1. #36
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    Unreal how people bitch about the Western World being sexist,and these clowns are banning chicks from Wrestling and no one says a peep.

  2. #37
    dotka420's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    yikes, anyways saudi is a corrupted country af

  3. #38
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    Some of the women’s matches are better than most of the men’s matches.

    Charlotte/Asuka was a classic. Sasha and Charlotte also had a great feud a few years back that had a hell in a cell and Ironman match. They’re missing out.

    They recently had a Middle East tour and the women competed in the first ever matches there. I think it was in Dubai. But the women had to wear full body suits, only exposing hands and head/hair. I remember seeing Banks in one of those body suits and it was pretty weird.

  4. #39
    dotka420's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    is WWE really that exciting? i mean its scripted
    prolly some of ufc games are also but i prefer that type of sport tbh
    in the end of the day its all entertainment tho

  5. #40
    eswerve4's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    WWE is a joke anyways

  6. #41
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by packerd_00 View Post
    Unreal how people bitch about the Western World being sexist,and these clowns are banning chicks from Wrestling and no one says a peep.
    Women wrestlers show to much skin.. Offensive to Muslims... Women have no rights in the Muslim dominated Countries... To be expected..

    It's a shame, women are people too..

  7. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Women wrestlers show to much skin.. Offensive to Muslims... Women have no rights in the Muslim dominated Countries... To be expected..
    The ladies over their are all dressed up like Ninjas,annoys me seeing women wearing those getups over in the West.
    Last edited by packerd_00; 04-24-18 at 06:37 PM.

  8. #43
    The Starling
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    How is this at all surprising??? Jesus man, what did you do? Read this somewhere and think "Golly-gee this'll be nice post in the sbrforum, what a great opportunity to show my online friends that I'm worldly (with a strong sense of western ideals of course) and speak up courageously in chat forums about western injustice practiced in continents I've never been to! Boy oh boy I can't wait!" Next time you suddenly get the urge to regurgitate some painfully obvious un-westernized lifestyle trait with thr expectation of us doing some other than being bored to tears, do us a favor: write it down, crumple it up, and jump out the nearest window and take your soul crushing mediocrity with you..

  9. #44
    The Starling
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Women wrestlers show to much skin.. Offensive to Muslims... Women have no rights in the Muslim dominated Countries... To be expected..

    It's a shame, women are people too..
    Women are people too? What a brilliant addition JIBBY! You must have went to college!!

  10. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Starling View Post
    Women are people too? What a brilliant addition JIBBY! You must have went to college!!
    Thank you, did go to college.. All about equality.. Sorry you are not...

    Let me guess you are Muslim.

  11. #46
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    Look at all the islamophobes going at it guns blazin. Trumptard Jibbby leading infront. Lmao

    No wonder you all s*ck in sportsbetting.

  12. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrilla View Post
    Look at all the islamophobes going at it guns blazin. Trumptard Jibbby leading infront. Lmao

    No wonder you all s*ck in sportsbetting.
    No just preaching for women equality in the Muslim Countries.. It's long over due.. I don't like how women are treated in the Middle East Muslim Countries and haven't for some time now.. It's horrific. most of the free world doesn't like it either....

    You wanna support that crap go ahead I'm not. It's not being Islamphobic either..

    Last edited by JIBBBY; 04-24-18 at 07:23 PM.

  13. #48
    packerd_00's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Yep scream Islamophobes,instead of admitting theirs a problem.

  14. #49
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    Jibbby I see you edited your original response. Too late. I read it Was occupied while writing this so..

    How do you know you live in the free-world? How do you know how woman are treated in muslim countries? Don't
    tell me the sources you have found that supports your predetermined ideas.

    Does Saudi Arabia represent all of em?

    Just because I'm not generalising 1.6 billion doesn't mean I support it. Does this mean you would support your daughter to wear miniskirts or go into porn? No I don't think so. Reason why this thread is started in the first place is not because of womens rights. It's because he thinks women are sexobjects and anything against it is a threat. Saudi Arabia and Islam in this case.

