1. #211
    Am i serious? Are you serious?
    ACoochy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    This thread is a direct insult to the intelligence and perception of secular posters...

  2. #212
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    How can you prove something, that cannot be observed. Have you been around millions of years to watch it?
    Proving something that cannot be observed is possible yet differs from not believing in something because one personally did not witness it

    we cannot see the air we breathe but know we are dead without it, we cannot see ourselves think yet we know we do to communicate, we cannot see when we contact a virus but know the feelings of being ill, we cannot see our wireless transmissions but we all have used wireless cell phones

    It's our nature to request the maximum amount of evidence to solidify our beliefs however outside of personally witnessing every event , anything prior to our existence it is far more difficult as video recording and personal contacts pre-date us by only a few generations... archeology and science do their best to recreate the past but neither can provide any certainty to the beginning of time

    creation vs evolution. We got here somehow but for something to evolve it has to have an original state of creation. IMO Man has "evolved" only as a byproduct of change in our surroundings from illiterate cavemen to educated well groomed civil people for the most part. I do not believe In the evolution theory from animals

    as far the as a Big Bang theory, im no scientist but hard to believe a violent explosion would create uniform orbits revolving around the same fiery star. even our planets moon has an effect on our tides.

    for the explosion to have been possible the matter and gasses wouldve needed to have been created for,the explosion

  3. #213
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    These are all laws, we have to breathe to live, who made oxygen? Who made gravity? Who made the laws of the universe?.... If we don't know, why not rely on God ? All of this is real as you and me, so why is it so hard to put faith in Jesus?

  4. #214
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    if there is a god, and he's all powerful, as people would have you believe. he's a fcking asshole.

  5. #215
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    If we don't know, why not rely on God ?
    Because that's as logical as asking "Who made God"?

    Just because we don't know the answer to something, doesn't mean it's unknowable (eventually).

    Simple false logic like yours is what has always, and still to this day, stifles advancement.

    "We don't know..must be God"

  6. #216
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    There is no god, and I can prove it...if there was a god, he would have prevented TLC, formerly, The Leaning Channel from deteriorating into this...


  7. #217
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    Well I didn't create myself, and we as a life source actually know nothing about how the world works.

  8. #218
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    Birds fly south for the winter. If its instinct one could surely argue that it's God that put that GPS system in them.

  9. #219
    brainfreeze's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    Because that's as logical as asking "Who made God"?

    Just because we don't know the answer to something, doesn't mean it's unknowable (eventually).

    Simple false logic like yours is what has always, and still to this day, stifles advancement.

    "We don't know..must be God"
    How many more advances do we need? Another 2000 years? When is enough, enough? We've reached the moon and back, have people living in outer space, and still can't disprove God, just seems very arrogant to me to say just because we don't know, doesn't mean we won't find out.. As I said in a few different threads, there are scientist that do believe in God, and more leaning that way, so why is this so hard for the scientific community, to humble themselves to say, we don't know, and until we can disprove it, " there is a GOD ". I would think we've gotten really far as advances go, where else or what else can we know that will help us in the universe, but God?

  10. #220
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    How many more advances do we need? Another 2000 years? When is enough, enough? We've reached the moon and back, have people living in outer space, and still can't disprove God, just seems very arrogant to me to say just because we don't know, doesn't mean we won't find out.. As I said in a few different threads, there are scientist that do believe in God, and more leaning that way, so why is this so hard for the scientific community, to humble themselves to say, we don't know, and until we can disprove it, " there is a GOD ". I would think we've gotten really far as advances go, where else or what else can we know that will help us in the universe, but God?
    For the most part, I try not to be facetious or condescending, but it's very obvious that science or critical thought played little (if any) of your education or upbringing.

    Your attitude that we've learned so much that we should already prove/disprove "God" is at best, simplistic, and at worse, insanely dumb.

    With our man made construct of "time", and our own life spans limited currently to aprox 80 years on average, the idea that we should have figured it all out by now is laughable.

    One side uses the scientific method (prove/disprove hypothesis). The other, superstition and faith.
    One side has a method which embraces questioning (as a whole), the other abhors it.

    I had 2 friends in elementary school 30 years ago die of Retinoblastoma. At the time, the 5 year survival rate was around 25-30%.

    "God wanted his angel home" people were told - "he works in mysterious ways"

    Through SCIENCE, and not the belief that some people are "called home" early, the 5 year survival rate is now close to 99%. Not through group prayer, holy water or repeating verses from some book from the bronze age.

    Your game is obvious. Your hope is to wedge enough doubt to get people to say "well, maybe there could be a God" and then you now count them as being on "your side" with the hope of marginalizing those who actually think critically.

