1. #106
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    Gunna go solo Tonight.

  2. #107
    Ralphie Halves
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    Quote Originally Posted by thechaoz View Post
    Gunna go solo Tonight.
    Best way. Don't have to worry about what anyone else wants to do. Always had the best Vegas adventures this way.

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Best way. Don't have to worry about what anyone else wants to do. Always had the best Vegas adventures this way.
    Man I've learned a hard penetrating lesson. My friends are all OG, can drink for days and party. We have some unfamiliars in our group though. I've been god damn half baby sitting the entire time. First time in hours upon hours we got from MGM to Bellagio. That's it. My floozy and I were so bored we started dancing to hip hop in front of the Paris. I'm white with two left feet but people were encouraging us.

    Old downtown last night another shit show. They can't answer their phones, even tell me the casino they are at (the big penetrating sign outside moron) or anything. Eventually I left them and went to the golden nugget. Won a quick $150 playing $25 BJ but then they were blowing up my phone.

    After waiting for 30 minutes for one jerkoff in our crew to walk 600 feet , who was wasted I said, "We are all adults , lets just go our way and meet back at the crib eventually" His fat lady (obv wasted) was like "we've waited for you, that's messed up"

    BITCH. I've led this entire trip from planning to execution. If me saying "I'll find you guys later, I'm going to go do my own thing for a while" is waiting , then ya.

    I mean I've had fun, but after I left them last night I covered more ground in 2 hours then I did in 2 days. You can't even remotely bring some of these people near a club. My buddies are too chicken shit to tell em to pound sand. (You didn't bring ANY nice clothes? Not that I didn't mention that several times in the text messages.

    I'd say AT BEST you bring maybe 1 or 2 other buddies who can hang, have functioning self phones and an IQ above 60 and like to gamble. In the end I think you all go gamble and do your thing then meet up later for the club/bar/wherever the action is.

    I've also been "how to play every penetrating game because you couldn't look up the rules knowing we were coming here for 3 months" guy.

    I took the day off from them, they all went to lake Mead. I've been drinking at the pool, betting, gunna catch part of the knights game and go crush the strip solo (might bring my floozy but I'm getting an eye for new meat).

    I'll report back. I don't know where the night will take me but hopefully waking up with a broad in a bed not knowing where I am

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grits n' Gravy View Post
    Go to Drai’s after hours. If you can’t find it there, you never will. That shit is poison though.
    Yeah these broads wanted it. They found it in old downtown. I might partake occasionally but the I was baby sitting this trip so I wasn't in the mood. I've learned a lesson and next time the trip is solo or with 1/2 really close friends absolute max. Also riding with one girl is cool too because they just want you to lead.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CWD View Post
    Yeah a Dixie cup with watered down vodka all the same bro

    You're supposedly in Vegas and looking for free drinks lol

    Yeah you're high level
    That wasn't my idea, people were just suggesting that as something you could get with betting. I'm more about the scene/where the broads are at. I somehow haven't even managed to play poker here. Only had a week and I play that full time on my computer and in PA/NJ. Not really part of my "vacation" plans.

    A lot of good food suggestions in the thread which is nice, but I dont really care too much about that. Been doing outdoors shit during the day/ grab ass and some craps/BJ at night.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Eat at Raku. Thank me later.

    It's off the strip, but you're pretty close to it where you say you're staying.

    I've been in food and beverage most of my adult life, this is the spot.

  7. #112
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    I never got laid in Vegas

  8. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Crying to the mods? LOL you wish. Is that all you have, yo mamma jokes? No disease and death wishes? You were always a scumbag, but now ur a little bitch scumbag

    Oh look it's doucheface still here after he said he would leave. It's a good thing Grits n Gravy amuses you, since lying no integrity douchefaces like you are the ones whose daughters end up shitting out Grit n Gravy bastards
    Ooooohh......wow, the millionaire has found time between push ups and token poker & has graced us with a post.

    This is a huge honour for the OP.

    Great Vegas advice Dlow

  9. #114
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    Yeah dude, sounds like what I do through when my friends come into town. Their life is so boring where they live, they overcompensate and go nuts here. You can never get them together or get them to agree on anything, so I stopped trying.

    It's good being older now, because if anyone does come into Vegas, it's usually just one or two people, and they let me take the wheel for a night and I show them all the good shit.

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Yeah dude, sounds like what I do through when my friends come into town. Their life is so boring where they live, they overcompensate and go nuts here. You can never get them together or get them to agree on anything, so I stopped trying.

    It's good being older now, because if anyone does come into Vegas, it's usually just one or two people, and they let me take the wheel for a night and I show them all the good shit.
    Oh damn you're here? Fak. I should of met up.

    Noone ever gets the self employed/pro this or that lifestyle so it's always annoying.

    I dread everytime someone says, "so what do you do for a living?"

    I stopped trying and tell them I'm in IT now.

  11. #116
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    Next time maybe.

    Best part about living here is that everyone has something going on in their back pocket. Self-employed is the norm. We don't rest.

  12. #117
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Next time maybe.

    Best part about living here is that everyone has something going on in their back pocket. Self-employed is the norm. We don't rest.
    Nice. That's how I roll. I got about 4 or 5 things always popping. Yeah I'm definitely looking to get out here again, probably more towards Fall/winter. I'll pm you. Knowing a local sbrer would be a good time I'm sure.

    I'm at McCarren now. I've been drunk since Monday. Hair of the dog then a long flight home and drive.

    Thanks for the knowledge (Raku was amazing) and let slap me some cards next time I'm your way.

    I feel so at home here. Action, hit girls, heat, great food, popping night scene. It's all I really need.

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