    LOL and what picks am I tailing from you? Why the f*ck am I posting interviews of fighters, I try to find an extra edge!
    Which you probably never watch. That would mean you would have to think for yourself instead of copying MMA-mania picks. Atleast find the better ones. The net is full of MMA picks experts.

    Keep posting it though, I still read it. All opinions and angles are welcome.

    Let's tackle Bellator next! Jibbbesus Jibbby!

  15. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Thrilla View Post
    Jibbby I see you edited your original response. Too late. I read it Was occupied while writing this so..

    How do you know you live in the free-world? How do you know how woman are treated in muslim countries? Don't
    tell me the sources you have found that supports your predetermined ideas.

    Does Saudi Arabia represent all of em?

    Just because I'm not generalising 1.6 billion doesn't mean I support it. Does this mean you would support your daughter to wear miniskirts or go into porn? No I don't think so. Reason why this thread is started in the first place is not because of womens rights. It's because he thinks women are sexobjects and anything against it is a threat. Saudi Arabia and Islam in this case.

    LOL and what picks am I tailing from you? Why the f*ck am I posting interviews of fighters, I try to find an extra edge!
    Which you probably never watch. That would mean you would have to think for yourself instead of copying MMA-mania picks. Atleast find the better ones. The net is full of MMA picks experts.

    Keep posting it though, I still read it. All opinions and angles are welcome.

    Let's tackle Bellator next! Jibbbesus Jibbby!
    Thrilla I don't wanna attack you bud, that's why I edited, you seem like a good guy.. We just see things differently in the world today... Yes let's tackle Bellator..

  16. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    No just preaching for women equality in the Muslim Countries.. It's long over due.. I don't like how women are treated in the Middle East Muslim Countries and haven't for some time now.. It's horrific. most of the free world doesn't like it either....

    You wanna support that crap go ahead I'm not. It's not being Islamphobic either..

    How can you even say this with a straight face when Trump and Christians would have it exactly the same way if there weren't normal people to weigh up for their madness.

  17. #52
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    I used to think that it would be impossible to know if a Muslim girl was attractive if she were all covered up, but this video changed my mind. The first girl in this I'm pretty sure is sexy even though I can only see her face and listen to her voice.

  18. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicername View Post
    How can you even say this with a straight face when Trump and Christians would have it exactly the same way if there weren't normal people to weigh up for their madness.
    I absolutely love women and only would want to protect them.. I've never hit a woman in my life and hopefully never will. Trump just likes to bang them and he's not abusive either, I don't think he hits them or throws acid on them.. He certainly doesn't want to cover them up like Ninja's and I don't either ...

    Juicer you're a little twisted buddy.. What's up with you? Why you always hating bud?

    Last edited by JIBBBY; 04-24-18 at 09:31 PM.

  19. #54
    The Starling
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    [QUOTE=JIBBBY;27741794]Thank you, did go to college.. All about equality.. Sorry you are not...

    Let me guess you are Muslim.

    How does me calling you boring AF for stating the obvious make me a muslim? I am a white American male. I attended an Ivy league school. I work in New York City at a prestigious law firm specializing in international law. And what you posted makes you a racist Isamophobe. You are the problem. You should be quarantined.

  20. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Starling View Post
    How does me calling you boring AF for stating the obvious make me a muslim? I am a white American male I attended an Ivy league school. I work in New York City at a prestigious law firm specializing in international law. And what you posted makes you a racist Isamophobe. You are the problem. You should be quarantined.
    That explains it.. White privilege trying to lecture us on racism and Islamphobia. Struggles of the poor which you have never personally experienced in your life time and probably never will. You guys are getting really good at suppressing free speech and free thought when it doesn't align with your own beliefs...

