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    Bad cop, no donut

    "Department Finds Cop who Shot Man Through his own Front Door did Nothing Wrong"

    Deputy Kevin Azzara, Greenville SC County Sheriff's Office, shot a man, Dick Tench, 4 times through the man's front door. The deputy was responding to an medical assist alarm call at the home and claimed the homeowner opened the front door and aimed a gun at him. The deputy's own bodycam footage proves otherwise. Even with the bodycam footage and the lies on Azzara's report, the sheriff's office investigated their own blue line brother's actions and and of course found no wrong doing.

    "Internal affairs investigators for the Greenville County Sheriff's Office determined deputy Kevin Azzara acted according to policy when he shot 62-year-old Dick Tench, who was standing in the window next to the front door to his own home.

    An internal investigation conducted by the sheriff's office's Officer of Professional Standards to see if deputy Azzara violated any written policies found that no agency policies were violated when he opened fire on the man while standing outside his home.

    However, Azzara blatantly lied in his police report, claiming that Tench had opened his front door and pointed his weapon at him when the video shows Tench was standing behind a closed door just holding the gun.

    It happened on June 14 when Tench was awakened at midnight by loud banging on his front door and bright lights shining through his windows believed was an intruder trying to break into his home when he grabbed his pistol and walked towards his front door to investigate. Tench ended up shot by deputy Azzara, who claims he confused him for a burglar."

    "The Sheriff’s Office’s statement for weeks after the shooting was that my client opened his front door and aimed at a deputy, and you can look at that body cam — that ends that version,” attorney Beattie Ashmore told The Greenville News Monday after the Sheriff's Office released the clips of footage. “It’s difficult to explain how something like this could have happened."


    Bodycam footage:

    Greenville County Sheriff's Office's critical incident community briefing:

  2. #2
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Only 50% of Cops are Liars.

    The other 50% just support them.

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    More POS jackboot thugs with guns and badges who don't understand the law or know the constitutional rights of free citizens. These sovereign blue line pigs just don't care because they are so used to unlawfully ordering people around and getting away with it. Utterly disgusting! I'm guessing the Sioux Falls SD Police Department will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing, but the video tells no lies and proves otherwise.

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    POS Baltimore police officer, Arthur Williams, received a 9 month prison sentence for the senseless beating of DaShawn McGrier on August 11, 2018. Another example of a little piggy's ego getting bruised and he just couldn't walk away. McGrier knew his rights, stood his ground and had his jaw and ribs broken for doing so. These sovereign blue line thugs don't care because they personally don't pay out the money for the lawsuits and settlements for their own corruption and the damage they inflict on citizens.

    The video, which went viral last year, shows McGrier walking away from Williams and refusing to give his ID.

    "A citizen does get to walk away from you, even if you’re a police officer," Judge Tanner told Williams at his sentencing.

    "I believe based on the evidence submitted, this is more than a mistake or a misunderstanding of the use of force," she added.


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    The man who videoed the Sioux Falls cops tackling and kidnapping a man for expressing his first amendment right of free speech last weekend (see post #3 above) delivered a little care package for the butt hurt little piggies whose feelings were hurt.

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    WTH is wrong with this sick POS cop? This rotten bastard better not get some blue line privileged plea deal. This is absolutely disgusting.

    Ohio Cop Urinates on Girl, 12, at Bus Stop after she Refuses to get into his Car

    She refused his ride so he peed on her.

    Cleveland police officer Solomon T. Nhiwatiwa, 34, was off-duty and in his own car when he pulled up to a school bus stop and asked a 12-year-old girl if she wanted a ride last Friday.

    The girl said no and he drove off, only to return a minute later, parking his car and walking up to her, exposing his genitals.

    He then began peeing on her while recording himself.

    Nhiwatiwa turned himself in on Tuesday and was indicted Wednesday on charges of attempted kidnapping with sexual motivation, pandering obscenity involving a minor, disseminating matter harmful to juveniles, endangering children, criminal child enticement, public indecency, assault and attempted interference with custody.

