1. #176
    trevlyn1983's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Could you post the VB code please ? For some reason his isnt showing up for me .

  2. #177
    hoyas2007's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    If you copy the button that is posted in this thread and then paste it in microsoft excel, the real code will show up. The button in the thread doesn't work for me either, but that's how I got around it

  3. #178
    uva3021's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoyas2007 View Post
    If you copy the button that is posted in this thread and then paste it in microsoft excel, the real code will show up. The button in the thread doesn't work for me either, but that's how I got around it
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  4. #179
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    Quote Originally Posted by demens View Post
    Can you tell me what =per2line is?

  5. #180
    uva3021's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by demens View Post
    win probability converted to ML

    you can change the naming conventions of the UDFs to avoid confusion, i don't mind

  6. #181
    hoyas2007's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    UVA: Do you have any idea what "Runtime error 9: subscript out of range" might refer to? Is there anything else that I need to do in terms of defining the data in order to get this to work?
    Thanks a lot

  7. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by uva3021 View Post
    win probability converted to ML

    you can change the naming conventions of the UDFs to avoid confusion, i don't mind

    It would be easier is you had the code saved/copied somewhere.

    What function did you use?
    100/(1 – (1/WIN%) ) ??

    Is it the same as PROB2US() from Ganchars stuff?


    Well, its not since it has 2 parameters, uses VIG as well as win%.
    Last edited by demens; 04-18-11 at 12:27 PM.

  8. #183
    uva3021's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by demens View Post
    It would be easier is you had the code saved/copied somewhere.

    What function did you use?
    100/(1 – (1/WIN%) ) ??

    Is it the same as PROB2US() from Ganchars stuff?


    Well, its not since it has 2 parameters, uses VIG as well as win%.
    you can just ignore the VIG option, and enter the win probability as a percentage

    I've since updated that one, but Ganchrow's below is far more versatile and flexible then mine, so i suggest using his

  9. #184
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    Quote Originally Posted by hoyas2007 View Post
    UVA: Do you have any idea what "Runtime error 9: subscript out of range" might refer to? Is there anything else that I need to do in terms of defining the data in order to get this to work?
    Thanks a lot
    typically get an error if you entered the wrong parameters (i.e. W% > 1 or < 0), though it could be on my end

  10. #185
    uva3021's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Here is the new playoff matchups excel file

    You can ignore the simulator sheet (except for the predicted lines), its just for fun, and its an older simulator, i think my first one, so its very messy

    Primarily the playoff matchup sheet is useful, the drop down box at the top labeled "l_pyth, e_ptyh...." represent the different metrics used to assess the series prices

    You can select whichever teams you wish in the drop down boxes, and switch conference 2-2-2-1 format to finals 2-3-2 format

    All the values on that sheet are attached to formulas
    Attached Files

  11. #186
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    Quote Originally Posted by uva3021 View Post
    Here is the new playoff matchups excel file

    You can ignore the simulator sheet (except for the predicted lines), its just for fun, and its an older simulator, i think my first one, so its very messy

    Primarily the playoff matchup sheet is useful, the drop down box at the top labeled "l_pyth, e_ptyh...." represent the different metrics used to assess the series prices

    You can select whichever teams you wish in the drop down boxes, and switch conference 2-2-2-1 format to finals 2-3-2 format

    All the values on that sheet are attached to formulas
    Its just a bunch of error and name? for me man. I'm using oo calc, you gotta post some of those formulas man.

    pythex function returns an NAME?
    most of the other stuff in the TEAM sheet returns error:502. Total, line ,etc/

    per2line function still not sure what thats is exactly.

    Basically the sheet doesn't work for me because most of the cells have errors in them.

  12. #187
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    Quote Originally Posted by demens View Post
    Its just a bunch of error and name? for me man. I'm using oo calc, you gotta post some of those formulas man.

    pythex function returns an NAME?
    most of the other stuff in the TEAM sheet returns error:502. Total, line ,etc/

    per2line function still not sure what thats is exactly.

