1. #106
    pimike's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by inter1097 View Post
    Some non-pros got in too... or so they thought

  2. #107
    b1slickguy's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by qwertvt View Post
    I also got 4 out of 5 with a join date of 12/09. I think you place with join date of 11/11.
    Nice win, Q!
    As it stands I would be 6th, but one of the winners made 2 different guesses (posts #16 and post #45) so I'm not sure how Drew will handle that.

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    Nice win, Q!
    As it stands I would be 6th, but one of the winners made 2 different guesses (posts #16 and post #45) so I'm not sure how Drew will handle that.
    By my tally, you would be 5th.

    Convick joined 21 days earlier.

    iqbet would be out for two entries. One was a winner and the other lost. No accidental duplication.

    If it holds up, you get 500 pts.

    See post #104 on page 3.
    Last edited by qwertvt; 06-09-18 at 07:11 PM.

  4. #109
    SBR Drew
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    TOP 5 WINNERS------------------- (according to SBR join date)

    4 pts --#06------ArunSh-------09/25/07
    4 pts --#27------Mr Teaser----08/16/09
    4 pts --#90------qwertvt------12/04/09
    4 pts --#87------convick------11/03/11
    4 pts --#88------b1slickguy---11/25/11

    Well done guys!1 Betpoinst paid...enjoy! Thank you for playing and making SBR the best on the web!

  5. #110
    ArunSh's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Thanks Drew! Keep these contests coming - they are awesome!

  6. #111
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    Well done Arun. I guess there won't be any complaining about 'the system' and 'the way the contest is set up' from you in the near future, unlike this current poker promo?

  7. #112
    b1slickguy's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Drew View Post
    TOP 5 WINNERS------------------- (according to SBR join date)

    4 pts --#06------ArunSh-------09/25/07
    4 pts --#27------Mr Teaser----08/16/09
    4 pts --#90------qwertvt------12/04/09
    4 pts --#87------convick------11/03/11
    4 pts --#88------b1slickguy---11/25/11

    Well done guys!1 Betpoinst paid...enjoy! Thank you for playing and making SBR the best on the web!
    Thanks, Drew!

    Points were not paid to the 2nd-5th finishers, though.
    I think you sent them all to ArunSh.

  8. #113
    ArunSh's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    Thanks, Drew!

    Points were not paid to the 2nd-5th finishers, though.
    I think you sent them all to ArunSh.

    Lol is that what happened? I PM'd Drew asking why I was sent 1750 twice (not that I minded lol, just didn't think it was correct). But now that makes sense, they removed the extra from my account.

    As for Grivas: I will always give my honest opinion about the things going on here - if when that's negative it's taken to be complaining, well that's too bad.

    And I will mention, just as I did at the poker table yesterday that I personally do not agree with the tiebreaker of using the contestant's join date. Obviously in both this and the hockey contest, that worked in my favor, but again being objective about it, I don't really think it's fair per say. Ok, I understand the desire to reward the most longstanding members of the community but putting posters at a lasting disadvantage in these contests simply because they might be younger or happened to join SBR later etc., don't quite agree with it.

    Maybe just better to have some kind of tiebreaker question (say in this contest guessing the exact winning down to the second - that is something where it's very unlikely for two people to tie etc.). Again, just my opinion even though the current system is obviously in my favor.

  9. #114
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    Negativity aside though, I gotta thank SBR for turning on my boom switch: winning this contest, getting third in the hockey contest, winning a poker daily on Friday, and hitting all three trivia questions today - someone at SBR must really be feeling sorry for me! Definitely not complaining about that though - please keep it coming!

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArunSh View Post
    And I will mention, just as I did at the poker table yesterday that I personally do not agree with the tiebreaker of using the contestant's join date. Obviously in both this and the hockey contest, that worked in my favor, but again being objective about it, I don't really think it's fair per say.
    I agree. But who knows, 5 years from now when ArunSh and sportfan retire from posting on SBR, the others may get a chance too. For now, it's as easy as answering every question correctly

  11. #116
    ArunSh's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grivas_Digeni View Post
    I agree. But who knows, 5 years from now when ArunSh and sportfan retire from posting on SBR, the others may get a chance too. For now, it's as easy as answering every question correctly

    Indeed! Another potential option is to just make there be more questions like ten or even fifteen - that way ties would become much less frequent (like in the UFC contests). With only five questions though, bound to be a ton of ties nearly every time.

  12. #117
    SBR Drew
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    All points have been correctly paid now. And in the future we will have a tiebreaker change .

  13. #118
    Mini Horses FTW
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArunSh View Post
    Indeed! Another potential option is to just make there be more questions like ten or even fifteen - that way ties would become much less frequent (like in the UFC contests). With only five questions though, bound to be a ton of ties nearly every time.
    UFC contests must be a real B***H to grade lol

  14. #119
    ArunSh's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Drew View Post
    All points have been correctly paid now. And in the future we will have a tiebreaker change .

    Thanks for attentiveness to that drew - even though it was in my favor to have the tiebreaker be what it was, I do think it is better for the site overall to do something different.

    At the very least, I can be happy that the times I did well (i.e. this and the hockey playoff) was with the favorable tiebreaker. In the future, when the tiebreaker is different, I'll probably tank overall as I usually do so the tiebreaker won't matter to me anyway!

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