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    Blue Jays Pitcher Forced To Apologize, Will Face Disciplinary Action After Endorsing Boycotts Of Target & Bud Light

    "Blue Jays pitcher Anthony Bass issued an apology on Tuesday and will now be subject to disciplinary action from the team after he shared a video endorsing boycotts of Target and Bud Light."


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    Christian Rapper Wants To Cleanse Children’s Toys With Jesus Blood

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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Christian Rapper Wants To Cleanse Children’s Toys With Jesus Blood

    What a bunch of chods... yup demonota the security guard fits right in...

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    According to Science™ we have only 3 more weeks until all of humanity is wiped out due to fossil fuel usage.

    Are you going to tell us why you're afraid of books, or just tuck tail and run.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
    Are you going to tell us why you're afraid of books, or just tuck tail and run.
    I'm not afraid of books. I own and have read many. Some books are being removed by schools to avoid a slew criminal charges and lawsuits against school boards and teachers. In case you forgot, showing and/or providing pornography and other sexually related materials to minors is a crime in the US.

    Still waiting for you to post the "over 34" books that you've added to little Gregette's reading list and were banned from their elementary school.
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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    no words

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    I'm not afraid of books. I own and have read many. Some books are being removed by schools to avoid a slew criminal charges and lawsuits against school boards and teachers. In case you forgot, showing and/or providing pornography and other sexually related materials to minors is a crime in the US.

    Still waiting for you to post the "over 34" books that you've added to little Gregette's reading list and were banned from their elementary school.
    No pornography is being shown to children. So that's fake news. I don't think you own a single book. Not to mention people like you seem to have no problem with kids being gunned down in school while they learn their ABC's, but a book with the word "gay" is a existential threat? Get real.

    As for the book bans by Desantis, if you really need to ask, you're just not informed. From the AP
    Florida has 3rd largest number of school book ban incidents
    Books banned in Florida school districts, whether permanently or pending review, include Isabel Allende’s “The House of Spirits,” Margaret Atwood’s “The Handmaid’s Tale,” Iris Chang’s “The Rape of Nanking,” Jonathan Safran Foer’s “Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close,” Khaled Hosseini’s “The Kite Runner,” Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” and Toni Morrison’s “Beloved.”

    This is why you shouldn't get "news" from twitter.
    Last edited by Greget; 06-01-23 at 07:20 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    Good on this guy for standing up. Keep fighting the good fight. Sadly, he is probably on the watchlist now for domestic terrorism.

    In other almost unbelievable news in this real life onion world we live in, move over Thomas Jefferson and make way for Dylan Mulvaney. Word on the hill is some Dems are introducing legislation to displace Jefferson on the 2 dollar bill and put Dylan in his place.

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    The Bible has been removed from all elementary and middle school libraries throughout the Davis School District in Utah after a parent utilized a new law that permits the removal of "pornographic" books from school libraries.

    The removal of the Bible was requested due to it being "one of the most sex-ridden books around." The Utah Legislature in 2022 approved a contentious bill HB374, which lawmakers have described as a way to weed out content found to be pornographic from K-12 libraries and classrooms.

    Utah Parents United, a conservative parents rights lobbied strongly for the passing of HB374.

    The parent argued that the Bible contained topics such as incest, bestiality, genital mutilation, and infanticide, making it pornographic under the new definition set forth in Utah Code Ann. § 76-10-1227.

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post

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    Transpeople didn't commit an insurrection on Jan 6, or shoot up uvalde, or represent a domestic terrorist threat. Trumptards shouldn't be throwing stones, glass houses and all..

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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post

    1. she's an awful women and an even worse parent. some people shouldn't have kids.
    2. I would definitely bang
    "Where did it go?"

    IT should have never been there in the first place.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Greget View Post
    Transpeople didn't commit an insurrection on Jan 6, or shoot up uvalde, or represent a domestic terrorist threat. Trumptards shouldn't be throwing stones, glass houses and all..
    Trumptards draw the line at chopping off wee-wees. Whilst chopping off wee-wees is the starting line for Left-tards.

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    Isn't Woke the term you guys use when you want to say bigoted shit?

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    Quote Originally Posted by khicks26 View Post
    Isn't Woke the term you guys use when you want to say bigoted shit?
    "Woke" covers all of the bases when dealing with the retarded shit that the Left tries to promote.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    "Where did it go?"

    IT should have never been there in the first place.

    It used to mean what profession when asked "what do you want to be when you grow up?". Now it means what gender to the far Left.

    When society allows men to compete against women and pretends nothing's wrong with this, it means the lunatics are winning. It leads to things like oral sex illustrations for children in schools and people actually defending it while calling you a bigot.

