1. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra77er View Post
    Just wanted to add that the way I'm viewing it now is I have to pursue my passions and reinvent myself in some way.

    I love sports and I think getting a degree is my only chance of pursuing that dream...as people have said it is about who you know mostly but I think if I get this paper I can still make a career in sports work.

    I am also unique in the sense that I have some sort of steady income already so even getting my foot in the door like sorting fan mail for no pay wouldn't affect me as much as it may others. (Thank you Blue Jay GM Alex A) but ultimately I worry that my goals will fall short not because of my efforts but because I do not posses the degree.
    Follow your passions. There's always that signal that makes you go for it. If you're feeling it... do it.

  2. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    You'll be working at a deli pal with that MBA in five years

    If your not a gifted person with that degree it is penetrating useless

    Get in the warehouse like I did... work every day or start a painting, fencing or electrician business
    Since MBA's are good in calculating ratio's and percentages, might be useful in analyzing Basketball point spreads.

  3. #108
    It's time to collect
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    A degree is worth only what you put into it. If you earn one, on one can take it from YOU. Plus no one will want to take your degree from YOU. You must get your own. A degree also doesn't cap your learning ability, you can always learn more than the degree teaches you

  4. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by seaborneq View Post
    A degree is worth only what you put into it. If you earn one, on one can take it from YOU. Plus no one will want to take your degree from YOU. You must get your own. A degree also doesn't cap your learning ability, you can always learn more than the degree teaches you

    If it is not a specialty degree and your really a standout your the biggest jerkoff that ever lived to go to college anymore

    It does not pay off anymore

    All these people I know in 20's with 100K ++ debt

  5. #110
    The Kraken
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    Regardless of what you choose to pursue, networking is extremely important. Others mentioned earlier thats its about who you know and I couldn't agree more.

    If you choose to go back to school, also use that time to be an intern somewhere, or get to know ppl in the industry.

    I interned at an amazing hospital, got hired and made the most of it. Just based on that one job, it has opened up doors for me I never imagine, because of the reputation of hospital.

    I've had two friends since that pursued grad degrees, one attorney and one architct, I encourage both along the way to take advantage of their time in school and intern at the place they wanred to work, both did and both now work for the places they were interns

    Don't underestimate the inportance of networking

  6. #111
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    heres what you do

    take $500

    all in on 10games for next 4 years

    count that money as lost entertainment so that when ur at 125k all in, it wont matter

  7. #112
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    Rudy I like you man

  8. #113
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    Thats supreme confidence in yourself to turn your balance over 10x but it also seems highly unrealistic. I think the longest streak Ive ever had is 8 or 9.

  9. #114
    Russian Rocket
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    Razzer an AA degree might be the way to go for you...or/and move to the Bay and join one of the startups...you will learn as you go, even at your age...

    Let me know if you need any reference.

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra77er View Post
    Thats supreme confidence in yourself to turn your balance over 10x but it also seems highly unrealistic. I think the longest streak Ive ever had is 8 or 9.
    Most folks would probably cashed out after the 3rd or 4th all in. All in $500 dollars is 10k when your doing it on your 4th bet.

  11. #116
    CM Punk -1000.5 (100X)
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Rudy I like you man
    Lol. JJ looking to bury poster's in need.

  12. #117
    Mr KLC
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    My oldest son was like me when it came to college. I didn't like school when it was free, so why the hell did I want to pay for it? My youngest son was kind of going that way until just recently. He is now a senior at what they call a Middle College. He is taking high school at the local community college, and will be getting his high school diploma and associates degree at the same time. That will be 2 years of free college out of the way.

    Maybe some of you younger guys can help me out here, because I am totally oblivious when it comes to this subject. He is now wanting to further his education. He is waiting to see if he has been accepted at Tennessee Tech. My question is this. Is it too late to be looking for some type of student aid other than student loans? If not, where would I even start looking? I bring in about $35,000 a year, and I am wondering if that would qualify him for some type of hardship.

    Also, because he is a couple of years ahead, we have considered him taking a year off. His counselor has stated that it should not affect him going to the school if he has already been accepted. Has anyone gone this route before?

  13. #118
    Ralphie Halves
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post

    Also, because he is a couple of years ahead, we have considered him taking a year off. His counselor has stated that it should not affect him going to the school if he has already been accepted. Has anyone gone this route before?
    Many European kids take a Gap Year, where they travel and work for a year. I have cousins that picked apples in China and Kazakhstan right after HS. It's a good idea as long as he does something with it.