    One only needs to see how you respond when someone leaves the possibility of a God, but gives as much credence to a "God" from the past (Zeus) or somewhere else on Earth (Shiva). Suddenly your version (KJ Bible) is the true word of God, and those who follow a different superstition, worship a pedophile or their belief is just silly.

    Much like the evangelicals who want to trojan horse the door to public school with teaching "intelligent design" as an alternative theory, your real goal is to proselytize your own version of the "true religion" and try to increase your numbers in your own sect.

    You're obvious.

    Saints Team Total over tonight. I'm 2-2 today by the looks of it, so if you want to pray for my late bet, by all means, fill your sandals.
    Last edited by muldoon; 10-26-14 at 03:14 PM.
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  11. #221
    Huck Fobos
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    For the most part, I try not to be facetious or condescending, but it's very obvious that science or critical thought played little (if any) of your education or upbringing.

    Your attitude that we've learned so much that we should already prove/disprove "God" is at best, simplistic, and at worse, insanely dumb.

    With our man made construct of "time", and our own life spans limited currently to aprox 80 years on average, the idea that we should have figured it all out by now is laughable.

    One side uses the scientific method (prove/disprove hypothesis). The other, superstition and faith.
    One side has a method which embraces questioning (as a whole), the other abhors it.

    I had 2 friends in elementary school 30 years ago die of Retinoblastoma. At the time, the 5 year survival rate was around 25-30%.

    "God wanted his angel home" people were told - "he works in mysterious ways"

    Through SCIENCE, and not the belief that some people are "called home" early, the 5 year survival rate is now close to 99%. Not through group prayer, holy water or repeating verses from some book from the bronze age.

    Your game is obvious. Your hope is to wedge enough doubt to get people to say "well, maybe there could be a God" and then you now count them as being on "your side" with the hope of marginalizing those who actually think critically.

    One only needs to see how you respond when someone leaves the possibility of a God, but gives as much credence to a "God" from the past (Zeus) or somewhere else on Earth (Shiva). Suddenly your version (KJ Bible) is the true word of God, and those who follow a different superstition, worship a pedophile or their belief is just silly.

    Much like the evangelicals who want to trojan horse the door to public school with teaching "intelligent design" as an alternative theory, your real goal is to proselytize your own version of the "true religion" and try to increase your numbers in your own sect.

    You're obvious.

    Saints Team Total over tonight. I'm 2-2 today by the looks of it, so if you want to pray for my late bet, by all means, fill your sandals.
    muldoon is god

  12. #222
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    My own sect.? I don't belong to any particular church ..I belong to Christ, I don't believe Christ had a physical building but walked and preached the Word of God. As for calling me dumb because you don't want to admit or find out who made the laws of the universe, I forgive you. Difference between you and me, I KNOW THERES A GOD. Why insult my intelligence, do I seem simple minded to you? You don't think I've doubted God? ... I have, I was dealing ounces of cocaine before I came back to Christ, kept a gun close, all my life. I know the streets, you know science, if I were caught with a gun, it would've been ten years automatic plus a double bill, if you know what this is, I didn't care about me, so what do you think I cared about you. Today, I'm here talking about God!! Joyed about what he's done, HE SAVED ME... I know he can save even you Muldoon, anyone, absolutely anyone, that calls on Him, that dedicates themselves to His Words.

    This life goes well beyond science, Muldoon, you should get out, live a little, stop worrying about what some professor is telling you. Their doing nothing but hindering you, from real life, that's right outside, it's like two fish, wanting to know if waters real...the two fish go on a journey to find out, they (swim) up the river to the sea, where they find a wise fish, they ask the fish "is water real"? The wise fish tells them, your swimming in it. Gods simple Muldoon but can be more complexed then the mind can fathom. Look at the ocean, the sun, the birds, the mapped out plays in the game that work perfect, the innocent children... And you tell me... Is God real..

  13. #223
    grease lightnin
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    People make the decision to not believe there is a god because of how stupid people are. Lol

  14. #224
    Huck Fobos
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    How about this

    i love you all

    the end.

    Let's gamble.
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  15. #225
    grease lightnin
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    Colts are getting housed by steelers. Unreal

  16. #226
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    Just because we are extending life, means nothing, what of the man that can't afford a pace maker, what of the man that made the MRI machine Mr. Damadian " couldn't detect cancer without this CHRISTIAN man ". Why is there a fifty percent more of a chance a child will be born with autism compared to a hundred years ago? None of this changes the fact, that Jesus is who He said he was. God..

  17. #227
    Bostongambler's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Very well said Mr Brainfreezer

  18. #228
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    Very well said Mr Brainfreezer
    Thank you Mr. BG

  19. #229
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  20. #230
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Just because we are extending life, means nothing, what of the man that can't afford a pace maker, what of the man that made the MRI machine Mr. Damadian " couldn't detect cancer without this CHRISTIAN man ". Why is there a fifty percent more of a chance a child will be born with autism compared to a hundred years ago? None of this changes the fact, that Jesus is who He said he was. God..
    Thank God for the rest of us Mr. Damadian didn't have your "God has already taught me everything I need to know so f**k science, I'm gonna go frolic in the fields" attitude.