    When they started teaching gender studies in college, many people didn't believe. How stupid does a person have to be to teach or attend this class? Years later, there's an entire generation who have been indoctrinated believing it's normal to think gender is fluid and anyone can change genders while denying science.

    They are more worried about the term pedophile being offensive to actual people who have sexual feelings towards children and pretending men can get pregnant rather than teaching children math etc.
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 06-02-23 at 05:00 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post

    They were permitted to finish singing the Anthem.
    But they didn't have the requisite permission to perform.
    This was a stunt set up by a R member's staffer (no prize for guessing which one)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    "Woke" covers all of the bases when dealing with the retarded shit that the Left tries to promote.
    So yes it covers all your bigoted BS. Thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post

    They were permitted to finish singing the Anthem.
    But they didn't have the requisite permission to perform.
    This was a stunt set up by a R member's staffer (no prize for guessing which one)

    The choir received written permission from the offices of South Carolina reps William Timmons and Joe Wilson and house speaker Kevin McCarthy. Even the operations manager at the Architect of the Capitol, Andrew Tremel, contacted someone to confirm they had permission and allowed them to start the performance. Later during the performance of the National Anthem is when the capitol pig showed up and investigated nothing. The whole situation escalated due of the ignorance, ego and laziness of the pig and should have been avoided with a simple check over the radio. Just like Mr. Tremel did several minutes earlier.

    Try again.

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post

    The choir received written permission from the offices of South Carolina reps William Timmons and Joe Wilson and house speaker Kevin McCarthy. Even the operations manager at the Architect of the Capitol, Andrew Tremel, contacted someone to confirm they had permission and allowed them to start the performance. Later during the performance of the National Anthem is when the capitol pig showed up and investigated nothing. The whole situation escalated due of the ignorance, ego and laziness of the pig and should have been avoided with a simple check over the radio. Just like Mr. Tremel did several minutes earlier.

    Try again.
    After speaking to the Capitol Police moments ago. This is misinformation. It happened 6 days ago. They provided me with the following statement:
    “Recently somebody posted a video of a children’s choir singing the Star-Spangled Banner in the U.S. Capitol Building and wrongfully claimed we stopped the performance because it ‘might offend someone.’

    Here is the truth. Demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol. Of course, because the singers in this situation were children, our officers were reasonable and allowed the children to finish their beautiful rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.

    The Congressional staff member who was accompanying the group knew the rules, yet lied to the officers multiple times about having permission from various offices. The staffer put both the choir and our officers, who were simply doing their jobs, in an awkward and embarrassing position.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    After speaking to the Capitol Police moments ago. This is misinformation. It happened 6 days ago. They provided me with the following statement:
    “Recently somebody posted a video of a children’s choir singing the Star-Spangled Banner in the U.S. Capitol Building and wrongfully claimed we stopped the performance because it ‘might offend someone.’

    Here is the truth. Demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol. Of course, because the singers in this situation were children, our officers were reasonable and allowed the children to finish their beautiful rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner.

    The Congressional staff member who was accompanying the group knew the rules, yet lied to the officers multiple times about having permission from various offices. The staffer put both the choir and our officers, who were simply doing their jobs, in an awkward and embarrassing position.”
    Performances are allowed at the Capitol. Sean Feucht performed there twice this year (Feb 1st and March 10th) and he even posted videos. Did you know about the 80 pastors who performed in the Capitol Rotunda in March?

    The "Here is the truth" line is the usual propaganda opener to blindly convince the ignorant and it's often followed by an outright lie.

    That rings true again here.

    What a coincidence.

    Try again.

  31. #101
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    Never said they aren't allowed.
    But there is a correct process for getting permission.
    I'm advised that that process wasn't adhered to for this performance.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeballs! View Post
    Never said they aren't allowed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeballs! View Post

    Here is the truth. Demonstrations and musical performances are not allowed in the U.S. Capitol.
    Last edited by DwightShrute; 06-02-23 at 07:41 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hareeba! View Post
    Never said they aren't allowed.
    But there is a correct process for getting permission.
    I'm advised that that process wasn't adhered to for this performance.

    Maybe you should re-read post #99.
    Start at paragraph 2.

    Try again.
    Last edited by b1slickguy; 06-02-23 at 07:44 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    Trumptards draw the line at chopping off wee-wees. Whilst chopping off wee-wees is the starting line for Left-tards.
    Plenty of trans trumptards as well, don't fool yourself. Not that I have a problem with that, they can do what they want. But all jokes aside, the rest of the team trump is a national security threat that badly needs to be dealt with.

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