    Kuddos though for getting into an Ivy League school and studying the law, I do respect that.. I hope you can continue to learn the law further and fully understand our Constitutional Amendments and not try to destroy or limit them to much..

    Gun laws we can tweak a bit, I'm on board with that.. Only because current weapon destructive power has increased in leaps and bounds since the 2nd amendment was adopted in 1791.. In other words our founding forefathers didn't know there were gonna be assault riffles being sold to the population in masses at that time..

    Again I'll say I'm not a racist I just don't sugar coat things and I always try to keep it real.. Throw a little humor in the mix to lighten things up on this forum.. I've also traveled the world and know what's out there and you have not... That is all..
    Last edited by JIBBBY; 04-24-18 at 10:30 PM.

  21. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by dotka420 View Post
    is WWE really that exciting? i mean its scripted
    prolly some of ufc games are also but i prefer that type of sport tbh
    in the end of the day its all entertainment tho

    Your avi...Keef in the Chicago suburbs...many rich(family) young girls of age learned some new things

  22. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    The upcoming Greatest Royal Rumble event in Saudi Arabia is problematic for a number of reasons. For starters, women aren't allowed to compete on the card but the fact it's essentially a propaganda show for the government is most concerning. They're the ones deciding who gets tickets and those who have a family with a woman in it are being prioritised to make it look like women's rights are important to the country. Single men, however, are only allowed to have bad seats out of camera shot.

    As a result, it's thought that the response to the show won't be great because most of the people there won't actually be wrestling fans and the best seats are saved for the Saudi General Sports Authority.

    The belief is that the show isn't being promoted that much in Saudi Arabia because the government is more concerned with coming off a certain way to the rest of the world. The building is essentially a sell-out but only because officials have bought all the tickets and there's a very good chance the building won't actually be full. It's a bizarre situation, especially as those attending can't CHOOSE seats.

    Women are treated very differently in Saudi Arabia than they are in the United States and most Western countries, so that's likely why there are no females on the card. In fact, according to Deadspin writer David Bixenspan, he has been told by WWE that there are no plans to have any female wrestlers on the card at all, however, "women and children are allowed to attend."

    The Greatest Royal Rumble will undoubtedly be a history-making one and presumably the first of many WWE shows in Saudi Arabia as the company signed a 10-year deal to keep returning there over the course of the next decade. Unfortunately though, the lack of women on the card is also going to make it a controversial one and hopefully long before the end of WWE's 10-year deal that will have changed.
    i have friends that are working in those countries and those people are so fukkedd up. Guy i knew worked in the oilfields in saudi. He tried to stay in fla. to see the birth of his kid. He bitched on face book about the govt. They told him to come back immediately and like a dipshit he went. Soon as he got there they threw him in jail for a year for talking shit about their govt. I know a lady that was working as a maid and she was raped by her employer. They threw her in jail for having sex witha married man. Not shit happened to the guy. But the weirdest thing i ever heard just happened in kuwait.

    Last edited by shari91; 04-24-18 at 11:30 PM.
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  23. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by packerd_00 View Post
    The ladies over their are all dressed up like Ninjas,annoys me seeing women wearing those getups over in the West.
    dude they cut their — off at age 8 .
    Last edited by shari91; 04-24-18 at 11:30 PM.

  24. #59
    The Starling
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    [QUOTE=JIBBBY;27742209]That explains it.. White privilege trying to lecture us on racism and Islamphobia. Struggles of the poor which you have never personally experienced in your life time and probably never will. You guys are getting really good at suppressing free speech and free thought when it doesn't align with your own beliefs...
    You are an insane person. I got into Cornell on scholarship. My parents were public school teacher (mom) and adjunct community college professor (dad), our household income was less than 70k collectively with sparse health benefits MY WHOLE LIFE. I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 6 months and in the middle east for 2 years on and off. I have been to almost every country you can name and lived for extended periods in every continent on the planet. I speak Spanish, French, German and can get by in Arabic, Mandarin and Tagalog. Why are you talking about guns? Where does this arbitrary to violence begin? You are a dangerous and presumptuous bigot with abundantly subconscious violent tendencies (illustrated by your non sequitur about gun laws). You are everything that you claim to hate. You are not funny. You are nothing but a contemptuous pile of social waste. You should be banned from socializing with anything beyond an inanimate object. You are a fool. An aggressive fool. A seemingly angry rogue capable of projecting ignorant hatred. You are the archetype of a wasted carbon footprint.