    He is being held without bond until his next hearing Monday.

    “He will be held accountable,” said Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Michael O’Malley. “It’s my office’s mission to ensure he never wears the badge of a police officer again.”

    Nhiwatiwa has been a Cleveland cop since 2014 and has been suspended at least three times, according to News 5 Cleveland.


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    funny how cognitive dissonance works no comments when preconceived notions betray the chimerical assumptions of a thing

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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    The man who videoed the Sioux Falls cops tackling and kidnapping a man for expressing his first amendment right of free speech last weekend (see post #3 above) delivered a little care package for the butt hurt little piggies whose feelings were hurt.

    lol that look on cop's face u can tell he wishes he was in a back alley with that guy so he could pummel his head in

  9. #9
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    All physchological issues could be studied in a single police station.

    Every cop is fukked up beyond hope

    They are losers

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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    lol that look on cop's face u can tell he wishes he was in a back alley with that guy so he could pummel his head in

    That cop took it pretty well. Have to give him some credit for that. Another youtuber visited the department later that day and inquired about the "care package" and officer Sandgren said the items were donated locally.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    funny how cognitive dissonance works no comments when preconceived notions betray the chimerical assumptions of a thing
    Indoctrinated with fallacies and fairy tales.

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    New Mexico Cop Raped Teen who Reported it to 3 Teachers who all Remained Silent

    An 18-year-old high school girl said she was raped by her high school coach who is also a New Mexico state police officer.

    She said she reported the rape to three teachers but not one of them reported it.

    It was not until her mother found a notebook where her daughter described the rape in vivid detail that the alleged incident was reported, according to KRQE.

    The Grants School District fired the cop from his assistant coach of the girls' soccer team but the state police have placed him on leave while they conduct an internal investigation.

    The three teachers who knew about the rape but did not report it have resigned. The name of the cop has not been released.


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    Another example of contempt of cop after a little piggy's ego was bruised and felt he needed to assert and abuse his authority. The police chief has ordered an internal investigation, but we all know how those go. "We investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing."

    Man, 75, Handcuffed for telling Cop to Shut Bathroom Door when using it

    The South Carolina cop also ordered a witness to stop recording as he handcuffed the man.

    A 75-year-old South Carolina man with a prosthetic leg ended up in handcuffs after telling a local cop to shut the bathroom door when using it. Bobby Ray Phillips said he was trying to enjoy his lunch at the Standpipe Family Restaurant in Belton when local cop Thaddeus Shockley walked in and used the restroom with the door wide open.

    He also did not take too kindly to another diner recording him as he tried to handcuff Phillips, who was insistent on finishing his meal.“Ma’am, do I need to take that phone from you?" Phillips can be heard saying to Cindy Young in her 12-second video before she turns off her camera.

    Phillips, who has difficulty hearing, acknowledges he tends to speak loudly, but says he was only trying to enjoy his grilled chicken, cabbage and cornbread without the bathroom smell permeating his nostrils.

    He was ultimately issued a $257 citation for disorderly conduct. But only after handcuffing and releasing him four separate times, including twice inside the restaurant and twice outside.

    Belton Police Chief Robert Young told the Greenville News that ordering the woman to shut off her camera is "problematic" and has ordered an internal investigation.


    The video clip and a more in depth story in the link below.


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    I love this thread

    These cops are out if control, all of them are evil spawn and head cases

    Fire them all

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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    I love this thread

    These cops are out if control, all of them are evil spawn and head cases

    Fire them all
    LEO tyranny, criminal activity and dereliction of oath and duty require exposure if any change is ever expected. Cops policing themselves, qualified immunity and their unions all need to be eliminated. They have run amok violating the public's rights and abusing their authority for far too long with little or no accountability and transparency. Part of the problem is that many citizens are ill-informed and not educated on their basic rights and unknowingly allow LEO to take advantage this. Another part of the problem is that there are too many bootlickers who think cops are always in the right and would do no wrong. Time for change.

