1. #1
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Bizarro World in MLB tonight.

    Miggy Gonzalez holds the AL beasts (Astros) to one run, and the White Sox who couldn't hit a right handed pitcher for shit makes McHugh their personal meat puppet.

    400 lb, 62 year old Bartolo Colon is six outs away from throwing a complete game against the power Brewer bats.

    Road doggies woofing and barking, and chalk eaters looking for antacid.

    Reds pitcher Wojo gets his first ever hit, and kid Turner gets his first ever HR

    God Bless Bartolo Colon, he's the hero of the fat pencil pushing middle manager.

  2. #2
    hotcross's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
    Road doggies woofing and barking,...
    Except my 2 picks. You forgot to mention a cat getting lose on the field in St.Louis after which first pitch results in Grand Slam

  3. #3
    2daBank's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotcross View Post
    Except my 2 picks. You forgot to mention a cat getting lose on the field in St.Louis after which first pitch results in Grand Slam
    Years ago we had the rally squirrel, now we have rally kitty as my cards playing their best ball of the season and about to move even closer to the scrubbies!!

  4. #4
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by hotcross View Post
    Except my 2 picks. You forgot to mention a cat getting lose on the field in St.Louis after which first pitch results in Grand Slam
    I saw that, it was the '69 Cubs redux.
    (Huge KC fan here)

  5. #5
    stevenash's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2daBank View Post
    Years ago we had the rally squirrel, now we have rally kitty as my cards playing their best ball of the season and about to move even closer to the scrubbies!!
    If Wain-o has a hot 6 weeks your red birds have a punchers chance.

  6. #6
    2daBank's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevenash View Post
    If Wain-o has a hot 6 weeks your red birds have a punchers chance.
    The way they looked in early June I'll be thrilled if they just keep it close enough for those 7 sept games they have vs cubbies to be meaningful.

    once I heard they shipped piscotty to the minors I got pretty excited as I like the new lineup. Annoys me it took matheny 3 months to switch it up, lol.

    The pen been excellent going back a good month now. Hell the way waino has struggled especially on the road I'd like to see them figure out a way to get Luke weaver some starts as he wasting away in minors and I really like his stuff. Maybe even just use him in spot starts to get waino and wacha extra time.
