1. #176
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    Never told anyone my parents beat me. I was a wild kid. If I wasn't beat I would be in jail now. I still don't know why my mother didn't spank me more. I would not listen to anything.

  2. #177
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    Quote Originally Posted by shari91 View Post
    It's not about ratting on his parent. The child had a doctor's appointment already scheduled for when he returned to Minnesota. Peterson said himself that if he'd thought he had done anything wrong he wouldn't have let the kid on the plane. Unless the child had been coaxed to lie - which he wouldn't have been because again, Adrian saw nothing wrong with what he did - then a 4 year old is obviously going to tell the truth when the doctor asked him what happened. Again, the child was four years old. Yes children need discipline but taking your 4 year old to your designated "whooping room", shoving leaves in his mouth and whipping him to the point that he has multiple cuts and welts all over his body not only that day but a week later is not "discipline". It's child abuse. For every story of a person turning out your definition of fine despite being whipped there is another of someone not turning out ok. Prisons are full of people who would've experienced the same type of beatings you did.
    I understand what your saying but it doesnt make AP a criminal and he shouldnt be arrested i mean this is whats wrong with the justice system. If you beat your child you get arrested but if a cop kills an unarmed man he just goes home like its another day at the office smh

  3. #178
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCore View Post
    He aint mean to hurt him that bad ITS HIS SON CMON WITH THIS BS y'all acting like AP is a monster and abuses his children because he's trying to be a good parent smh whats wrong with you people. To this day i wont curse in front of any adult and i'm 25, i can still remember those backhands to my mouth just for talking back or remotely raising my voice. My aunts uncles,parents, grandparents, tought me to respect authority and if i do crime i gotta face the consequences.
    So how bad did he really mean to hurt him? Pulling down a kid's pants and hitting him bare ass with a flexible stick is going to hurt.

    My mom beat me all of the time when I was a kid, but I don't ever recall her drawing blood. She also never beat me around my schlong region.

  4. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCore View Post
    I understand what your saying but it doesnt make AP a criminal and he shouldnt be arrested i mean this is whats wrong with the justice system. If you beat your child you get arrested but if a cop kills an unarmed man he just goes home like its another day at the office smh
    Yes, this type of discipline against a 4 year old child does make AP a criminal.

    Much different than a cop shooting down a criminal.

    How many times can you hit a 4 year old child like that before it is considered torture?

  5. #180
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    Trust me those pics also look worse than the actual. My switch whippings Id welp up after about 30 min. still with knowing this still looks excessive on a 4 yr old.

  6. #181
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    Quote Originally Posted by DiggityDaggityDo View Post
    Should be life time ban if its child abuse.
    But if you kill someone like Ray Lewis did, you don't miss a game.
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  7. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    Yes, this type of discipline against a 4 year old child does make AP a criminal.

    Much different than a cop shooting down a criminal.

    How many times can you hit a 4 year old child like that before it is considered torture?
    Michael brown was unarmed and was gunned down like a dog smh your an idiot

  8. #183
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Trust me those pics also look worse than the actual. My switch whippings Id welp up after about 30 min. still with knowing this still looks excessive on a 4 yr old.
    Did the article say how soon after the beating that these pictures were taken? It's possible they may have been worse if more time had passed before being photographed.

  9. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCore View Post
    Michael brown was unarmed and was gunned down like a dog smh your an idiot
    It's you're an idiot. It's important to get that right when you call someone an idiot.

  10. #185
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCore View Post
    I understand what your saying but it doesnt make AP a criminal and he shouldnt be arrested i mean this is whats wrong with the justice system. If you beat your child you get arrested but if a cop kills an unarmed man he just goes home like its another day at the office smh
    The thing is though under the law, it does him make him a criminal. Just like it makes the cop a criminal if it's found he had no justifiable reason to shoot. There are definite problems with the justice system but two grand juries sat through the evidence before the decision was made to indict Peterson. Just because there are problems with one aspect of the system we shouldn't want allowances to be made in other cases. What if instead of this being Adrian Peterson the NFL star, this were say a kindergarten teacher who had inflicted these injuries on a 4 year old? Even worse if it were your 4 year old? A parent has no more right to abuse a child than anyone else.

  11. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by shari91 View Post
    The thing is though under the law, it does him make him a criminal. Just like it makes the cop a criminal if it's found he had no justifiable reason to shoot. There are definite problems with the justice system but two grand juries sat through the evidence before the decision was made to indict Peterson. Just because there are problems with one aspect of the system we shouldn't want allowances to be made in other cases. What if instead of this being Adrian Peterson the NFL star, this were say a kindergarten teacher who had inflicted these injuries on a 4 year old? Even worse if it were your 4 year old? A parent has no more right to abuse a child than anyone else.
    I wonder if this would be happening if the world wasnt going crazy off ray rice being let off by not just the NFL but by the law as well. I wonder if there was a "hell no we're not gonna have this come back on us like it is in AC" kinda of thinking when inditing AP. I believe in conspiracies so it is possible.

  12. #187
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    We used to buy brooms by the dozen when I was a kid. I had many broken on my butt. And it hurts more than a switch.

  13. #188
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    Quote Originally Posted by kidcudi92 View Post
    wow already deleted was that just now?
    Roddy might have deleted his tweet, but it already made it to profootball talk.com Think before you tweet


  14. #189
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    Liberals & Women already ruined the season.