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    Update from post #13.

    This little POS piggy did so much wrong that day the department had to let him go.
    He abused his authority and charged the man with disorderly conduct without proper cause, he threatened to confiscate a woman's camera while she recorded police in the course of their duty and he, as a LEO, attempted to solicit a trespass from the employees at the restaurant. All three are either criminal offenses and/or a violation of the department's policies. I'm certain that without this incident being covered by several news and media outlets the jackboot cop would have been given the blue line privilege and nothing wold have been done about it.

    Cop who Handcuffed Senior Citizen for telling him to Shut Bathroom Door is Fired

    The South Carolina cop who handcuffed a disabled 75-year-old man for telling him to shut the bathroom door when using it, then threatening to confiscate a camera from a witness, has been fired.

    Belton police officer Thaddeus Shockley was fired on August 23, three days after local media reported on his confrontation with the senior citizen but news of his termination is just being reported today.

    "We want our citizens treated well, treated fair and we won't tolerate anything less," Belton Mayor Wendell Page told the Greenville News.

    The incident took place August 20 inside the Standpipe Family Restaurant as 75-year-old Bobby Ray Phillips was eating his lunch of grilled chicken, cabbage and cornbread when in walked in Shockley to use the restroom.

    The cop proceeded to do his business with the door open. It has not been specified if the cop was just washing his hands or relieving himself but Phillips did not want to inhale the bathroom smell.

    "You left that door open, I'm eating here. Leave that scent in there, right,"' Phillips recounted what he told the cop to local media.

    The cop did not appreciate being told what to do and ended up handcuffing Phillips, then threatening to confiscate the phone a woman was using to record the confrontation.

    “Ma’am, do I need to take that phone from you?" Phillips can be heard saying to Cindy Young in her 12-second video before she turns off her camera.

    The cop continued to yank Phillips to stand up but it was difficult for him to do with an artificial leg. Plus, he wanted to finish his meal. Shockley then asked the restaurant to trespass the senior from the property but they refused as he is a regular.

    Throughout the entire confrontation with Phillips, Shockley handcuffed him and removed the handcuffs a total of four times before issuing him a $257 citation for disorderly conduct. Phillips expects the citation to be dismissed but it is still pending.

    Shockley was fired for violating departmental policy but police did not say which policy he violated. It is likely over how he threatened to confiscate the phone from the witness because the police chief described that as "problematic" before he was fired.

    Last edited by b1slickguy; 08-30-19 at 11:57 AM.

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    How a trooper’s alleged racist remark ignited the State Police overtime scandal

    That one complaint would help expose a massive, years-long scam within the State Police, in which dozens of troopers allegedly wrote phony tickets, falsified time sheets with phantom overtime shifts, and fleeced the public. The scandal is the largest to hit the troubled agency, implicating 46 troopers. Eight troopers have pleaded guilty to embezzlement charges, two others face charges, and an entire troop was disbanded.

    The federal and state investigations have revealed troopers were writing bogus traffic citations to meet unconstitutional ticket quotas, falsified other paperwork, and destroyed documents. The convictions showed how troopers and supervisors stole money and coordinated a cover up of their tracks — signs, prosecutors say, of systemic cultural problems and lax oversight at the state’s largest law enforcement agency.

    Troopers charged in the overtime scheme used various methods to conceal their absences from shifts, according to court documents, including changing dates on copies of citations they submitted or writing entirely bogus tickets and failing to file copies to process the violation.


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    Florida Officer Bought Child Porn on the Internet, Arrested by FBI

    A south Florida cop is in federal custody charged with child pornography.

    Boynton Beach Police Department Officer Gabriel Albala, 45, was arrested on August 29 by the FBI on a federal charge of child pornography. Albala, 45, was being held Friday with no bond in Broward County's main jail.

