1. #421
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedawg View Post
    Oh if Kraken really is a nurse good for him
    My buddy makes great money doing so at St Joes

    But, if Kraken is honest then he will admit I make a good living doing what I do in this area of the country

    If he says different he’s just being a trolling dikkkk
    I already admitted that in the thread Fidel made but I will re-iterate

    Firemen make great money and have a sweet pension. I told Fidel being a Paramedic was a great career if his intention was to get on a FD, otherwise not so much.

    and yes, you live in a particularly good part of the country for what you do

    I have nothing but respect for what you guys do

  2. #422
    The Kraken
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    Quote Originally Posted by firedawg View Post
    You have 6 krackel
    You need a loan?
    No I got 3000 last night

  3. #423
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
    No I got 3000 last night
    Atta girl
    Gl sista

  4. #424
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadymcgrady View Post
    Chico I still want to hear about how and why you fukked with flyin brian the roid rage. You've got to be a good amount of crazy and kickass
    we had the first run in on miami oh football team. I was a 5'8 wr and he is the reason i quit the meat squad because he gave me a close line. So i quit and played rugby. He took advantage of a friends sister and being a dumbass I said something to him and he beat my ass at mac and joes bar. Now he was dating this beautiful girl from india. He cheated on her so she got revenge sex on him with me and told him. He beat my ass. Now i got some blows in but he had me by 50 lbs. My buddy bounced at a dance club and told me he was there and not to show up. I showed up he didn't see me and i gave him a kidney shot before he even seen me . My buddies kept his boys off the situation and i just keep swinging. I ****** him up pretty alright. Ran into his best friend up in east quad and told him that next time it would be with a baseball bat if he didn't leave me alone. Growing up i was the white kid among the blacks and mexicans in killen texas or ft hood. But i was the hispanic kid among all the hillbillies in hamilton ohio or manchester ky. I looked white but my mom didn't
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  6. #426
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    shady that was i in 1981. my grandfather was a boxer and a drill instructor in the army. meanest guy i ever met

  7. #427
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    we had the first run in on miami oh football team. I was a 5'8 wr and he is the reason i quit the meat squad because he gave me a close line. So i quit and played rugby. He took advantage of a friends sister and being a dumbass I said something to him and he beat my ass at mac and joes bar. Now he was dating this beautiful girl from india. He cheated on her so she got revenge sex on him with me and told him. He beat my ass. Now i got some blows in but he had me by 50 lbs. My buddy bounced at a dance club and told me he was there and not to show up. I showed up he didn't see me and i gave him a kidney shot before he even seen me . My buddies kept his boys off the situation and i just keep swinging. I ****** him up pretty alright. Ran into his best friend up in east quad and told him that next time it would be with a baseball bat if he didn't leave me alone. Growing up i was the white kid among the blacks and mexicans in killen texas or ft hood. But i was the hispanic kid among all the hillbillies in hamilton ohio or manchester ky. I looked white but my mom didn't
    Chico that's a great mix of awesome and humorous. Kidney sucker shot

    Was there a reason she chose you to sleep with? Guys like pillman usually have tons of enemies

  8. #428
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
    I have no interest in being part of these type comments bud, wasn't my intention and still isn't. I enjoy more drugs than most and have my whole life, I'm functional but clearly a addict by definition. I also have a decent job and my own shit, fall well into middle class scale so not exactly a loser and they have never made me emotionally unstable (no more than I am naturally anyways!). Clearly drugs have much more negative impact on some than others but I'm certainly not here to judge. Far as calling him a bitch that something I reserve for the cats around here I can tell are straight cowards who couldn't fight their way out of a wet paper bag, I doubt drinker falls into that category. I know you have some big beef w him but I don't and wasn't my intention to appear I did.
    Banker you are a good dude, I feel we have lived similar casualties in life.

    But I'm 31 and you would need to sit and hear my story to understand why I do what I do.

    I am far from perfect... and live has kicked me plenty, been standing up for 3 years now, still not fully recovered but getting there.

    Nobody has given me nothing in life. Ive had to take everything.

  9. #429
    contra spem spero
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    i can't believe this thread is 13 pages long, should be forced upon new sbr pros to read it before they join

  10. #430
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    lol yeah, idk people love to talk shit tome i guess

  11. #431
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    Quote Originally Posted by shadymcgrady View Post
    Chico that's a great mix of awesome and humorous. Kidney sucker shot

    Was there a reason she chose you to sleep with? Guys like pillman usually have tons of enemies
    she knew we didn't like each other. we talked shit to each other in bars but my best friends from high school was twins with one being mr ohio. We worked at scandinavia health spa together. pilman ran his mouth to the one guy and my friend picked him up by the nape of the shirt. big roid head. this guy had all major school after him for linebacker before he blew his knee out sr. year.plus when we fought he talked shit about me after the fact to her. It was her breakup with him. she didn't tell me she was going to tell him and if my buddy didn't save me i may not be here to talk about it.

