1. #36
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    I agree with the comment about the HOF being a joke. I would have more respect for it if the players themselves voted. The sportswriters have too many axes to grind and probably won't vote for a guy if he was a jerk to interview or beat the hometown team.

    Baseball Writers Association has one tenth of the expertise and recognition that the players or managers have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by frogsrangers View Post
    I didn't ask if Ortiz should get in, I asked will he get in

    The voters would have to apply a double standard to get Ortiz in while they leave out players with better numbers because of PED use.
    I think he will get in - more of a positive attitude about him in the media.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    like i said man, peds saved baseball. i just find it funny some people get thrown under the bus and some don't. that's all i'm saying.
    Yea thats not fair, agreed.

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    timing is everything

    the currenrt perception is that the league is clean

    it's too late to make him piss now he's on the victory lap on a team going nowhere (see Kobe)

    zero fox given

    he's in

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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowball View Post
    no way first ballot, he doesn't even compare favorably with
    Manny Ramirez.
    Well sure but Manny was one of the 25-30 best hitters but just about any measure
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    Steroids will always follow these star athletes. It's unfortunate... but it's the truth.

    Papi didn't need them... but he took them.

    I can't remember if David Ortiz was on the first rough draft of possible steroid users? But I believe he was.

    All I know is... I remember going to a Tigers game in 1989 and seeing Jose Canseco up close.... guy was on roids back then. I'm a firm believer that Canseco introduced McGwire to roids... well before being a St. Louis Cardinal.

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    He should never be allowed in. He was a fukkin juicer.

  8. #43
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    kids a goof

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    Quote Originally Posted by MUHerd37 View Post
    He should never be allowed in. He was a fukkin juicer.
    Herder you would never say that shit to his face mang you better call first

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    Not sure why he seems to get a pass when it comes to steroids but he was on the original list

    He should be in the HOF but so should Bonds and Arod for sure

  11. #46
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    Davy PED Ortiz...HOF
    Let me laff...

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    Quote Originally Posted by manny24 View Post
    Herder you would never say that shit to his face mang you better call first

    Roid rage is scary stuff.

  13. #48
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    When Bonds, Clemens, etc get in, Big Papi will also. However, I do think his 1st ballot percentage as a juicer will be around 50% (which is sky high). Should make it in time,

  14. #49
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    NONE of this matters. I love Ortiz and he is a great hitter, and great diplomat for MLB. BUT NO DH has ever been elected. So conversation is moot.

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