Originally posted on 09/29/2014:

Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
Go what route?

I am talking about committing violent crimes, not smoking pot.
The idea that violent crimes are somehow "worse" than white collar crimes or even just evil shit that richer people do that doesn't fall within the purview of criminal law is something that deserves a hard look. If my pursuit of personal wealth and power costs 1000 workers their jobs and pensions, I have done more damage to them and their families than a car thief would do. Would a stray bullet from a drive-by cause more damage? That is up for discussion, but the point is that the former is viewed as an acceptable part of society while the latter makes evening news, gets politicians up in arms and gives rise to change.

In the same vein, what is it about cops that makes their lives so much more important than black teenage males? Is there something inherently more valuable about a cop's life that he has the authority to shoot to kill whenever he feels threatened? Is all collateral damage automatically justified?

Besides all that, the Wal-Mart police shooting is pissing me off a lot more than the Ferguson shooting. There is no way to rationalize how those cops just gunned him down as he ran away from them. All caught on video tape from multiple angles.