT & INFORMATIVE thread .. thanks to all who contributed as I learned a few tidbits I had no clue of... anytime a oldtimer as myself can learn it's a good thing!!!

  15. #15
    MinnesotaFats's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    We also forget that there was no wildcard playoff teams then....many 10 win teams sat out playoffs.

    I think the FA argument is what makes my case. Teams in a division dominated by a deep well run franchise try to retool every other year and as such give up on seasons.

    In addition, players sitting out to avoid injuries in those lame duck seasons or playing soft is another consideration. In the 60s and 70s guys bagged groceries in the off season for cash.

    Belecheck coaches in an era where week 16 and 17 often dont matter, players sure, teams tank. Back in the 60s and 70s those playoff spots were often won or lost in final week.

  16. #16
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    Imagine never having a losing season, winning 68% of your games and missing playoffs 2xs with 8 and 9 win seasons in a 14 game schedule.

    Kinda like Bill that one year w Cassell

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by paco View Post
    Bill would be another below .500 coach if he wasn’t blessed with Tom Brady. Guy got fired from the browns, gimme a break. Tom Brady made bellichick
    This is sarcasm?
