1. #1
    mcd6802's Avatar SBR Rookie
    Join Date: 07-19-09
    Posts: 38

    Cafe Casino Won't Allow Me to Access My Account Despite Insurmountable Evidence

    I have had an account at Cafe Casino for a few years. On 3/7/24, I found I could not login. I had over $2000 in my account at the time. I went to check my email to see if anything was up. Sure enough, I had gotten an email stating that a change had been made to my account. I had made no such change. I contacted support and they said they could not find an account linked to my email address. I showed them a screenshot of the email I had received. I answered all questions that were asked to verify my identity.

    On 3/17/24, after some prodding, Cafe responds:

    "We would like to kindly refer you to the email which was sent to you on 3/10/24. Upon reviewing your account, I can confirm that our dedicated team have reviewed your account, and regretfully, we are unable to honor any funds taken at the time your account was compromised. This is because they were unable to determine any unusual activity that took place within the time frame that was provided on your end. As well we can kindly confirm that you already discussed this over the chat on 03/14/2024, therefore it seems that this was already resolved."

    I respond:

    "Several things. You are confirming money was stolen from my account? How much? When? Where was it sent? Were my rewards points stolen? Why has my account not been reestablished and handed back to me? What was sent to you to verify my identity without my knowledge? There was no email sent to me on 3/10/24. I was not on chat on 3/14/2024. What email do you think my account belongs under? What time frame did I provide from my end? All in all, what are you guys talking about? I got an email on 3/7/24 saying that my profile had changed when I had never changed it, I contacted you immediately, and I have been waiting ever since. I will issue a complaint if you guys can't do better."

    Cafe responds:

    "Thank you for reaching out to us with your request. We want to inform you that your inquiry has already been addressed."

    I go to chat and get nowhere. Frankly, chat was just rude and had abruptly kicked me off. I go back on and start from scratch only to get nowhere again. No matter how much context I would give, both email and chat support would just repeat that they could not find an account linked to my email.

    On 3/19/24, Cafe emails:

    "As mention on previous messages, this situation was already address and an outcome was shared with you. Kindly note your account cannot be re enable as it was request to be disable until March 14th 2025 as such account can be enabled on or after the above-mentioned date."

    I respond:

    "Once again, there was no email sent to me on 3/10/24. I was not on chat on 3/14/2024. Follow the conversation trail of only what was sent to [my email address]. That is my only valid avenue of communication, i.e. the email address with my name in it that I never changed! I never freaking requested to disable my account for a year. I did not withdraw any money. I don't know who you've been communicating with, but you have not been communicating with me."

    Since then, I have supplemented proof of my account by providing a screenshot of a progressive jackpot that I had won on 9/9/23 that could only be mapped to my account. This screenshot I had never posted publicly. Also, I provided exact litecoin transaction details of a payment I had received which only could have been known to the account holder. I also showed a screenshot of an old email thread that I had on my account at the same email address complete with ticket number. I point out I still have an account at sister site Slots.lv with the exact same registered email address. Nothing. After repeated warnings, I filed a complaint at Casino Reviews. Cafe Casino refused to respond. Then I warned I would go to the forums.

    I can document everything I've said. I have received many large payouts from Cafe casino in the past, so it is not like I am pursuing some vendetta. I've reviewed the parameters under which account info can be changed and it should have required permission from my phone or email. No such thing happened which makes Cafe's response particularly inexplicable. Requesting a supervisor was futile.

  2. #2
    mcd6802's Avatar SBR Rookie
    Join Date: 07-19-09
    Posts: 38

    After more than two months, Cafe Casino finally completed their review and got around to calling me today and got the situation resolved. My balance has been reinstated and my account reopened. They said there had been a security breach. I pressed for details, but they would not go in it. Whatever. I am happy to move on.