    Albala is accused of buying child pornography using the blogging website Tumblr and keeping it on his home computer, according to the federal complaint against him.

    FBI agents went to Albala’s home in Margate, Fl in July 2019 and noticed a Boynton Beach Police Department vehicle parked in front of the house, the indictment says. There was no answer, and a neighbor informed agents that Albala was out of town for a funeral.

    Agents secured a warrant and searched Albala’s home once he returned in August. That’s when they found his Dell desktop computer that held multiple files of child pornography, the indictment says.

    According to the indictment, “there is probable cause to believe that Albala knowingly, willfully, and intentionally possessed” materials that depicted “minors engaging in sexually explicit conduct.”

    FBI agents interviewed Albala on Thursday morning August 29 and arrested him without incident on Thursday afternoon.


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    C'mon Y'all.
    Internal Investigations solve EVERYTHING.

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    Some of the best nonsensical copsplaining I've heard yet. This POS piggy tries to justify parking in front of a fire hydrant in a red zone while he eats with his family and just ends up looking like a complete tool. How many of the general public would get away with not getting a ticket or having our vehicle towed after a call is made to report it? Another example of the blue line gang thinking the badge gives them extra rights and privileges and that they are above the law.

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    The largest domestic terrorist organization in the USA is at it again with more criminal activity. A pair of POS thugs with badges retaliated against a citizen for filing complaints against them by vandalizing the man's vehicles. One oath breaking pig was fired and the other was suspended without pay. I'm wondering why they both weren't fired.

    NJ Cops Don Disguises to Vandalize Cars belonging to Man who Filed Complaint

    Furious over a citizen filing a complaint against them, two New Jersey cops donned disguises before smashing the windows and slashing the tires of two cars belonging to the citizen.

    They were arrested within 24 hours.

    Asbury Park police officers Stephen Martinsen, 29, and Thomas Dowling, 26, were charged Wednesday with conspiracy, criminal mischief and weapons offenses, according to NJ.com. They are accused of disguising themselves on Tuesday, then riding their bicycles to the vehicles to vandalize them.

    Asbury Park Police Chief David Kelso did not say how they were caught in the press release he issued Wednesday but said the actions of the two officers were "not acceptable and does not represent the level of professionalism, community focus or resident safety that we expect of our officers."

    The victim, Ernest Mignoli, is a longtime critic of the police department, filed a complaint against the two cops several days earlier but did not elaborate on the nature of the complaint when interviewed by NJ.com.

    Martinsen was suspended without pay while Dowling was fired. Prosecutors also say Dowling cut himself sticking his hand through the broken window.

    Both cops are facing more than 20 years in prison if convicted of all charges, according to the Asbury Park Press.


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    EAST HARTFORD, CT. Police said officers were called to a home on Skyline Drive around 6:15 p.m. Thursday for a domestic violence complaint and two officers who responded got into a struggle at the home with a man who they described as the aggressor in the incident. When a stun gun was not effective, at least one officer opened fire and struck Carras. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

    So, let me get this straight... Police break into a man's castle with no warrant and shoot him dead IN HIS OWN HOME. He was "the aggressor" objecting to Police illegally and without warrant entering his own home.

    RIGHT. Got it.

  23. #23
    My Finger Smells Like Pork
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    Check out this poor guy still getting ventilated even though he had his hands in the air as a sign that he given up.

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    I don't know Kermit. Hands in the air but with a gun in his hand. Got to drop the gun I think especially since he just fired it.

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    This is my favorite SBR thread

    Fukkin cops suck
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGoldenGoose View Post
    EAST HARTFORD, CT. Police said officers were called to a home on Skyline Drive around 6:15 p.m. Thursday for a domestic violence complaint and two officers who responded got into a struggle at the home with a man who they described as the aggressor in the incident. When a stun gun was not effective, at least one officer opened fire and struck Carras. He was pronounced dead at the hospital.

