Originally posted on 12/03/2016:

Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post
for the last 8 yrs... 'But Bush' was used to justify all of Obama's failures
Our country's biggest problem is this. We get so wrapped up in our "toe the line" war - where we'd rather blame the other party than take responsibility on our own side - while politicians just sit back and love it.

We got what we deserved with W. and Obama. We're going to get what we deserve with Trump, who will make those two look like altruistic geniuses. Why? Because we take the lazy way out. We're apathetic, deflective, and we don't hold ourselves personally accountable. If you want proof, just look at the degenerate losers around here who are suddenly all political experts. Yet when asked to answer to their own convictions, Democrats and Republicans alike will play this bullshit shell game. It's sad, pathetic, and most importantly, UN-AMERICAN.

Awful to see what has become of this country's citizens. But again, we get what we deserve now.