1. #176
    Thanks for all the fish.
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    Quote Originally Posted by KVB View Post
    Paddy and Will Hill set the pace, MGM and company will try to follow. As more US markets open, they will probably serve to tighten the pricing.

    We'll see, it's a cross between competition and profit.

    Sports could could get ugly for a few years, if they aren't already.
    I agree. However, the UK model has shown gambling move from betting in shops and on location to betting online. All the UK books have had to move their online operations offshore to tax havens such as Gibraltar, Malta, etc in order to avoid tax and lower running costs. It's hard to see a US book paying US state or federal taxes along with US wages and rent and then still being able to compete with big books that don't have those costs.

    Obviously my understanding of US law is very limited but my guess is the US market will be dependant on what happens to the Wire Act.
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  2. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt2341 View Post
    I'm not replying so you can throw random insults at me for no reason. I'm replying because I'm curious... isn't competition generally good for the consumer? Doesn't competition usually bring prices DOWN? What makes you think the prices will go up? If legal states can't provide better prices than what is currently offshore I don't see any way that offshore books go out of business. They'll only go out of business if the legal states can AT LEAST match their prices. I may have overlooked something... please tell me what I am overlooking.
    If wager a large amount that more customers than not would pay -110 local if it were safe, than pay -105 overseas book

  3. #178
    What are the traits of an EVIL person?
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Offshore sportsbooks do not need a dime of usa post up money and make millions
    They do not want $10 players anyway no profit

    Most books want $100 or more players and those will never leave because of massive low juice saving vs vegas or any other legal shop
    I agree.

  4. #179
    What are the traits of an EVIL person?
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    Offshore has no chance to survive

    You guys remember how at state lines when the lottery was huge, every person would cross to get numbers in...lines out the fukkin door

    Well its what's going to happen with sports betting...super bowl, ncaa finals, etc etc.

    Cash in your book balances before too many states legalize it and betpoints now bc price is going up
    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    would you like to make a points wager that the prices in the store will go up due to less playing offshore and therefore sbr makes less from books

    and some C/B books will go under due to the squares leaving while the sharps stay for the best price

    basically common sense. i expect offshore C and B books to make 1 last push for this fall

    I don't give 2 shits about the prices in the store. You said... as I put in bold "Offshore has no chance to survive."
    If you want to wager on that... let me know.

  5. #180
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    Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt2341 View Post

    I don't give 2 shits about the prices in the store. You said... as I put in bold "Offshore has no chance to survive."
    If you want to wager on that... let me know.
    you really are a dumb mother fukker

    in your first quote to me you bolded the part where i said sbr store prices will go up

    fukkin democrat

  6. #181
    What are the traits of an EVIL person?
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    you really are a dumb mother fukker

    in your first quote to me you bolded the part where i said sbr store prices will go up

    fukkin democrat
    I quoted "bc price is going up"
    My apologies. I thought you were referring to the Prices at sportsbooks.

    I don't know what kind of work you do but if I were you I would try to get a job at the White House. You have all the qualifications needed(according to Trump). You lie and insult people constantly and you kiss up to Trump as much as you possibly can. AND anyone that EVER disagrees with you you immediately insult them and label them regardless of whether the label is true or not. Content is completely unimportant you. It's all about the show for you... you would rather have people THINK you are awesome than actually be awesome. You're all show and no content... just like Trump. You're constantly trying to get other people in trouble but you cry like a little baby every time you are in trouble yourself. You're constantly trying to blame others for your own actions. Show Trump some of your posts here on SBR and I'm pretty sure he would give you a job at the White House that you are completely unqualified for. Good luck to you.

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