  25. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    That explains it.. White privilege trying to lecture us on racism and Islamphobia. Struggles of the poor which you have never personally experienced in your life time and probably never will. You guys are getting really good at suppressing free speech and free thought when it doesn't align with your own beliefs...

    Kuddos though for getting into an Ivy League school and studying the law, I do respect that.. I hope you can continue to learn the law further and fully understand our Constitutional Amendments and not try to destroy or limit them to much..

    Gun laws we can tweak a bit, I'm on board with that.. Only because current weapon destructive power has increased in leaps and bounds since the 2nd amendment was adopted in 1791.. In other words our founding forefathers didn't know there were gonna be assault riffles being sold to the population in masses at that time..

    Again I'll say I'm not a racist I just don't sugar coat things and I always try to keep it real.. Throw a little humor in the mix to lighten things up on this forum.. I've also traveled the world and know what's out there and you have not... That is all..
    i know i always stick up for my friends that are muslim but they are from here. but the countries are ******. Juicer do i know anything about muslims. If you ever been to goldstar chili in middle east I grew up with those guys. We fought so many people together. I used to work for trans america and they had a program where if you had an mba they hired you to be in management. Shit load of muslims were my bosses. Also my uncle is one of the biggest rooster hounds I know. His built lot of those derricks you see pumping oil in the middle east. I asked him if he ****** around over there. He said you never even look at a woman over there because they would kill you just for looking at the women.
    Now i have had friends tell me it is like the mormon religion. They can lie or penetrate over you and because you are not of their religion it is no big deal. Mormons are like that. Now i'll admit jibbs is a littel racist but unless you have been around a muslim where they are in charge it is different then a muslim in the states. I have been around them also in the philippines. Been to mindinao in ozamis and butuan. They are close to murawi.

  26. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Starling View Post
    You are an insane person. I got into Cornell on scholarship. My parents were public school teacher (mom) and adjunct community college professor (dad), our household income was less than 70k collectively with sparse health benefits MY WHOLE LIFE. I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 6 months and in the middle east for 2 years on and off. I have been to almost every country you can name and lived for extended periods in every continent on the planet. I speak Spanish, French, German and can get by in Arabic, Mandarin and Tagalog. Why are you talking about guns? Where does this arbitrary to violence begin? You are a dangerous and presumptuous bigot with abundantly subconscious violent tendencies (illustrated by your non sequitur about gun laws). You are everything that you claim to hate. You are not funny. You are nothing but a contemptuous pile of social waste. You should be banned from socializing with anything beyond an inanimate object. You are a fool. An aggressive fool. A seemingly angry rogue capable of projecting ignorant hatred. You are the archetype of a wasted carbon footprint.
    Oh please spare the drama, judging and lies.. I'm the nicest guy you'll ever meet.. You're full of crap by the way. I smell a rat a mile away!! For an educated man as you claim from Cornell you can't even paragraph your sentences correctly, can't even quote and reply correctly..

    You're wasting my time on SBR. I actually thought I might be conversing with an intellect and scholar.. I knew something was rotten in Denmark. Your name calling, judging and lack of seeing humor in my posts proves how immature and uniformed you really are... If you actually lived in Saudi Arabia for a time you'd also know how women are treated.. Sub human.... They treat their women horribly, read the above posts.. Spot on...

    Go away Starling with your 8 posts and new joining date of today. I just saw your join date.. Trolling Jibs is all you are doing.. Got me for a second.. Good job...