    So, let me get this straight... Police break into a man's castle with no warrant and shoot him dead IN HIS OWN HOME. He was "the aggressor" objecting to Police illegally and without warrant entering his own home.

    RIGHT. Got it.

    Those jackboot thugs will claim they "feared for their life" and the department will investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing.


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    What is really scary... if this is what is being reported, WTF is being suppressed by the news media?
    Half the sh!t these cops do is immediately covered up and that's a FACT.
    I monitor news releases as they happen, see it in print, and 30 minutes later it magically disappears from the news site. Isn't that just AMAZING?

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxx View Post
    I don't know Kermit. Hands in the air but with a gun in his hand. Got to drop the gun I think especially since he just fired it.
    It looks like he actually dropped his hands and popped a shot off at the first cop car that rolled up too.

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    Tennessee Police Officer Admits to Raping Three Women While On Duty

    Former Chattanooga Police Department Officer Desmond Logan, 33, reached a plea agreement on September 4 in federal court where he admitted to raping three women who were in his custody. Logan also admitted to pulling a stun gun on a woman to prevent her from leaving her car.

    Logan has agreed to plead guilty to two counts of deprivation of rights. Each count carries up to 10 years in prison and $250,000 in fines. Logan must also register as a sex offender, Chattanoogan.com reports. Logan eventually resigned before he could be fired.

    On June 12th, 2018, Logan, while on duty handcuffed and arrested a woman. But rather than driving her to the jail, he drove her to an empty and isolated parking lot. It was there that Logan raped the woman, the victim suffered bruising from the rape.

    On January 2nd, 2016, Logan was working security detail at the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga when he got in another woman's passenger seat and asked her to drive him to his own car. Logan admitted to intentionally directing the woman to an empty and isolated parking lot. He then took out a stun gun and put it against her leg, causing her to fear for her safety. He prevented her from getting out of the car.

    Logan also had other victims that he raped. Logan admitted that on July 31, 2015, he raped a woman in a secluded lot, and on May 30, 2016 he forced a woman to perform oral sex on him.


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    POS cop making over $100K is stealing clothes at Macy's?
    What a dummy.

    NYPD Cop Arrested after she was Caught Stealing Designer Clothes from Macy's

    A NYPD police sergeant who earned more than $100,000 last year is now suspended without pay after she was arrested for allegedly shoplifting from Macy’s.

    Sgt. Eva Pena, 37, was arrested September 3 after she allegedly tried to walk out of a Yonkers, NY Macy's without paying for $360 in clothing. Pena was off duty when she was arrested, NBC reports.

    Court documents say surveillance cameras captured Pena going into a dressing room with several clothing items and then emerging without the items. Other footage showed Pena removing tags from a pair of Tommy Hilfiger pants, a sweater, a Guess lace dress and several other items — and then placing them in her purse, court documents say.

    Pena was arrested by the Yonkers Police Department as she was trying to leave the store and was charged with petit larceny.

    Pena was suspended without pay from her job as an NYPD sergeant.

    The Yonkers Police Department had this to say about Pena's arrest: “She is accused of attempting to leave the store with approximately $359 of unpaid merchandise in her purse.”

    Pena reportedly made $107,809 in total pay last year.


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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    POS cop making over $100K is stealing clothes at Macy's?
    What a dummy.

    NYPD Cop Arrested after she was Caught Stealing Designer Clothes from Macy's

    A NYPD police sergeant who earned more than $100,000 last year is now suspended without pay after she was arrested for allegedly shoplifting from Macy’s.

    Sgt. Eva Pena, 37, was arrested September 3 after she allegedly tried to walk out of a Yonkers, NY Macy's without paying for $360 in clothing. Pena was off duty when she was arrested, NBC reports.