  14. #119
    Mr KLC
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ralphie Halves View Post
    Many European kids take a Gap Year, where they travel and work for a year. I have cousins that picked apples in China and Kazakhstan right after HS. It's a good idea as long as he does something with it.
    He's applied to take a 3 week college course in Japan once his senior year is over. Hoping he gets it just for the personal experience. We've also discussed trying to get him a job where I work for a year so he can save the money up, and go to school if we have no luck with any financial aid. The main thing is that we do not want him to take out any loans. I'm a bill collector for defaulted student loans, and I can tell you some horror stories of people getting into deep debt.

  15. #120
    CM Punk -1000.5 (100X)
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    Mr KLC, here in So Cal, we have programs like; financial aid, BOG, etc. Your household income has to be less then a certain amount. You just have to see what kind of services they provide. That's my experience so far.

  16. #121
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    to pay back a debt over 100K is a bad bet because most likely the best job your getting is $40,000 a year before taxes

    It will not even dent your loan..the guy painting houses will bury you long term with $10,000 start up costs

  17. #122
    pay Bobby
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    slob in the most endearing possible way.

  18. #123
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    A degree is practically worthless. I've had jobs in the business world where others had the same job as me and they never went to college. I wasted 7 years in college just to make the same as a person with a high school diploma. It really is who you know not what you know. I currently have a government job that requires a college degree that pays so little that people working in retail and supermarkets make more than me.

    If you have to go into major debt to get a degree, it is not worth it. Because in the end if you don't know someone who can get you that job, you are screwed. All you got is tons of debt and a job you could have gotten without wasting your time to get that degree.

  19. #124
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    Quote Originally Posted by YellowCurious View Post
    A degree is practically worthless. I've had jobs in the business world where others had the same job as me and they never went to college. I wasted 7 years in college just to make the same as a person with a high school diploma. It really is who you know not what you know. I currently have a government job that requires a college degree that pays so little that people working in retail and supermarkets make more than me.

    If you have to go into major debt to get a degree, it is not worth it. Because in the end if you don't know someone who can get you that job, you are screwed. All you got is tons of debt and a job you could have gotten without wasting your time to get that degree.
    Fixed your post, otherwise spot on

  20. #125
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    Electrician, B.C. Canada. Tuition under 7k total. Average pay $29 hour in cities and out of city $37. Lots of over time around and room to move up or take specialty courses that are also cheap.

  21. #126
    Goat Milk
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    He's applied to take a 3 week college course in Japan once his senior year is over. Hoping he gets it just for the personal experience. We've also discussed trying to get him a job where I work for a year so he can save the money up, and go to school if we have no luck with any financial aid. The main thing is that we do not want him to take out any loans. I'm a bill collector for defaulted student loans, and I can tell you some horror stories of people getting into deep debt.
    Yes, there are.

    1) If your son is real smart he can apply to several schools and get merit scholarships based on his GPA and ACT/SAT scores.

    2) You fill out the FAFSA FORM. You send this in to all the school's your son applies to. Make sure you send it before the deadline. It's a must. If you make 35,000 between you are wife, son.... you will definitely be getting financial aid through the fasfa. This is money you will not have to pay back. They are essentially grants from the government. Everything matters on fafsa (i.e. your income, how many kids you have, how many kids in college you have). The less money you have to show that you can pay for your kid's school, the better. There are also other types of grants (that you don't have to pay back) that your son may automatically qualify for on a yearly basis like a Pell Grant of sorts (this is based on the FAFSA).

    3. If you're Christian, apply to Jesuit and private schools. These types of schools are usually like 30 grand per year, but if you have solid grades and scores, and you and your wife and son go and sit down there with an admissions officer or the dean or something, you're guaranteed to get at least 20 grand per year. So if an average Jesuit or private school that isn't that great of a school says 30 grand per year -- you're likely only going to pay 75% of that if your son is a good student and you don't make much money.

  22. #127
    I thought i told you that we dont stop
    UntilTheNDofTimE's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I can't say school isn't worth it but I can say that college isn't for everyone. For me it wasn't something I wanted to pursue. I didn't want to be paying student loans back for 15 years at $1k a month.

    I looked into what paid above minimum wage and noticed that manufacturing and warehouse jobs paid 2-2.5x minimum wage. I got a decent job at 19 that with lots of overtime grossed me 65k a year. I turned that into a cush government job that pays the same but 40 hours a week. I now live very comfortably with no debt.

    This is is why it perplexed me when people say no college= dead end minimum wage. You have these protesters sitting on the streets marching for $15. If they put that much effort into improving their skills they could make themselves more valuable to their employers.

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