    I'll give you that much.... You're on ignore now.. Bye....
    Last edited by JIBBBY; 04-25-18 at 01:34 AM.
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  27. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by chico2663 View Post
    i know i always stick up for my friends that are muslim but they are from here. but the countries are ******. Juicer do i know anything about muslims. If you ever been to goldstar chili in middle east I grew up with those guys. We fought so many people together. I used to work for trans america and they had a program where if you had an mba they hired you to be in management. Shit load of muslims were my bosses. Also my uncle is one of the biggest rooster hounds I know. His built lot of those derricks you see pumping oil in the middle east. I asked him if he ****** around over there. He said you never even look at a woman over there because they would kill you just for looking at the women.
    Now i have had friends tell me it is like the mormon religion. They can lie or penetrate over you and because you are not of their religion it is no big deal. Mormons are like that. Now i'll admit jibbs is a littel racist but unless you have been around a muslim where they are in charge it is different then a muslim in the states. I have been around them also in the philippines. Been to mindinao in ozamis and butuan. They are close to murawi.
    There are some totally cool Muslims I know this, they help fight with American soldiers side by side in the Middle East.. Very peaceful and cool Muslims here in America too.. Paco on this forum is one of them.

    I don't hate on all Muslims or any religious beliefs for that matter as long as you are cool and friendly.. Religious hate toward others starts wars and genocide, sometimes that happens even with the same religious beliefs.. As in Muslims killing Muslims in the Middle East today like crazy... I don't like any of that!!! ..

    I'm all for world peace and one love for all humanity regardless of religion or color but that just ain't happening or in the cards unfortunately..

  28. #63
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    Lets go Jinder Mahal!!!!
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  29. #64
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    I don't hate muslims either. BUT, if one of those MFers do one more focked up thing to this country, we have to run every last one of em out of here! Fock your stupid azz thoughts of fairness, equal, blah blah. Vet every last one to the MAX one chink or question mark in past you exit the country. I feel if something happens the people of this country will take action!! Our government is obviously wanting to keep the peace for monetary reasons. If we the people go buck fockn crazy on some Muslim focks we are seen as complete lunitics. Why? Because we are "Civilized". lol The next Hodgey fock that goes off will kill 1000 or more of his muslim brothers due to retaliation. They do have the keep women the fock out of the way correct. Women are annoying as HELL! They can fock up a soup sandwich. Since the feminist movement in this country, we have been a country on decline in moral character. Women are the Devil in disguise, sweet paradise lies between there thighs. One use. Sorry ladies, can't say I have met many women I look at as honorable and totally trustworthy. Enjoy

  30. #65
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    How can you ban this???

  31. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by stealthyburrito View Post
    Some of the women’s matches are better than most of the men’s matches.

    Charlotte/Asuka was a classic. Sasha and Charlotte also had a great feud a few years back that had a hell in a cell and Ironman match. They’re missing out.

    They recently had a Middle East tour and the women competed in the first ever matches there. I think it was in Dubai. But the women had to wear full body suits, only exposing hands and head/hair. I remember seeing Banks in one of those body suits and it was pretty weird.
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  32. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicername View Post
    How can you even say this with a straight face when Trump and Christians would have it exactly the same way if there weren't normal people to weigh up for their madness.

    Good troll attempt.

    Unless you believe what you're saying in which case we can have a nice talk about it.

  33. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    Yup that’s it!

    Let the damn women wrestle like this at least.

    Baby steps...

  34. #69
    Sanity Check
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    Here's a bright idea.

    Let's open US borders to let people who enjoy throwing gays off buildings and raping women into our country.

    Haha I'm joking. No one is dumb enough to support that.

    Except democrats, feminists, liberals and socialists.

  35. #70
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    Ive spent time in the middle East... they got more money than most of us can even visualize.... they treat Lambos and Ferraris like they’re nothing

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