1. #1
    ttwarrior1's Avatar SBR PRO
    Join Date: 06-23-09
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    People that took duke tonight know how i feel everyday

    thats what it feels like to be me, not too fun huh

    Lets all parlay it back tommorrow

  2. #2
    thecodster's Avatar Become A Pro!
    Join Date: 11-09-10
    Posts: 148

    the dukies blow it again!!!!!!!

  3. #3
    "Why always me"
    SoV's Avatar Become A Pro!
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  4. #4
    ttwarrior1's Avatar SBR PRO
    Join Date: 06-23-09
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    fat wins championships.

    Clisters, nfl offensive and d lineman, about half of baseball, majority of centers, powerlifters, plenty of sg's are fat.
    Sov i doubt you can beat me at anything , let alone any sport.
