1. #12251
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    Quote Originally Posted by BarkingToad View Post
    It’s because GLD and SLV are trading paper, and they just keep adding more paper to suppress the price. Manipulation has been going on for many years if not decades. JP Morgan had to pay nearly $1 Billion fine, just another expense for them. Globalists will just keep piling on more paper when needed to keep price down.


    It’s still happening now.

    Manipulation in the silver futures market has been going on for many years. I'm not surprised to see it's happening with gold too.

  2. #12252
    homie1975's Avatar SBR PRO
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    it is time to AVERAGE DOWN on existing red positions and/or to OPEN NEW POSITIONS


    major headwinds but NO system risk.

    we are only 1% from the JUNE lows and the floor was already formed.

    I have done what i said above, RIGHT NOW. i did it.

    disclaimer: I also did the same in the March and June Lows and here we are again so my opinion is worth less than a grain of salt.

  3. #12253
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    Seems to be a tug of war between Bulls and Bears. Markets haven't done much in 3 hours, which would mean the Bulls are tugging back against all the bad news. Day traders seem to be setting up to start buying and probably unload the last 30 minutes. We may wind up unchanged today or very close to it.

  4. #12254
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    it is time to AVERAGE DOWN on existing red positions and/or to OPEN NEW POSITIONS


    major headwinds but NO system risk.

    we are only 1% from the JUNE lows and the floor was already formed.

    I have done what i said above, RIGHT NOW. i did it.

    disclaimer: I also did the same in the March and June Lows and here we are again so my opinion is worth less than a grain of salt.
    How do you figure. S&P 500 June low was 3636. Today's low so far 3749. That's over 3% higher.

    Ya never know, but the old "don't fight the fed" is in play. 2009-2021 that always meant buy, buy, buy. Now it means sell, sell, sell.

    I still just don't see a near-term catalyst and haven't seen any capitulation yet. My guess is the June lows get breached and we see 3500's before any meaningful rise.

  5. #12255
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    it is time to AVERAGE DOWN on existing red positions and/or to OPEN NEW POSITIONS


    major headwinds but NO system risk.

    we are only 1% from the JUNE lows and the floor was already formed.

    I have done what i said above, RIGHT NOW. i did it.

    disclaimer: I also did the same in the March and June Lows and here we are again so my opinion is worth less than a grain of salt.
    I bought stock and options today for a bounce, but that's it. We'll be in a recession soon...

  6. #12256
    milwaukee mike
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    Quote Originally Posted by homie1975 View Post
    it is time to AVERAGE DOWN on existing red positions and/or to OPEN NEW POSITIONS


    major headwinds but NO system risk.

    we are only 1% from the JUNE lows and the floor was already formed.

    I have done what i said above, RIGHT NOW. i did it.

    disclaimer: I also did the same in the March and June Lows and here we are again so my opinion is worth less than a grain of salt.
    that's where i would disagree

    the country is bankrupt, financially and morally... now that doesn't mean the stock market will crash tomorrow, but buying financial assets into a recession of a bankrupt economy isn't always the best idea

    yes it's better to buy low and sell high, but there are so many great deals in the junk bond/preferred market that i would look there instead, as one example macy's is still doing OK and their bonds are paying 8%

  7. #12257
    Slurry Pumper
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    I took yesterday off, and as I come back for the Friday session it looks bleak. Markets were going down all week only to slightly pause for a little while which means the downslide will probably continue. We are going to gap below an important spot (371) in the SPY and pretty much the same on other charts into the weekend. I don't see a bounce until $366 - $365 spot today if any. I tried jumping in earlier this week and got smacked, so I'll just hang on to the Puts I got left from a month or so ago and see how the week closes before I make another move.

    Yesterday The 'Ole lady and I were out to lunch literally when I got a phone call from a machine shop / assembler, and after I got off the phone my wife was telling me how it sounded like I got my own verbal porn show going on. In the interest of education I think I'll start giving out Pumping terms that just sound dirty. With porn all over the place, you know when you hear these terms, the mind just naturally go to the sexual content. Since we are kicking off this thing, today we will have 2 terms to start.

    1. Our first item is a classic: HARDENED SHAFT - a long cylindrically shaped object made from a metal of some sort that has been heat treated as to make the surface harder than the underlying material kind of like a hard boiled egg.

    2. Here's a term I had to actually show the 'ole lady was a thing out of a book: SHOCKLESS ENTRY - the term used for the angle of flow for a fluid as it enters the impeller inlet vane area. If the flow is aligned with the angle of the leading edge of the impeller vane, it is called a shockless entry.

    I think as the days go on you will be amazed at how many words and terms in the slurry pumping bidness just sound like a porno in the making.

