Originally posted on 05/09/2015:

Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
Donker, I put it on the end of my pencil and use it as an eraser when calculating those tricky SBR pot odds.
Gets so much use due to SBR being a RS that Belladonna's labia majora is about history now.
But, as long as her clit stays intact I'll keep using it for inspiration for raising guys like GUMMO & Tripper.

Results for today's 3pm tourney: spider -- 50pts

I'm off to the Connecticut woods (Foxwoods) in a lil bit and won't be back till late tomorrow night; could someone please update results from tonight's 7 & 11 tourneys if any of our contest guys cash? TIA
(ok, so we all know ds ain't cashing, but still...)

Amazing what happens when your not home to rig this "rigged shithole" software.


Downsouth 600