    Court documents say surveillance cameras captured Pena going into a dressing room with several clothing items and then emerging without the items. Other footage showed Pena removing tags from a pair of Tommy Hilfiger pants, a sweater, a Guess lace dress and several other items — and then placing them in her purse, court documents say.

    Pena was arrested by the Yonkers Police Department as she was trying to leave the store and was charged with petit larceny.

    Pena was suspended without pay from her job as an NYPD sergeant.

    The Yonkers Police Department had this to say about Pena's arrest: “She is accused of attempting to leave the store with approximately $359 of unpaid merchandise in her purse.”

    Pena reportedly made $107,809 in total pay last year.

    ud think she'd have known those elementary methods wouldnt work

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by b1slickguy View Post
    More POS jackboot thugs with guns and badges who don't understand the law or know the constitutional rights of free citizens. These sovereign blue line pigs just don't care because they are so used to unlawfully ordering people around and getting away with it. Utterly disgusting! I'm guessing the Sioux Falls SD Police Department will investigate themselves and find no wrong doing, but the video tells no lies and proves otherwise.

    Seems like there was more to what happened... but wasn't caught on camera or intentionally edited from the youtube video? I mean... we all know majority of cops are scum... but saying "Fukk The Police" that it's freedom of speech? That can be classified as disorderly conduct... because technically you are disturbing the peace with an outburst like that.

    There's a reason why the "disorderly conduct" charge is vague. Police can use it anytime they want.

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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Seems like there was more to what happened... but wasn't caught on camera or intentionally edited from the youtube video? I mean... we all know majority of cops are scum... but saying "Fukk The Police" that it's freedom of speech? That can be classified as disorderly conduct... because technically you are disturbing the peace with an outburst like that.

    There's a reason why the "disorderly conduct" charge is vague. Police can use it anytime they want.
    The uncut video from the live stream showing the entire incident is below. There is already established case law, as well as supreme court rulings, backing the man's actions of protected free speech. This was not disorderly conduct, but just a case of the POS cops policing with their feelings instead of the law. The charges will most likely be dismissed and a lawsuit filed against the department and the officers personally. Their precious qualified immunity will not apply here due to a blatant civil rights violation and unlawful arrest.

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    North Carolina Cop Arrested on Domestic Violence Charge

    A master police officer is behind bars for domestic violence charges

    The Salisbury Police Department says one of its officers was arrested Friday evening September 6 on a domestic violence related charge in Iredell County North Carolina.

    Officer Joseph N. Wilson was arrested by the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office and charged with Assault on a Female, Domestic Violence, WCNC News reports.

    Wilson has been placed on paid administrative leave.
    (a.k.a. paid vacation) He has been with the department since 2011 and holds the rank of Master Police Officer. The arrest was conducted by the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office. Wilson was released on bond following the arrest.

    The Salisbury Police Department says they are fully cooperating with the investigation and the Iredell County Sheriff’s Office.


    Police Have a Much Bigger Domestic-Abuse Problem Than the NFL Does

    And there is another American profession that has a significantly more alarming problem with domestic abuse. I'd urge everyone who believes in zero tolerance for NFL employees caught beating their wives or girlfriends to direct as much attention—or ideally, even more attention—at police officers who assault their partners. Several studies have found that the romantic partners of police officers suffer domestic abuse at rates significantly higher than the general population. And while all partner abuse is unacceptable, it is especially problematic when domestic abusers are literally the people that battered and abused women are supposed to call for help.


    Police Family Violence Fact Sheet

    Two studies have found that at least 40% of police officer families experience domestic violence, in contrast to 10% of families in the general population. A third study of older and more experienced officers found a rate of 24%, indicating that domestic violence is 2-4 times more common among police families than American families in general. A police department that has domestic violence offenders among its ranks will not effectively serve and protect victims in the community. Moreover, when officers know of domestic violence committed by their colleagues and seek to protect them by covering it up, they expose the department to civil liability.


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