1. #1
    Isaiah's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Lawrence Phillips Could Face Death Penalty

    Won't happen but one can wish. What a sub human piece of garbage.
    Last edited by Isaiah; 12-08-15 at 09:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Auto Donk
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    any pussy can face the death penalty.... just run into your local 7-11, rip off a purple pack of skittles, and shoot the clerk dead; you're there....... what the hell did Phillips do?

  3. #3
    Isaiah's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    any pussy can face the death penalty.... just run into your local 7-11, rip off a purple pack of skittles, and shoot the clerk dead; you're there....... what the hell did Phillips do?
    Read the article linked. The sub human congoid is a total sociopath and has been all his life but Nebraska recruited him anyway.

  4. #4
    Auto Donk
    Diggity man the fort, I'm outta here!
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    gotta give the dude credit for having found it possible to "lie in wait" for his cellmate in a tiny prison cell.....

    having seen a few cells, his f'n cellmate didn't wonder, "hmm....why the fuk is the niqqa crouching down in the f'n corner over there?" when he re-entered the cell........

  5. #5
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    He was a good RB back in the day

  6. #6
    Is JJ a Higher Power ?
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post

    He was a good RB back in the day
    gawd your an idiot fill in JJ

  7. #7
    Handicappin' like I'm Trappin'
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    any pussy can face the death penalty.... just run into your local 7-11, rip off a purple pack of skittles, and shoot the clerk dead; you're there....... what the hell did Phillips do?
    Did you get even try to click the link?

  8. #8
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    Driving his car into three teenagers, wtf was this guy thinking?

  9. #9
    smitch124's Avatar SBR PRO
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    He ended Steve Young's career by missing a blitzing Aeneas Williams.

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    Don't think he's facing death penalty for the incident with the car. I believe he killed his cellmate. Great article on deadspin about it awhile back. Apparently he wrote an ex coach just prior to killing saying was having all kinds of problems with him

  11. #11
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    Does not matter he's dead looks like suicide

  12. #12
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    Hope the jungle monkey suffered.
