i get cash free at any CVS Rite aid or walgreens my local one 2 miles from home closed tempraily so was two others i tried on the list ......so just serached for any that were open 24 hours well had drive north on i 95 about 15 miles get off at acedmy road then get 24 hr rite aid .............. because if i use ones you pay $250 the comapny also charges $2.50 and i couldnt afford losing $5 because i need gas money for today.
LONG story short was down to $40 losing $60 playing mr cash man i had a 3 X bet $1.25
up pops select screen the box for free spins or money bag which gives you cash but it can only give like $10
so 2nd spin bam 4 wilds ays $60 plus other icons conneted 5 n 4 of a kind wam bam the coin fountain pops which is like a 20 X win or more total win after 5 spins $174 weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee exit stge left and i also found a $1 chip on the floor at the slot row so now tonite i go again after work hoping to make $150 that will give me over $300 ttal to play craps on a $15 min table will [play 4 or 5 hours and play super strick system and not throw dice because i screw my self by making points and breaks rhythm of other shooters
once i double bank or win like $200 im gone i hate when 1st hour im up like $100 then start gambling on long shots
like one hop the numbers $2 each they pay 15 - and 4 hard ways 4 6 8 n 10 pay 30-1 but any number not there
like 2 3 11 12 or any 7 your losing the whole thing $20 i could just bet all hardways for $5 each but then you only get 7=1 on 4 or 10 6-8 pays 9-1 might try taht tonite
because if i bet the iron cross say point is 5 then 6 n 8 and filed would total $51 hoping shotoer holds dice at laest 5 mins and hits 2 or more wins
theres always one player that goes off makes like 4 - 7 passses and baby if im down on all points just press em all 1 unit after any win i will have like $120 on each number
but rather play my way and win like $20 or $40 per player averge win rate $75 per hour on full table