    As for extending life meaning nothing, doubt when you get sick instead of seeing doctors and taking medicine to get better, you just sit around talk to God and hope for the best.

    And addressing autism, doctors barely knew what it was a century ago. With a century to study it, its a real shocker doctors have become better at successfully diagnosing all the different types and severities of each case, thus increasing the reported cases of it.

  21. #231
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    Why is there a fifty percent more of a chance a child will be born with autism compared to a hundred years ago?
    Previously, people were simply broad brushed as "insane". With more specific testing, it only makes sense that more would be diagnosed as Autistic. 80 years ago they'd be lumped in with schizophrenics.

    Because you were a dirt-bag cocaine dealer and needed an existential threat of a scorekeeper in the afterlife, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

    Not sure if proselytizing in a gambling forum helps you deal with the guilt of what you did to society (the crimes committed to buy your coke, the possible spousal and child abuse you directly contributed to etc) - but a lot of us don't need the threat of a God to be decent citizens.
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  22. #232
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    Man I am so happy to be off of BF's kill list, Muldoon has taken over

  23. #233
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtymer56 View Post
    Thank God for the rest of us Mr. Damadian didn't have your "God has already taught me everything I need to know so f**k science, I'm gonna go frolic in the fields" attitude.

    As for extending life meaning nothing, doubt when you get sick instead of seeing doctors and taking medicine to get better, you just sit around talk to God and hope for the best.

    And addressing autism, doctors barely knew what it was a century ago. With a century to study it, its a real shocker doctors have become better at successfully diagnosing all the different types and severities of each case, thus increasing the reported cases of it.
    There's a difference between real science, and evolution and the rest of it.. I didn't say there isn't a need for science. The lies that are being taught along with science is what I have a problem with, I've never been to the hospital other then to get stitches after being stabbed .. That I took out at home on my own by the way. Why no one has a answer for this Ebola, since this science is so good? They should worry about right here, right now, not a monkey from 4,000 years ago...and while there worrying about now, it never hurts to open the Bible and ask God to give you " the real light" not the fake one that lucifer is trying to thrust on everyone with this evolution stuff.

  24. #234
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    Isn't it all part if the master plan. Please, talk amongst ur selfs.

  25. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ra77er View Post
    Man I am so happy to be off of BF's kill list, Muldoon has taken over
    Why do you post, if you have nothing to say on the matter, not that much of a Internet guy, but I think they call this trolling. You don't have to read anything I post, especially in a thread about "GOD", I would love your input if it has some substance.

  26. #236
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    Once again being hypocritical like always. You call your posts substance .

    I guess I am still number 1 muldoon, congrats

  27. #237
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    Previously, people were simply broad brushed as "insane". With more specific testing, it only makes sense that more would be diagnosed as Autistic. 80 years ago they'd be lumped in with schizophrenics.

    Because you were a dirt-bag cocaine dealer and needed an existential threat of a scorekeeper in the afterlife, doesn't mean the rest of us do.

    Not sure if proselytizing in a gambling forum helps you deal with the guilt of what you did to society (the crimes committed to buy your coke, the possible spousal and child abuse you directly contributed to etc) - but a lot of us don't need the threat of a God to be decent citizens.
    You know nothing of my child, or when I did as I did, there pretty broad statements, by the way you've been talking to me, I highly doubt you to be decent. I'm telling you what I've done, let's here about you Muldoon, I have no guilt, God let me know IM FORGIVEN, and my God is no scorekeeper, He's my Savior, the Messiah, the Christ. This is your come back to my statements, beyond pathetic, but I love you anyways Muldoon, have a good night.

  28. #238
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    You know nothing of my child, or when I did as I did, there pretty broad statements, by the way you've been talking to me, I highly doubt you to be decent. I'm telling you what I've done, let's here about you Muldoon, I have no guilt, God let me know IM FORGIVEN, and my God is no scorekeeper, He's my Savior, the Messiah, the Christ. This is your come back to my statements, beyond pathetic, but I love you anyways Muldoon, have a good night.
    I should have been more clear. I was referring to the people you sold cocaine to - not your own child. (ie: the damage you caused 2nd hand by providing a drug which often leads to violence and abuse etc)

    So having God forgive you is good enough? Did you make amends for all the wrong you did (with the actual people) - or you just go with the (similar to Catholics) self-convincing forgiveness that because you've found a better path, all the destruction you left in your wake is just part of a lesson for others to deal and cope with?

    I don't profess to believe or have found God - you're the one washing away the guilt of your past by take the cop-out of "Jesus forgives me".

