1. #36
    vividjohn45's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Thanks men taking this all in and will apply if I move to Vegas
    Jj u live in jersey for christ sakes. Everything is legal there except sports betting

  2. #37
    vividjohn45's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheCentaur View Post
    I'm sorry to say if you don't have game enough to get laid in the past 14 years you probably don't have it to read players or pull off bluffs
    Jj culd bluff ur pants rite off. If ur not careful

  3. #38
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Other than the Borgata poker is deas in NJ online and in the casino

    In general gambling in the state has declined

    If you don't have all 50 states included in online poker it'll never work

  4. #39
    Auto Donk
    Diggity man the fort, I'm outta here!
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    jersey poker never stood much of a chance, as most of the joeys and dumbass quidos residing in that cess pool of a state failed numerous simple math classes throughout their limited school careers, and thus never acquired the basic skillz to play poker worth a shit.... I knew it would die in all but a few places given the general level of stupidity that exists in the state.....

  5. #40
    Sam Odom
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    JJ is a feared poker from Queens to Wildwood and all points in between

  6. #41
    Auto Donk
    Diggity man the fort, I'm outta here!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
    JJ is a feared poker from Queens to Wildwood and all points in between
    especi9ally by children, and particularly when he wears those tight warm up bottoms while going commando!

  7. #42
    Huck Fobos
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    Quote Originally Posted by compaqDikk View Post
    thank god i have printouts of all 1.65 million posts by jjcole dating back to 2002. also have 560 hours of youtube footage of him for sale for 22 bitoins. have all the banned accounts, hidden webcams i hacked. you name it

    "Boys as you know I have been playing poker professionally since my long vacation from MW. As some can attest I was in contention last week at WSEX in the mw tourney but just got real cold cards as do all pros. Secondly I wiped up a saw called sharp in hockeyguru last week at wsex poker room. He will verify.

    My career would not be possible if I do not mention some names here that made it possible for me to dominate the tables. As you know when I first started I was short of cash due to heavy sports loses with my credit facilities a/k/a as Sportman and some small operations in The Nile. Well Sporto even though i owed him around 20 Dimes at the time actually fronted me 3 dimes to start my poker career. A recent update I actually am in the Blue at his shop due to huge parlay wheels involving some nice dogs early and wheeling them with home team coast games and I cashed big. Thanks Sporto and lets up the settle to 10 Dimes blue or red. I will actually give you a break now and lets wait if I can get a 10k blue.

    Minnow is the one that taught me the game of poker over the phone and in private chats and intense web cam settings. She is pretty good at the game and actually gave me stratwgies on how to win women over with my charm and power.

    Yes Peckle fronted me 2 Dimes at Party Poker and that was nice of him. I blew the money but will pay him back. Peckle i swear if you put me on your sheet at a 3k settle i will do anything you want and I mean anything. Use your imagination Son.

    Holy (Squares) Bull thanks for the 1k at the start it will not be forgotten.

    Big Boy Dan!!! Get this!! 10KK!! This fukker is big time, thanks Danny!!

    Buck Swope. $800 with interest. Strange kid but thanks!!

    Peep?? Guy has cash and he is a fukkin clown. I get a fed-ex from him and my rooster is falling of right now, 4 bowling pins!! I was cursing like a mother fukker calling him cheap and shit but little did I know he had about $2200 in 100 $$ bills!!! Oh yes and he throws in a small 22 caliber!!! Thank You Pepe!!!

    ABB- This nut sends me two hot golf sets that I sold on E-bay for a total of $1400 clams and was helpful in getting me started.

    Total Square gave me a poker jacket with my name engraved in gold and under it he had "big time" Thanks Johnny.

    Altice thanks for the $600 3 weeks ago when I was going bad at WSEX poker rooms. I blew it all real fast only because some clown dared me to call him and raise him. I had fukkin nothing but I did not want to back down.

    Stevo- Actually gave me a stock and I have a street broker that I play on credit with and I scored 7k!!!!! Nice job guy!!!

    Clams- This nut has 4 kids and shit and is broke and still came up with a nickel for me. Well he is the only guy I paid back and through in another $400 actually because well I fear that nut and you do not know what he will do next. One day he is sweet and talks weird shit about swingers and shit and the next hour he is talking shit he is going to blow someone's head off, well a wacky mother fukker.

    Neilm The guy goes to me "jj I do not loan money out but just follow my hockey plays and you will be fine." I won over $2300 in the playoffs. Thanks Nelly!!

    Blue gave me $600 from his wsex account and I played with that. Thanks guy.

    Fishhead??????? I thought this roosterlicker was my friend?? He told me 4 fukkin times he was broke and had no money and get this boys the roosterlicker was in a $30/60 room and had $8000 in his account. What a clown, fukkem!! He said he would give me bases winner and hammered me at Bet Atlantic.

    The Major?? I asked him for a dime and he told me I blew it when I got banned .. Oh well.

    Kris, the poor kid does not have much and gets barreled in almost every night like me but forked up $400. Thanks guy

    It is amazing how my Sons and Daughters here have forked up cash for me to play poker professionally. I can only play with like 2 Dimes in my account and have to play in $30/60 games mainly although i do play in small stakes sometimes to sharpen my skills and fuk around with the chicks in the chat feature. I love telling to chicks about my rod and shit and they love it!!