  12. #432
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    we had the first run in on miami oh football team. I was a 5'8 wr and he is the reason i quit the meat squad because he gave me a close line. So i quit and played rugby. He took advantage of a friends sister and being a dumbass I said something to him and he beat my ass at mac and joes bar. Now he was dating this beautiful girl from india. He cheated on her so she got revenge sex on him with me and told him. He beat my ass. Now i got some blows in but he had me by 50 lbs. My buddy bounced at a dance club and told me he was there and not to show up. I showed up he didn't see me and i gave him a kidney shot before he even seen me . My buddies kept his boys off the situation and i just keep swinging. I ****** him up pretty alright. Ran into his best friend up in east quad and told him that next time it would be with a baseball bat if he didn't leave me alone. Growing up i was the white kid among the blacks and mexicans in killen texas or ft hood. But i was the hispanic kid among all the hillbillies in hamilton ohio or manchester ky. I looked white but my mom didn't
    By the way shady do i look mexican or puerto rican? Does my gm look mexican. does my gf look pr? My uncle flew my family for my graduation on one of his jets. I went to all white school and they were staring at my uncle til they named my name. My uncle threatened to put his size 13 boot up one guys ass. People at my school were all white save an italian family

  13. #433
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post
    lol yeah, idk people love to talk shit tome i guess
    hurry you will be so much better just to ignore the haters. When i first came to site i was just like you arguing with everyone. Still hold grudge against 2 but life is too short to argue all time. Just as my father once told me. Never argue with an dumb person. They have more practice at being dumb. Hell ask twist he couldn't stand me back in the day. But since i had the stroke i have learned it isn't worth the agitation. Hell twist could be right or wrong but with the stroke I don't remember what we argued about.
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: HurryUpAndDrink

  14. #434
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    By the way shady do i look mexican or puerto rican? Does my gm look mexican. does my gf look pr? My uncle flew my family for my graduation on one of his jets. I went to all white school and they were staring at my uncle til they named my name. My uncle threatened to put his size 13 boot up one guys ass. People at my school were all white save an italian family
    Actually by today's standards chico, you look italian or caucasian. Your grandfather looks like he could be mixed. Keep in mind the Midwest back in the 80s was a much different world than today

  15. #435
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    funny thing is shady he was born on the island. joined the merchant marines at 15 and went into army at 18 served in 2,korea and nam. everyone always thought i was jewish. I always said i wish i had their money. He got lighter as he got older. I will show you a picture of korea and he looks puerto rican

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  17. #437
    not a non pro
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    Chico taking a trip down Memory lane

  18. #438
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    sour that is bout all u have when u get old and sick

  19. #439
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  20. #440
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post
    lol yeah, idk people love to talk shit tome i guess
    For the last Fn time.....you started a Open Challenge thread .....have been challenged by many.....accepted none and yet here you are with this garbage again lol

  21. #441
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    You look Greek mate.

  22. #442
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    Would it be possible to be exposed as more of a lying, hypocritical, gutless loser than Hurry has in this thread?????
    I think not
    F in hilarious

  23. #443
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    Awesome stuff chico its always nice to look into the poster's stories...!!!!

    Great contributions!!!

    And yes Im done w engaging. For the most part I bitchslap them once and then ignore.
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  24. #444
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    13 pages and not one worthy challenge/challenger...

    just excuses

  25. #445
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post

    13 pages and not one worthy challenge/challenger...

    just excuses
    Pathological liar

  26. #446
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    Quote Originally Posted by maggiethebestdog View Post
    Pathological liar
    Don’t feed the peasant
    He loves the attention

  27. #447
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    How come this clown never accepted a single challenge in here

  28. #448
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    How come this clown never accepted a single challenge in here
    How come this fuking shit hasn’t been salooned yet???? God damnit

  29. #449
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    How come this clown never accepted a single challenge in here

    there were only 2 challengers, hotcross and you... hotcross is a good challenge but he wanted to have his cake and eat it too...

    you are garbage, no real challenger, go back to the rathole you crawled up from

  30. #450
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post
    hotcross... this is my counter offer

    banning only for SBR PLAYERS TALK

    cant post plays on subforums, send PMs and post on a SBR contest thread on PT if necessary to not lose -EV on SBR PRO status

    3 month no posting ban (i dont care enough for you to give u more than that honestly)

    all sports...

    if you accept these conditions we'll move onto the details

    This was the only challenge this clown came up with lol

  31. #451
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    thread still getting bumped

    re-reading that counteroffer, it looks like the word "can't" was supposed to be "can"....?

    anyway I don't want to negotiate with Hurry, for sure not until there's consistent evidence he is capable of being reasonable

    The one thing I do fear about this challenge is that if Hurry was banned for any amount of time, he'd come back with a fury and be more unbearable

    although I will say he is behaving lately

  32. #452
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    hurry you will be so much better just to ignore the haters. When i first came to site i was just like you arguing with everyone. Still hold grudge against 2 but life is too short to argue all time. Just as my father once told me. Never argue with an dumb person. They have more practice at being dumb. Hell ask twist he couldn't stand me back in the day. But since i had the stroke i have learned it isn't worth the agitation. Hell twist could be right or wrong but with the stroke I don't remember what we argued about.
    solid as fukk advice Chico!!! and yea you hit the bulls eye there

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