    I'm happy you're not a scumbag and negative impact member of society any more.
    Last edited by muldoon; 10-26-14 at 08:16 PM.

  29. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    Re-read what I wrote. I was referring to the people you sold cocaine to - not your own child. (ie: the damage you caused 2nd hand by providing a drug which often leads to violence and abuse etc)

    So having God forgive you is good enough? Did you make amends for all the wrong you did (with the actual people) - or you just go with the (similar to Catholics) self-convincing forgiveness that because you've found a better path, all the destruction you left in your wake is just part of a lesson for others to deal and cope with?

    I don't profess to believe or have found God - you're the one washing away the guilt of your past by take the cop-out of "Jesus forgives me".

    I'm happy you're not a scumbag, negative impact member of society any more.
    Who's going to pay for my addictions? This is foolish talk, NO ONES IN CONTROL OF YOU, it's your own free will to feed the devilish flesh and carnal mind, or serve the Spirit of God( after getting it) Why do you come in this thread with a hate for God, there's a list of you, why come in this thread and call me dumb just because I preach the good works of Christ. What has God done to any of you, but try to help you? If you don't want to talk about it, so be it, go talk about Obama, or the saints game. You don't know what I've giving back in the past few years or who I've helped, it's no ones business but mine and God.

  30. #240
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    I'm watching ancient aliens. Could our god be aliens? An ancient civilization seeing flying machines, landing,
    people coming out and talking to us would be quite traumatic.

  31. #241
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    Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
    I'm watching ancient aliens. Could our god be aliens? An ancient civilization seeing flying machines, landing,
    people coming out and talking to us would be quite traumatic.
    There are aliens, not in the sense they tell you about, but " fallen spirits of Heaven ",to the world we live in. not little green men rkelly. At least your reading the statements, shows interest, that's a start.

  32. #242
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    History channels "Ancient Aliens" has some very good points. The book of Ezekiel in the bible has measurements
    of landing machines according to the show. Books have been written on the subject.

    I'm a believer in Jesus. It's healthy to explore other avenues and beliefs.

  33. #243
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    For one to determine if God exist or does not exist, what criteria would you use to measure it? If you saw God, would you have recognized Him? Jesus performed miracles only God could do and yet the Pharisees were blind to it and accused Jesus of blasphemy. "The evil one has said in his heart, “There is no God”. They are corrupted and they are defiled in their schemes and there is none who does good."- Psalms 14:1

    The structure of the eye would have taken billions of years of chance to work. Add the hand, brain, heart, endocrine system, etc. and have all of this working together, you are talking a nonsense amount of time beyond chance that would make evolution a ridiculous notion to explain the earth and universe. "From the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly observed in what he made. As a result, people have no excuse."- Romans 1:20
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  34. #244
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    Quote Originally Posted by muldoon View Post
    I should have been more clear. I was referring to the people you sold cocaine to - not your own child. (ie: the damage you caused 2nd hand by providing a drug which often leads to violence and abuse etc)

    So having God forgive you is good enough? Did you make amends for all the wrong you did (with the actual people) - or you just go with the (similar to Catholics) self-convincing forgiveness that because you've found a better path, all the destruction you left in your wake is just part of a lesson for others to deal and cope with?

    I don't profess to believe or have found God - you're the one washing away the guilt of your past by take the cop-out of "Jesus forgives me".

    I'm happy you're not a scumbag and negative impact member of society any more.
    Once you come to Christ though Muldoon, it's literally like a new life, what do you think the baptism symbolizes? It's washing away the old and dead, when your buried beneath the water, then when you come out, your new, your absolved, it's a new life, I don't talk, walk, look the same, it's a renewing of the mind, no old friends, material wants, or things people worry themselves with. Just the necessities, God, family, pets, bills, a roof over our head, of course sometimes I think of what a jerk I was, I don't have a time machine though Muldoon, I leave it to God to fix my problems and fight my battles, as He has for the past few years. I'm blessed, I'm better then I've ever been, at the prime of my life...I have real joy and happiness, not the stuff you get after buying something or seeing a hot women or doing a drug or hearing wild music. Real joy, real peace Muldoon, you can't buy this stuff, just knowing God cared, He had me at hello. It's the real deal and I want anyone that seeks Him to get the same. Thank you for the complement at the end though, I had a military guy said he believed in God because He took a no good two bit criminal that wasn't worth a 2 cent bullet to the head and turned Him in to a productive citizen. Made me smile coming from someone who risked their life for this country. God does what know man or prison or death for that matter can do, it's a miracle Muldoon ...pure miracle

  35. #245
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    Nice post thebettingman.. What I say, all this going on around us and how intelligent we are, to even fathom such things, all relating back to a three minute bang... Wild stuff

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