1. #36
    Frank Mills
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    The DOW took a big hit again today though Jib. Wiped out the year's gains.

  2. #37
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathAdder View Post
    The more bitcoin tanks the better because I'll be investing heavily on every dip. If China is backing crypto so am I! China, despite what that orange goof says is but a few years away from becoming the sole superpower in the world. Mark my words: They will dethrone the US economically, militarily and technologically. Where China goes so do I -- point black.
    If you've been investing at every dip since $6,300... you'd be in the hole. How many significant dips does a person need to see until they go broke?

  3. #38
    Sam Odom
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    Dip = Dipshit

  4. #39
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank Mills View Post
    The DOW took a big hit again today though Jib. Wiped out the year's gains.
    What goes up must come down.. Roller coaster.. Dow will go back up again as soon as China agrees to Trumps trade terms.. Both Countries want this to happen.. Bump in the road.. Soon as a new trade deal is made then that DOW skyrockets right back up.. Check back in January..

    Bottom line is the US economy is still strong and people have jobs.. Dow will respond to that alone in time.. Were just in a little investor panic faze right now..

  5. #40
    LLXC's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I'm surprised and disgusted how much I've lost on BTC fluctuations and "fees" when I try to never hold onto it for too long, and only use it primarily only to move $ between books. :|

  6. #41
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by LLXC View Post
    I'm surprised and disgusted how much I've lost on BTC fluctuations and "fees" when I try to never hold onto it for too long, and only use it primarily only to move $ between books. :|
    Just use a creddit Caard.. Fraud is down but just keep an eye on it... You avoid some fees doing that.. You also can gain flyer miles, cash back or points on caard usage...

  7. #42
    vividjohn45's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by hubie69 View Post
    I only use Bitcoin for transfering cash between books.

    Can't wait for Brick and Mortar to get here and this bullshit can end.

  8. #43
    Most Well Rounded POY
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    The Asians win again

  9. #44
    bhoor's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeathAdder View Post
    The more bitcoin tanks the better because I'll be investing heavily on every dip. If China is backing crypto so am I! China, despite what that orange goof says is but a few years away from becoming the sole superpower in the world. Mark my words: They will dethrone the US economically, militarily and technologically. Where China goes so do I -- point black.
    I agree. NY Times more often talks about China's debt trap of vulnerable countries, putting Sri Lanka as an example. And US badly wants to block China's Silk Road Initiative. Now, they're trying to give loans to the countries that fall in China's SRI. Well, it's too little too late.

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