1. #36
    relaaxx's Avatar SBR PRO
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    don't know why people seem to think because of the rating here everyone played at betislands. everyone played there because of the great pr the book did. always in forums giving everyone what they wanted. people thought the place was great because they wanted too and jon and betisalnds made sure they over greased every squeaky wheel. we all listen to everyone then decide who to believe. in betislands case we were all wrong.

  2. #37
    not insane
    Justin_sane's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    What are you trying to watch? The new Nelson Mandela documentary?

    Quote Originally Posted by FlipsideRM View Post
    Oh that looks good

  3. #38
    Vegas Baby!
    Jayvegas420's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Limited View Post
    Not really, I did my research, SBR rating was B-, yea I was unlucky cos just couple of weeks later SBR downgraded the ratings to C-. But my point still stays. SBR has reacted AFTER ppl have started to complaint about the slow pay. It would be really useful if SBR can warn users BEFORE a certain bookie gets into troubles. Probably difficult but I guess SBR must be able to get some information using the connections with bookies they have.
    Too bad we can apply this philosophy to sports betting!
    I wish I could bet AFTER the game or have someone warn me that my pick will lose before it loses.


    never FUKKin heard of ya pal.

  4. #39
    vividjohn45's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR Natalie View Post
    Uhh no dear I believe you're confused, crappy as in the type of betting site that's taking over 12 weeks to pay, or is this time acceptable with you?

    Why don't you go peruse this topic and report back on what you think of D- websites? http://www.sportsbookreview.com/foru...3-players.html
    Good article. And thred Thanks.

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