1. #71
    brooks85's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by StackinGreen View Post
    You guys are talking about completely different ideas. Go back and read every post of mine 10 times so you know my points are, and what they aren't.

    What does overdosing have to do with marijuana "fighting cancer"? Besides, your link was about how alcohol was a risk factor for cancer.

    Yes, it can be, I agreed. And you also agree in low to moderate usage, EtOH is good for you. So what's your problem?

    I never brought up prescription drugs, so stop talking about stuff not relevant to my discussion, but dear to your heart. I don't care about that unless I talk about it.

    Marijuana is not good for a healthy person. Alcohol can be, but is not necessarily.

    I don't understand what is so difficult to understand about those statements, which are facts.

    That you don't care about the detrimental effects of marijuana, and only want to focus on some of its other properties (which may be beneficial) is irrelevant to the conversation. Please use reading comprehension.
    nothing... better question is what in the hell made you ask that?

    you clearly need to re-read my posts... slowly too apparently. I understand yours just fine. Then spend some time researching. Your defense of prove it to me works much better in-person. Online it actually backfires, you have the whole world at your finger tips so asking someone to prove something to you that would only take you 30 seconds to find on your own doesn't look good for you.

  2. #72
    Bluehorseshoe's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    ESPN News is doing an hour on this now.

  3. #73
    Eddy Munny
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    StackinGreen is getting owned in this thread... declares he's a doctor and then expects a chorus of deference to his lofty credentials. The problem is, he's a slave to science, and science, much like anything, can be slanted and skewed to sway opinions any which number of directions.

    Of course "science" says anything legal and profitable for major corps is the preferred method of treatment, if the alternative can be grown in Jorge's basement and distributed with relatively little difficulty, possibly even skirting the tax man to boot.

    Somewhere in the foreseeable future, when all 50 states have declared marijuana legal, and there's a solid distribution infrastructure in place in which to reap the robust financial rewards, I think you'll find that StackinGreen's sacred "science" will hold the ole hippy lettuce in a far more favorable regard... just a hunch.

  4. #74
    Eddy Munny
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    Well I wasn't exactly striving for a thread ender with my previous post but it would appear as though that's effectively what it was.

    ***Note to self: Don't always go for the quick knockout if you want to break a sweat.***

  5. #75
    ZINISTER's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    When you argue with a FOOL there are two FOOLS. Logic tells you weed can't be good. All the fockn kids most of ya raised like shyt smoke this stuff b4 they are 16 years old. Fock the kids they suck as bad as the parent that raised them. Who gives a rats ass if a grown man smokes a joint? Just another pucie american bullshyt rule. fock em and feed em beans!

  6. #76
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    If the people of this county were "United"{never happen with back stabbing focks like yourselves} and boycott the games for a week the rule would change overnight. This spineless country is in the middle of a swan dive into concrete! I'm just waitn watchn and enjoying the future for all you fockn loser pucies that wouldn't stand up for what is right. If it doesn't effect you directly you don't care. I smoke the fock out of the weed to better able myself to deal with all the motherfocken arsholes!!!!!
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  7. #77
    habitualwinning's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by ZINISTER View Post
    If the people of this county were "United"{never happen with back stabbing focks like yourselves} and boycott the games for a week the rule would change overnight. This spineless country is in the middle of a swan dive into concrete! I'm just waitn watchn and enjoying the future for all you fockn loser pucies that wouldn't stand up for what is right. If it doesn't effect you directly you don't care. I smoke the fock out of the weed to better able myself to deal with all the motherfocken arsholes!!!!!
    Mfers are standing up for shit every single day in this country. The problem is nobody has their backs. There's pretty much a protest against the government in this country every single day in every single state. And not just the highly publicized ones such as BLM or Westboro Baptist. People are actually protesting corrupt laws at state capitals and in D.C. Abortion is big, guns are big and cannabis is big. Every time I go to the capitol, I see people protesting and sometimes getting arrested protesting those things. They don't put it on TV on the news for everyone to see, cause they don't want anybody knowing about it. They want us to fight each other over BLM or religion instead of uniting for common sense things like cannabis/hemp.

    The progressive states in this country have already legalized it btw. It's the fascist ones that still charge people with felonies and mandatory minimums for petty possession. Meanwhile in these same states guys with multiple DWIs are still crashing and killing people cause of the lax alcohol laws. The government in this country is such an illogical hypocrite. Same shit with sports betting. The government says fantasy leagues are fine but betting on games outside of Nevada is illegal. Okay, that makes a lot of sense. Bunch of idiots running this country. Then you have the sloths that sit around on their asses and don't do anything about the government being corrupt. I don't know which one is worse. This whole country is a swirling toilet bowl of stench water.

  8. #78
    pay Bobby
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    blowing on some sweet tooth right now

    let these big boys breathe a little

    can organically ease the pain of some of these collision-type hits guys take in the show

    losers use opiates cannabis is for winners
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  9. #79
    trobin31's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Most common reasons I'd recommend medical marijuana,
    1) anxiety / panic episodes
    2) refractory nausea
    3) weight loss and/or loss of appetite
    4) chronic pain/neuropathy

    I don't treat Multiple sclerosis but I know a neurologist who found the only thing works for severe spasms in MS is marijuana

    Lol at the tards who say marijuana fights cancer. You cannot really be this stupid

  10. #80
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    Another suspension today.

    Am I wrong or does Baseball not test for it?

  11. #81
    docwatson's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bluehorseshoe View Post
    One of the most violent sports in the world and they're worried about something that is less harmful than alcohol and what the doctor gives you on Monday.
    Yes I agree it is silly, but its still a damn rule. You can put the Mary Jane away for football season until it becomes legalized. Either that or don't get paid. Must abide by the rules set in the CBA regardless. Especially when know they exist.

  12. #82
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Weed is bad

    Ruies are rules

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