u did do something wrong.. even if u intend to pay the charity 300 pts.. u took a risk free zero interest loan from me and used my generosity to get the best of me.. that, and the fact that there will NEVER be a guarantee that u will donate anything nor pay anything.. so please quit saying that.. when u do pay me off and the 250 pt penalty and u do pay the charity 300pts (that i fronted to u), then I will say that the loan and the payments are done.. until then.. im just a person u used unfortantely.. and after all the nice shit I did for u.. I practically gave u a free shot at a Sportsbet with me.. when u lost I let u bet until the debt was GONE... I have given u 500pts in carseller donations/stash specials.. whatever the fuk u call it.... I loaned u pts in the first place... I try to donate to a charity and give u a free entry into a poker contest where u can win 1000s of pts.. I have done plenty more, but this is off top of my head.

with all that, u still used me and abused my generosity and also u took advantage of how nice I have been to u even with the fact that u owe me a debt, owe others, and still break promise after promise after promise u make to me...

I even have bet 300pts on u vs pinchy to pay off ur debt first.. I also just bet 410pts yesterday for u to pay 501 or more pts from this fp.. so pretty much I had faith in u when no one else did.. I have tried to support u left n right.. when u win some pts off a stash special i get a thanks.. but then a beg for more later.. if u lose.. i rarely see u for hours/days..etc and then later on u break every promise u made about paying 12 to ur lenders...

To be honest im more disappointed then anything. but its never to late to change that.. its up to u
