1. #71
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Fidel honestly fukk yourself.

    This had nothing to do with you. It was that 4th retard guy. If you can't see that then I don't care. I could care less about your dumbfukk bet. You were warned by many but you were a public square thinking you had value. You NEVER had value because the wizards were NEVER going to win. Go to bed guy.

    I'm not in the mood tonight.

    Wiz fought? So what you fukking 🤡.

    Fidel I've been nice to you man.

    No more man.

    Don't act all smart.

    You are a midwest dumbfukk.

    I see your stupid type every day. Don't even know what time your lunch break starts.

    You on wizards game 7?


  2. #72
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Lol comin from someone that is down over 100 units this year

    I’d damn near beat you to death face to face , talking to 4th like

    you would do something to him . Speaking of clown , everyone would watch me toy with you

    saw the vid of you , look like a cuckold , down 100 unit’s has no real understanding of

    handicapping and others making fun of you left and right for it

    I’d destroy you in every aspect. Make fun of where others live yet you love in the biggest

    pussy part of the whole universe (although I think Canada is kinda nice)

    like Imgive a fukk if you are in the mood or not

    Career losing gambler while I’m actually purchasing shit with my gambling plays

    you lose all in bets then pretend reload the next day to lose the other fake money again

    I’d control, you I’m every aspect youmdork lookin fukk , look like a IT guy who pays for pussy

  3. #73
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    Up 60 units all documented up against some pussy looking fukk
    who blames himself being down over 100 unit’s on his parents
    my fukking god , get yourself a fukking girlfriend then maybe you wouldn’t
    have to share the lame ass grilling vids to a bunch of men on a sports site

    Wiz lead in the 4th I almost every game but ur such a clueless
    envious fukk who’s so desperate right now you trying to save
    face for your horrible bets day in and day out by talking shit
    on others plays . I’m not the only one that’s reading you for
    what you are trust me . Looks like the kind of guy that got beat up
    everyday in grade school

  4. #74
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hahahaha. I won. I got this loser worked up.

    Guys don't forget this loser is going to be a paramedic for $17/hr


    Fidel you don't want that mcdikks job for$15.25. it's now $15.26

    You would fukk me up?

    Let me guess American tough guy. You would pull out a gun and shoot me? Hahahaha.

    This had nothing to do with your bet. You mad because I bumped it and it made you look bad.

    I don't care about your bet. I was laughing at 4th retard.

    I hope your winning. With your income you need to win.

    Do yourself a favor. Get an education.

    Stupid hick

  5. #75
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    I was going to bump it regardless

    Like I embarrassed about a +500 wager

    Never in your shit life ever tell someone they don’t know how to bet on sports

    when they have never once in 6 years had a losing season overall

    You have never once had a winning season and you admitted it once

    people told you to track your dumb fukking air bet /dart throw auto loss wagers

    I win money doing this , you lose money doing this

    In the physical form as men , ur weak , Id literally crush you

  6. #76
    Fidel_CashFlow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Laker, seriously not going to keep going back and forth with ya
    Know this though , I’d beat your dorky ass in a second
    like feel me on that , I’d fukking make quick work of you and your
    bitch looking face and out of shape body type

    I’m up hard earned unit’s , a shit ton of them

    you are a lifetime losing gambler

    of course you make more in Canada , the price of living is outrageous there

    besides having way better medical service than America . You are always dissing

    americans btw, easy to do all the way from Canada ehhh ? Look in the mirror at your physique

    your fukking face , mr pay for pussy for life

    you would never ever approach me in real life I promise you that

  7. #77
    not a non pro
    sourtwist's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hate to see 2 guys I like going at it

  8. #78
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    Twist, I’m sorry but Laker been showing his card for a while now
    I’m not the only one seeing this and PMs sent to me and others publicly will admit this
    I’m gone from it , he will blow this off but i know deep down inside him he
    knows I’d treat him like the bitch he is face to face .
    Fukking dork is so excited a like -900 fave overcame 4th quarter deficits to win a series
    shows you how desperate he is cuz he’s down so many units
    Pathetic , he would take a L for this in the physical form
    and it would happen really quick , do t care who believes me or not

    And always talkin shit on Americans the making fun of someone

    who wants to be a paramedic and help people cuz they don’t make that much

    that’s the same kind of soulless trifli shit that someone e would do

    that also blames being down 100 units on their own parents

  9. #79
    the1yankee's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fidel_CashFlow View Post
    I was going to bump it regardless

    Like I embarrassed about a +500 wager

    Never in your shit life ever tell someone they don’t know how to bet on sports

    when they have never once in 6 years had a losing season overall

    You have never once had a winning season and you admitted it once

    people told you to track your dumb fukking air bet /dart throw auto loss wagers

    I win money doing this , you lose money doing this

    In the physical form as men , ur weak , Id literally crush you

    Fidel, lol, I just got me thinkin of that skit from that old show "kids in the hall"

    "I'll crush your head"

    If u haven't ever seen it just Google that phrase I wrote.

    Funny ass skit, don't remember show bein that good tho. Think it was early or mid 2000s, the show was on tv?

  10. #80
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    Man I been falling victim to arguing with people online lately
    that’s not what I’m here for
    If your parents are worse off then I recall I’m sorry for that Laker
    but everything else I said is true , if I could say it calmly with some impulse control
    I would find a way to articulately get my point across
    idgaf if you give a shit what I say Laker
    You been showing a lot of insecurities and weakness for a while now
    If one of your good buddies would tell you this you would listen

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