1. #1
    SPECULATOR 13's Avatar SBR Wise Guy
    Join Date: 08-12-07
    Posts: 768

    Back In The Saddle Again!!

    I am still feeling very tired from Christmas eve night,i stayed with my parents in their suite at the Royal York where my brothers and I had a great diner and a wonderful soirre with my folks witch where visiting us from Europe.They have relocated to the English country side to a ultra staid little town called Turnbrigde Wells.Than at 2 am my youngest brother took me to a party in a private home,i thought yeah right but once i got there,
    their where about 50 people witch 30 where ultra hot 20 something babes having a great time....I didn't know my little brother new that kind of people and run in those kind of circles...I'M SO PROUD OF HIM

    I made a whopping $12.50 of profits so far, i have recovered all my loses from the heights of oct 12th where my BKRLL had almost double to the mother of all losing streaks witch begin in late october where at is lowest point on November 14th was only just above 20% of what i started with ORIGINALLY!! .

    So i like Nashville+1.20,not much research just instinct,i pull the trigger just before i started this thread.be there or be square

    Last edited by SPECULATOR 13; 12-26-07 at 05:05 PM.