  15. #190
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    Well Shari where I grew up moms would encourage other adults to discipline us if we got out of line while in their supervision, other moms would do the same I know what you mean though.

  16. #191
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    We used to buy brooms by the dozen when I was a kid. I had many broken on my butt. And it hurts more than a switch.
    Yes I used to get hit with electrical cords cut from old irons but not when I was 4.... Common sense...

  17. #192
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    Would love to see him get 10 years

    He is a coward and a pussy

  18. #193
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    Quote Originally Posted by daneblazer View Post
    Liberals & Women already ruined the season.
    Nahh roid pycho rages ruined this season..

  19. #194
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    if you wanna teach a kid a lesson in this century, take EVERYTHING away from him except daily food rations and a bathroom. 24/7 watch him. if you are AP you can hire someone to do this. keep him in school but homeschool.
    Last edited by kidcudi92; 09-12-14 at 09:16 PM.

  20. #195
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    Quote Originally Posted by HardCore View Post
    I wonder if this would be happening if the world wasnt going crazy off ray rice being let off by not just the NFL but by the law as well. I wonder if there was a "hell no we're not gonna have this come back on us like it is in AC" kinda of thinking when inditing AP. I believe in conspiracies so it is possible.
    well this started up back in May, long before the past week of media frenzy and fumbling by the NFL on the Rice case and the "world went crazy"

  21. #196
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    The school I went to still paddled kids up through the 90's. If you were really a fukk up, you'd get sent to the coaches office who had a wooden paddle with three holes drilled in it for maximum pain. Not that'd I know about that or anything

  22. #197
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    Quote Originally Posted by daneblazer View Post
    The school I went to still paddled kids up through the 90's. If you were really a fukk up, you'd get sent to the coaches office who had a wooden paddle with three holes drilled in it for maximum pain. Not that'd I know about that or anything
    My middle school and high school the principals and boys advisors gave paddlings one of those pricipals was a woman, cute too, but had a clear fiberglass paddle with holes drilled in it for extra sting and she didnt let up.

  23. #198
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    Glad I have the Patriots in a parlay before this happened.

  24. #199
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    Quote Originally Posted by daneblazer View Post
    Liberals & Women already ruined the season.
    Actually, Rice and Peterson can blame themselves for their
    "ruined seasons".
    Blame Rice's wife for leading with her chin and 2 "liberal" Texan grand juries for
    indcting Peterson??
    You're challenged on many levels.

  25. #200
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    Well Shari where I grew up moms would encourage other adults to discipline us if we got out of line while in their supervision, other moms would do the same I know what you mean though.
    That's how I grew up too but if I came home looking like that my parents would've went the f off. This isn't just some spanking because you're being a little shit or because the adult is trying to prevent you from harming yourself or another child. To go get the stick, take the leaves off, bring the child to the whooping room, shove the leaves in his mouth, hit him repeatedly - AP estimated in the report 10-15 times - that's beyond discipline. I can't imagine many parents would think that's ok for another adult to do that to their child. From some of the comments in this thread, maybe I'm wrong though.

  26. #201
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    Dog killings.

    Women beatings.

    Child abuse.

    Meanwhile, Danny Ferry has to take an indefinite leave of absence because he read an e-mail.

    The African community is screwed up beyond belief.

    I can't believe some of you think it's okay for a behemoth world-class athlete to use a switch on a 4-year-old little boy's testicles. What is wrong with you people?

  27. #202
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    Dont understand the leaves in mouth AP needs to get a grip.

  28. #203
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    Dog Killings with nasty pit bulls is nothing compared to these losers

    Vick is a saint

  29. #204
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Dog Killings with nasty pit bulls is nothing compared to these losers

    Vick is a saint
    while I hate to say it, there is a difference between human (women and children!!!) and animal crime...I agree with JJ here

    then again I would kill for my two dogs so...

  30. #205
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    Cuddles send me $500 man

    cash only

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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Cuddles send me $500 man

    cash only
    can't do today jj about to step out almost 11est

  32. #207
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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mayan View Post
    Yes I used to get hit with electrical cords cut from old irons but not when I was 4.... Common sense...
    The problem of not disciplining the 4 year old becomes tenfold when he becomes 8 years old. At that point the parent has lost the battle and no amount of hitting will work. Kids should not have the upper hand. Parents pay the bills.

  33. #208
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    African-American community and civil right losers, sorry I mean leaders, not outraged by spousal abuse and child abuse by African-American men but is enraged by Danny Ferry paraphrasing a scouting report about an African, not African-American man. Makes me feel good they have their priorities straight.

  34. #209
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    The problem of not disciplining the 4 year old becomes tenfold when he becomes 8 years old. At that point the parent has lost the battle and no amount of hitting will work. Kids should not have the upper hand. Parents pay the bills.
    I don't think anyone is not condoning disciplining a child. We are talking about violent abuse of a 4 year old.

    If you are already violently beating a 4 year old, then how much worse do you have to beat them when they are 8?

  35. #210
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    The problem of not disciplining the 4 year old becomes tenfold when he becomes 8 years old. At that point the parent has lost the battle and no amount of hitting will work.
    Sounds like you believe hitting is the only solution to undisciplined kids.

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