  8. #12258
    milwaukee mike
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    well if we're talking porn, this market has us bent over without any lube, getting jammed with a wire brush

  9. #12259
    milwaukee mike
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    nowhere to hide today... bonds/gold/oil/crypto/stocks all getting absolutely clobbered

    historically gold would be a safe haven, or hedge against inflation, now it's just trading like the stock market

    if this continues i might have to actually get a job! the horror

  10. #12260
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Stock market taking a beating again today. Keep spending JOE focking Biden.

  11. #12261
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    Trumptards blaming Biden because all they do is lose.

  12. #12262
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    Stock market taking a beating again today. Keep spending JOE focking Biden.
    2020 and 2021, both appropriated under Trump, were higher spending than in 2022 and in the following years projected. Feds run on fiscal year through September 30. So 10/1/21 thru 09/30/22 is actually Biden's first budget year.

    Point of fact: 2022 spending fell almost 20% and the deficit fell 50% from Trump's final year.

    Spending is almost always higher under Republican Presidents and yet Republicans always portray it the opposite. Dems always come in and have to clean up Republican spending. Even the same thing happened with Obama. Spending fell in his first year. Clinton, Obama, Biden. Dem Presidents are always more fiscally responsible, both in terms of spending and revenue. Nobody worse than Trump though. Nearly doubled from Obama's last year to Trump's last year just 4 years later. Annual deficit almost 600% higher. Largest deficit pre-Trump was GWB's final year at about $1.4T. Trump's last two deficits: $3.1T and $3.7T. This year will be $1.8T. Biden restored fiscal sanity.

    Last edited by d2bets; 09-23-22 at 10:42 AM.

  13. #12263
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    ^ Inflation is causing interest rates to rise now plain and simple! Can't blame Trump for the Biden Administrations on going spending of trillions. You don't spend like that during a recession. It's finally starting to hit the stock market now.

    These are the facts and they are undisputed. Has nothing to do with Trump. Joe Biden is our President today and it's falling under his watch. Self inflicted pain on the people.

  14. #12264
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    Quote Originally Posted by JIBBBY View Post
    ^ Inflation is causing interest rates to rise now plain and simple! Can't blame Trump for the Biden Administrations on going spending of trillions. You don't spend like that during a recession. It's finally starting to hit the stock market now.

    These are the facts and they are undisputed. Has nothing to do with Trump. Joe Biden is our President today and it's falling under his watch. Self inflicted pain on the people.
    Dude. Do you even look at facts? The massive spending hike was under Trump. 2020 spending was insane. Yes, the dems in Congress went along with it, maybe even pushed it, but Biden is just sitting in the chair. The inflation stems from the massive spending under Trump and also the monetary policy (which Trump also jawboned Powell into).

    Again, do you understand that only Biden has only submitted one budget for 2022, and it was way less than in either 2021 or 2020 under Trump? Feel free to continue to ignore facts, but there they are.

  15. #12265
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Dude. Do you even look at facts? The massive spending hike was under Trump. 2020 spending was insane. Yes, the dems in Congress went along with it, maybe even pushed it, but Biden is just sitting in the chair. The inflation stems from the massive spending under Trump and also the monetary policy (which Trump also jawboned Powell into).

    Again, do you understand that only Biden has only submitted one budget for 2022, and it was way less than in either 2021 or 2020 under Trump? Feel free to continue to ignore facts, but there they are.
    Everything is always Trump's fault I know, same old story dude.. Biden is just a Saint and Savior and bares no blame for anything that is happening negatively today..

    Politics - the go to play is always to blame the last guy in office for your own failed policies. Those facts I know. Swamp, con the people with gas lighting talk with the fake news support.

    Joe Biden and the Administration could have stopped the spending and end this recession but we had to pass more trillion dollar spending bills to pay off student loans and to support the green new deal causing more inflation. That's why the stock market is tanking now as interest rates continue to soar!

  16. #12266
    milwaukee mike
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    Dude. Do you even look at facts? The massive spending hike was under Trump. 2020 spending was insane. Yes, the dems in Congress went along with it, maybe even pushed it, but Biden is just sitting in the chair. The inflation stems from the massive spending under Trump and also the monetary policy (which Trump also jawboned Powell into).

