1. #1
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    zona wont lose now

    They needed a tough nervy game. This team won't be touched now. Hammer them.

  2. #2
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I think now then win it all

    Lakerboy I agree with you here

  3. #3
    NavsPicks's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Always thought they would win it all. Defences win championships. Palmer needs to get his head out of his ass tho

  4. #4
    DOM-Ganador's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    All yous guys, STFU.
    Go ahead and bet the Cards. Palmer looked a hellava lot like Bradford ( deer caught in headlights)
    and they should be making tee-times.

    Thought the Pats were done LB????

    I DON`T think so.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM-Ganador View Post
    All yous guys, STFU.
    Go ahead and bet the Cards. Palmer looked a hellava lot like Bradford ( deer caught in headlights)
    and they should be making tee-times.

    Thought the Pats were done LB????

    I DON`T think so.
    How much u lose on packers?

  6. #6
    lakerboy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM-Ganador View Post
    All yous guys, STFU.
    Go ahead and bet the Cards. Palmer looked a hellava lot like Bradford ( deer caught in headlights)
    and they should be making tee-times.

    Thought the Pats were done LB????

    I DON`T think so.
    Dominic u called pats out. Pats won't beat zona. Heck pats won't beat denver. Zona was favored to win bowl before game. It won't change now.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM-Ganador View Post
    All yous guys, STFU.
    Go ahead and bet the Cards. Palmer looked a hellava lot like Bradford ( deer caught in headlights)
    and they should be making tee-times.

    Thought the Pats were done LB????

    I DON`T think so.
    palmer will play much better moving forward imo,,monkey off his back now. i think if panthers beat sea zona will go to carolina and win, if sea wins 2marro who knows.

  8. #8
    tony_come's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Cards in super bowl

  9. #9
    smith131's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Seattle will roll Zona and we will have a rematch of last years super bowl

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by smith131 View Post
    Seattle will roll Zona and we will have a rematch of last years super bowl
    they have a tough task 2marro, back 2 back early starts in eastern time zone, well last eek minny game might have been central time (not sure which they are) but either way not easy for west coast team.

  11. #11
    tiktok's Avatar SBR PRO
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    They aren't going into Carolina and beating Cam

  12. #12
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    Seattle loses tomorrow or I will not be back here.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by smith131 View Post
    Seattle will roll Zona and we will have a rematch of last years super bowl
    Nope. You're a delusional ISIS cuck.

  14. #14
    Albabbie's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Arizona's defense looked pretty suspect, along with Palmer. Hope they can get their heads outta there ass, would love to see them win the super bowl

  15. #15
    RyleeCashflow's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I just can't see Palmer beating either the Hawks or Panthers w Cam Newton at Home.

    Fading Zona.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by JameisBrady View Post
    Nope. You're a delusional ISIS cuck.
    lol we will see, I still say Carolina is a fraud

  17. #17
    GoBlue77's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by smith131 View Post
    lol we will see, I still say Carolina is a fraud


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoBlue77 View Post
    Lol you're acting like he said the pats are frauds .. Carolina hasn't proven anything when it counts.

  19. #19
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Larry is going to win the whole damn thing this year.

  20. #20
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    Good to see Fitz step up when the team really needed it. Cards played so-so, but still pulled out the win. Team needed a game, and Palmer needed playoff monkey off his back; focus should be much improved next week. Offensive line has to improve, because Packers took a page from Seattle gamebook, and that will continue until they fix it. Arians knows that and will work on the OL all week.

    Seattle's experience may be too much for Panthers tomorrow, and that would set up the perfect scenario for the Cards. They would destroy Seattle after what happened in week 17 (when Cards had nothing to play for).

    Not sure Arizona could beat Carolina on the road.

  21. #21
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    Fakerboy please shut up and stop trying to jynx my Cardinals.

  22. #22
    Goat Milk
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    You said Chiefs were going to beat the Patriots. Didn't even lead once the whole game.

    Just silence. Leave playoff picks to the big boys. You can check back in during the reg season when line movement is relevant


  23. #23
    Did we win?
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    Sorry laker but if you watched Arizona tonight and came to that conclusion you need help.

  24. #24
    JayDr3am's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by lakerboy View Post
    They needed a tough nervy game. This team won't be touched now. Hammer them.
    you should be saying this about seattle..

  25. #25
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Palmer looked rusty

    Pack did play well

    I will tell you Zona has most complete team out of anyone

  26. #26
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    For a QB Palmer is one out of shape fuk.