    Well I still owe most of you guys but cash is flowing your way next week. It will be in increments.

    The bottom line?? I am currently down about $17,400 in poker but again as you all know pros go down at times too. My game is sharp and tough to knock of of tourneys. If anyone is interested in $100/200 one on one games I will play (no limit hold-em)
    Could you imagine paying 22 bitcoins for this shit????

  8. #43
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    You go to the website www.icutgrassneedpokerbackers.com and you look for them.

  9. #44
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I’m out of the poker game

  10. #45
    Sam Odom
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    Remember when...

    Everyone thought they could be a Pro Poker Player

  11. #46
    HurryUpAndDrink's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Masters View Post
    Come to the Playground club and i'll back you in 2 sessions,we'll see what you can do.

    At the same time i'll give you a tour of a few of the online books left here. Bodog,sports interaction,etc etc.

    this was a good offer JJ

  12. #47
    Go Navy.....Beat Army!!!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post

    I’m out of the poker game
    were you ever in it???

  13. #48
    Huck Fobos
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    jj make a video where you shuffle the poker chips with one hand while you are contemplating your next move

  14. #49
    maritsa1819's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Let's say I go to Vegas or any other state and want to play in a tournament how do I get backers?? I see the pros do it??

    I guess they make deals or investments??
    are you good at poker?

  15. #50
    Sam Odom
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post

    JJ is a feared poker from Queens to Wildwood and all points in between

    Does that ^ statement still hold true ??

  16. #51
    contra spem spero
    cincinnatikid513's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    here's 12 points go crazy at the tables gold

  17. #52
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Thank you but I have found out poker is for suckers have you ever met a poker player that’s not broke?

  18. #53
    Not interested....
    Itsamazing777's Avatar SBR PRO
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    They find you.

  19. #54
    Sam Odom
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post

    Thank you but I have found out poker is for suckers have you ever met a poker player that’s not broke?

    sweep ?

  20. #55
    BigdaddyQH's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Thank you but I have found out poker is for suckers have you ever met a poker player that’s not broke?
    Dumb question. That is like asking if you have ever met a gambler that is not broke. Remember guys, JJ is one of the 5 worst gamblers in here. His record proves it. He is also a figment of SBR's imagination. They keep him around to keep us amused.

  21. #56
    sweethook's Avatar SBR PRO
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    youstake.com ..gl

  22. #57
    stevek173's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I actually have an apology to make here.

    Even though Sweep and USCPHIL are ok with you know who, it doesn't mean we have to hate eachothe at all. They are both very good for the game and Sweep's Vlogging is actually impressive. I do think the fact that Sweep is backing a player is very cool as well. That's a very generous, cool and efficient thing to do.

    A tip of the hat to both, for sure. My bad fellas, but you both know why that happened.

    You each did nothing except Sweep calling me a broke dikk when I was one - because he calls it like he sees it and that's actually funny looking back

    We have that in common, calling it like we see it.
    As far as backers these days I haven't looked, I still love the game and the community but couldn't handle the downswings.

    Much respect, fellas.

    BD I am glad I was able to help out a little bit as so many good people here have.
    Last edited by stevek173; 06-21-19 at 09:40 PM.

  23. #58
    stevek173's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Looks like Doug Polk has been putting out some good free vids lately, definitely worth a look.

    Of course Neeme is great, Ari is the man when it comes to low/mid level fundamentals and obviously Danny is the man and Burton is aqs enttertaiing as it gets

    but I didn't know that Doug was doing that until it just randomly came to my attention.

    I will be signing up for his courses and making holdem a night time thing as a result.

    Seriously check his wikipedia out.

    Starts out with LITERALLY a $20 deposit, takes it to $20 and is worth h I dunno.


    All of $20.

    I've had some good runs but that is insanity.


  24. #59
    Cuse0323's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Where can I find the free Polk videos? I’m gonna start up again soon, so would like to freshen up on how things are being played these days. I figure I can do well against some drunk Florida fools in Orlando. Now that I’m somewhat clean, I can really focus on profiting and not just be a calling station.

  25. #60
    stevek173's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    This is the latest:


    pretty good, but he's been giving out more nd more free vids, looks like. I have to catch up on them.

    You should subscribe to his emails.You're in or close to guy's area and this should be a good vid for you:

    He says Magic City in Miami is a great place to play drunk/loose players.

    Also of high importance is if you're going to be looking for good game join this:


    And the staking site prior mentioned by sweethook is legit BUT you can't legally play on there in Florida.

    Ignition might be a decent place to play online, but all my online playing lfrom a few months back was a nit/robot fest. I used Bovada as recommended by a great live player. They did however have some cool ways to play small sit and gos which was fun.

    If I were you I'd see whaty ou can do at Magic City an see what you can do to get some kind of staking record going.

    If you get a chance feel free to chime in on how which casino game you go to are. I haven't played in Florida, but I hear good things.
    Last edited by stevek173; 06-23-19 at 05:09 AM.

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