    Again, do you understand that only Biden has only submitted one budget for 2022, and it was way less than in either 2021 or 2020 under Trump? Feel free to continue to ignore facts, but there they are.
    agree with you on most of that, but i would add that trump giving out stimulus money to EVERYONE is a much better situation than biden forgiving student loan debt for a bunch of rich doctors, and handing billions after billions to the weapons contractors for "ukraine" when they even admit that 80% of those weapons never get into the hands of who they intend

    we argue left/right or democrat/republican while every single member of congress goes in poor and leaves rich, and they all eat steak dinners together laughing at how dumb we are for falling for it

  17. #12267
    milwaukee mike
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    i would add that although i don't like either party, the biden administration is by far the worst in history... biden is senile, every speech is antagonistic, and every hire is some weirdo fagg or illiterate black woman

    and powell continuing to jack up rates to the moon can only be seen as an attempt to ruin the standard of living for everyone in the usa
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  18. #12268
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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  19. #12269
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    Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
    agree with you on most of that, but i would add that trump giving out stimulus money to EVERYONE is a much better situation than biden forgiving student loan debt for a bunch of rich doctors, and handing billions after billions to the weapons contractors for "ukraine" when they even admit that 80% of those weapons never get into the hands of who they intend

    we argue left/right or democrat/republican while every single member of congress goes in poor and leaves rich, and they all eat steak dinners together laughing at how dumb we are for falling for it
    $10,000 student loan foregivness is far more skewed toward ordinary Americans than the massive PPP, EIDL, etc etc loans (gifts) that went to rich business people, and is expoentially less costly. I assure you I know this well. I bet you do too.

    We are not experiencing inflation now because Biden forgave some student loans a couple months ago.

    What we see now is all blowback from Trump-era covid policies and effects. Not that dems opposed it or would have done anything differently. But, like him or hate him, it doesn't stem from any Biden policies. Anyone screaming otherwise is either stupid or full of shit. Most are stupid, but I think Jibby might be just full of shit mostly.
    Last edited by d2bets; 09-23-22 at 12:38 PM.

  20. #12270
    ex50warrior's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by milwaukee mike View Post
    nowhere to hide today... bonds/gold/oil/crypto/stocks all getting absolutely clobbered

    historically gold would be a safe haven, or hedge against inflation, now it's just trading like the stock market

    if this continues i might have to actually get a job! the horror

    No kidding! I bought more oil, gold and silver stocks today...may be going down with the ship.

  21. #12271
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    And if that doesn't happen are you going to "blame the refs" again?

    I'll answer that: Yes. Yes you will.

  22. #12272
    milwaukee mike
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    $10,000 student loan foregivness is far more skewed toward ordinary Americans than the massive PPP, EIDL, etc etc loans (gifts) that went to rich business people, and is expoentially less costly. I assure you I know this well. I bet you do too.

    We are not experiencing inflation now because Biden forgave some student loans a couple months ago.

    What we see now is all blowback from Trump-era covid policies and effects. Not that dems opposed it or would have done anything differently. But, like him or hate him, it doesn't stem from any Biden policies. Anyone screaming otherwise is either stupid or full of shit. Most are stupid, but I think Jibby might be just full of shit mostly.
    so the market is going down 2 years after trump was defeated... because of trump? might as well blame gerald ford and jimmy carter

    right away, biden shut down the keystone pipeline... that made oil prices go up, which made transportation costs go up, which led to supply chain issues and inflation

    more than 20 states have sued biden over shutting down the keystone pipeline, so to say that none of biden's policies were responsible for higher energy costs and inflation is downright silly

  23. #12273
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    Dow -600 and dropping today.. OUCH!!

    You know this stock market was peaking forever and what goes up must go down eventually. Doesn't feel good though.

  24. #12274
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    the whole thing is a complete mess

  25. #12275
    alling's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Another great week to be short. This isn't rocket science. Sell the rips.

  26. #12276
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    It is ugly.. But it is becoming a buying opportunity for those with some cash and some balls to go along with it..

  27. #12277
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    The market should see a 5-10% rally over the next week or so. Some of the metrics I use are more oversold than they were when we hit the June low.

  28. #12278
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
    The market should see a 5-10% rally over the next week or so. Some of the metrics I use are more oversold than they were when we hit the June low.
    lol. I doubt it.

  29. #12279
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
    The market should see a 5-10% rally over the next week or so. Some of the metrics I use are more oversold than they were when we hit the June low.
    10% rebound would bring S&P 500 to 4,070 next week. That seems quite unlikely.

  30. #12280
    milwaukee mike
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    10% rebound would bring S&P 500 to 4,070 next week. That seems quite unlikely.
    yeah i'm with you there

    we are at the june lows... and pretty much everything is worse than 3 months ago, bond rates are much higher, big warnings from companies like fedex about the economy, mortgage rates are now above 6.6% (!), etc

  31. #12281
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    Buy Nio. They are cheap right now. If they deliver what they forecast it will go up 4 a share.

  32. #12282
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanuckG View Post
    lol. I doubt it.
    Never doubt josh. He is a winner.

  33. #12283
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    are the bulls getting nervous yet?

  34. #12284
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post
    10% rebound would bring S&P 500 to 4,070 next week. That seems quite unlikely.
    5% would bring us back to where we were Wednesday before rates were raised.

  35. #12285
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