Originally <a href='http://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=24242829'>posted</a> on 07/08/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by sportsbetter21 View Post
Im not trying to speak for the guy. Just wanted to check for myself his claim of making over 100 units in 3 months over the last 3 years. If he is seriously capping at this win rate and making all those units and doubling his bankroll then thats great but when he keeps dodging the question of what qualifies his chase system then that makes me 2nd guess his claim. Anyone here aware of who jeff the hat is? google him for yourself and you will know exactly what im talking about
I read a book recently that talked about why we tend to focus more on negative things than positive. The author explained that the ancient part of our mind is built for survival. Focusing on negative rather than positive could potentially save your life.

It served a purpose back in the day when people would hear noises in the woods. If they ignored that noise and it turned out to be a mountain lion, regardless of the million good things that could've been happening in their lives at that moment, it wouldn't matter because they'd be dead.

I'm not going to tell you what the strategy is. Doesn't matter what the reason is - it's just what I've decided.

So it's up to you to figure out which part of your mind to listen to. Is the noise I'm making the sound of a mountain lion - or is the sound just similar to a mountain lion from your past?