1. #1
    Mr KLC
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    Women Are Forbidden To Compete At WWE PPV In Saudi Arabia

    The upcoming Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia is problematic for a number of reasons. For starters, women aren't allowed to compete on the card but the fact it's essentially a propaganda show for the government is most concerning. They're the ones deciding who gets tickets and those who have a family with a woman in it are being prioritised to make it look like women's rights are important to the country. Single men, however, are only allowed to have bad seats out of camera shot.

    As a result, it's thought that the response to the show won't be great because most of the people there won't actually be wrestling fans and the best seats are saved for the Saudi General Sports Authority.

    The belief is that the show isn't being promoted that much in Saudi Arabia because the government is more concerned with coming off a certain way to the rest of the world. The building is essentially a sell-out but only because officials have bought all the tickets and there's a very good chance the building won't actually be full. It's a bizarre situation, especially as those attending can't CHOOSE seats.

    Women are treated very differently in Saudi Arabia than they are in the United States and most Western countries, so that's likely why there are no females on the card. In fact, according to Deadspin writer David Bixenspan, he has been told by WWE that there are no plans to have any female wrestlers on the card at all, however, "women and children are allowed to attend."

    The Greatest Royal Rumble will undoubtedly be a history-making one and presumably the first of many WWE shows in Saudi Arabia as the company signed a 10-year deal to keep returning there over the course of the next decade. Unfortunately though, the lack of women on the card is also going to make it a controversial one and hopefully long before the end of WWE's 10-year deal that will have changed.

  2. #2
    contra spem spero
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    saudia arabia isn't really known for womens rights so this isn't a big surprise at all

  3. #3
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    Thought John Cena was on the card?

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    So there will be no T&A?


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    Quote Originally Posted by funnyb25 View Post
    Thought John Cena was on the card?
    he's prob too busy doing movies, i won't pay to see a john cena movie ever again i'm sure this blockers is horrible

  6. #6
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Women can't even show their faces, drive or go to school in these Muslim run Countries.. Women have no rights... They get stoned to death if they show some leg. What do you expect?

    Where is the Iron Sheik by the way ..

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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    he's prob too busy doing movies, i won't pay to see a john cena movie ever again i'm sure this blockers is horrible
    Come on man! Think about it again!

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    Quote Originally Posted by cincinnatikid513 View Post
    he's prob too busy doing movies, i won't pay to see a john cena movie ever again i'm sure this blockers is horrible
    The Marine? Almost watchable... Maybe his best movie to date. Lol... ...

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    I thought he was good in that movie with Amy Schumer but yeah I can’t say I’m too shocked by the Middle East thing at all.
    Last edited by shari91; 04-24-18 at 02:30 AM.

  10. #10
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    This is were I draw the line with these Muslims... fukk em... treating women like dogshit, fukkin troglodytes

    And WWE clearly with zero moral values, sold to the largest bid

  11. #11
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    why is the WWE even putting an event in Saudi Arabia?

    ...guessing money as usual

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    Wish the wwf could go back to pre feminist movement. I saw rousey beating on HHH the other day in a Facebook video and could only wish it was the 90s so he could've put a sledgehammer upside her head

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    Quote Originally Posted by kidcudi92 View Post
    why is the WWE even putting an event in Saudi Arabia?

    ...guessing money as usual
    Saudi's have alot of money and are US friendly now... I guess there is a market for it..

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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Saudi's have alot of money and are US friendly now... I guess there is a market for it..
    yeah i get it it’s just kinda weird

    oh well gotta getcha money somehow

  15. #15
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    the marine was alright mostly due to the guy from terminator, who is a better actor john cena or lebron james were both in trainwreck

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    Quote Originally Posted by ans61201 View Post
    Wish the wwf could go back to pre feminist movement. I saw rousey beating on HHH the other day in a Facebook video and could only wish it was the 90s so he could've put a sledgehammer upside her head
    We wouldn't even be able to have a storyline like Macho Man, Miss Elizabeth and George The Animal Steele anymore. It'd be wiped so clean that it wouldn't even be worth watching. I am looking forward to Stephanie hammering Ronda somehow as payback for RAW though.

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    WWE (WWF) died around 2005-2007... have not watched a single episode since then

    Best years (the ones I got to watch) 1994-2001... 97-99 was the shit with DX, Stone Cold, Taker, Mankind, Shamrock, Rock, etc

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    i cant believe people still watch wrestling or big brother or the bachelor how you supposed fall in love with somebody get married in like 30 days u got a better chance rudy and hurry hugging it out than one those couples staying together long term

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    I think I stopped watching around 1990 so I got to watch all of the original greats in their heyday. The soap operas were crazy when you think about them now but it was so bloody entertaining especially as a kid. I started to watch Total Divas and then Total Bellas because of my child but I rarely will ever watch the regular broadcasts these days.

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    They just opened their first movie theater last month

    Stone age civilization

    Why WWE going there is nutz, dumb move

    Glorified sexy wrestling girls is mocking Saudi religion, wont fo well

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    Quote Originally Posted by shari91 View Post
    I think I stopped watching around 1990 so I got to watch all of the original greats in their heyday. The soap operas were crazy when you think about them now but it was so bloody entertaining especially as a kid. I started to watch Total Divas and then Total Bellas because of my child but I rarely will ever watch the regular broadcasts these days.
    yep, it was insane how much adult shit they pulled back then...

    The Sable nudie matches... DX phallic references and stunts... Val venis LOL... The promos were sick back then.

  22. #22
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    What's the problem? They're just putting the women's revolution on hold for a few days.

    "Everybody's got a price." - Ted Dibiase

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    Im sure their logic/justification is that if they get in now, then they can build towards one day having the women perform there as well.

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    The camel clutch a legendary move from the Iron Sheik!!! ..

    Love the Sheiks shoes..

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    Thomorino - Fade and Get Paid
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Women can't even show their faces, drive or go to school in these Muslim run Countries.. Women have no rights... They get stoned to death if they show some leg. What do you expect?

    Where is the Iron Sheik by the way ..

    Damn, Muslim countries sound pretty shitty right? Their religion must suck big time, not like the awesome Christianity!

    “A woman should learn in quietness and full submission. I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve. And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner.” (1 Timothy 2:11-14)

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    ^^^ Yes Koran preaches violence towards woman.. Christians don't do that, aren't called to do that... Please try again.. Adam and Eve were cool together, didn't cover up either ..

    Last edited by JIBBBY; 04-24-18 at 11:42 AM.

  27. #27
    Thomorino - Fade and Get Paid
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    So treating women like lesser human beings is ok as long as you don't beat them? Got ya god boy...

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    all religions are full of hipocracy
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    They have beautiful women too. It's a shame. A ridiculous, ancient religion based on ancient beliefs and values. Only still around for control. Needs to be wiped from the modern world.
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    I don't hate on peaceful Muslims.. This meme has a little humor and truth to it though.. ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Teem View Post
    They have beautiful women too. It's a shame. A ridiculous, ancient religion based on ancient beliefs and values. Only still around for control. Needs to be wiped from the modern world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Teem View Post
    They have beautiful women too. It's a shame. A ridiculous, ancient religion based on ancient beliefs and values. Only still around for control. Needs to be wiped from the modern world.

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    Big Oil uses the "beliefs" as a control method to swim in money and slave women.....BUT THEY OPENED A DRIVING CENTER FOR WOMEN LOL...

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