    Basically the sheet doesn't work for me because most of the cells have errors in them.
    it doesn't work in OO calc, which doesn't support microsoft VBA routines, has to be excel

  13. #188
    Aman_Dage's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Most people and me are too lazy to do any things of this, I don't worry about losing any edge

  14. #189
    Aman_Dage's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Nice information. I wonder how many people put this much thought and energy into their decisions. More power to those who can come up with an edge and win money.

  15. #190
    vyomguy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    i use shell script and awk for most of the scraping....quick and efficient

  16. #191
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  17. #192
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  18. #193
    ballparkbabe's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    hmm neat

  19. #194
    Inspirited's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I'm slowly moving along here. I've learned perl for data scraping and manipulation and am looking to use R for statistics. Right now I'm using csv files and guess I should look into learning how to use mysql or something.

  20. #195
    357vegas's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Anyone use usatoday - Sagarin rating for power rating and SOS?

    Would love if someone would show me how to put in an excel sheet automatically?


  21. #196
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    chicago won, philly has problems

  22. #197
    theclutch7's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    ha haa ha

  23. #198
    theclutch7's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    time to change the ny logo?

  24. #199
    Hank63's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Very helpful!

  25. #200
    Hank63's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Great thread

  26. #201
    Dan Kelly
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    Would anyone in here do me a favor and look at my NBA excel spreadsheet from last year - of course, I am always looking to make improvements and I would appreciate any ideas - your eyes might see something no one else does. I am trying to get as much info out of it as possible, It has all the quarters and no OT's (they are luck) and what I'd really like to do with it is make it work visually - I do have that started with some coloring. Spend 2 minutes on it and throw it away if you want to - not to be trite, but time is money. Any input is welcome. Send me a message and I will attach it to the return.
    p.s. the reason I am making this request is that I recently sent it to an SBR poster and got some terrific feedback.

  27. #202
    dooncan's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hi i'm trying to track down the mlb_ex_1.csv file. Does anyone know where I can get it from now or could PM it?

  28. #203
    jonohull's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I was doing some scraping today and accidentally made Yahoo temporarily block my ISP (my college). Sorry everyone else at my school...

  29. #204
    Inspirited's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Here's a great class at an introductory level.


  30. #205
    Salmon Steak
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    Quote Originally Posted by Inspirited View Post
    Here's a great class at an introductory level.


    Thanks man, I will likely participate in this. How great that these courses look to be free. What a great opportunity.

  31. #206
    Sportsguy_USA's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Hmmmm....I'll save myself some time and hire this out to my team in india for $2/hr to put together. Good post.

    On that note..."Kelly Criterion", wouldn't you need a) what source you using to obtain all the data sets, and b) application of machine learning....beyond my pea size brain...so I revert back to my first point....outsource to my little army of indians. Go guys go.

  32. #207
    Sportsguy_USA's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Oh - so no one get their panties in a knot - I employ a variety of guys from all over the world - india, philipines, china, easter europe for technical dev. work as this...and secondly...my indian guys...well, they are small, or little...or well....I'm just bigger than them.

  33. #208
    uva3021's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salmon Steak View Post
    Thanks man, I will likely participate in this. How great that these courses look to be free. What a great opportunity.
    I took the ai-class course last year and I enjoyed it. Received a certificate of accomplishment sealed and signed by the professors who administered the course. The concept goes far beyond just watching yale lectures or searching iTunes U. I signed up for 3 more classes that were suppose to have started by now but now Stanford is facing legal issues in making these courses available.

  34. #209
    sportsbetjunkie's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    This is an excellent guide. You could create an e-book out of this. Keep up the good work.

  35. #210
    jonohull's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I was trying to use Excel and VB macros to scrape my data, but I've been using Python the last week or so and it is so much faster and just as easy. It took less than 200 lines of code to make a program to scrape the box scores and individual stats for every game of the year in the NBA and save each day into its own csv file.

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