Quote Originally Posted by bettilimbroke999 View Post
No, blacks and Mexicans have complete levels of economic failure wherever they are a majority...of course when they come to a white country and fail its obviously bc of racism

I'm not racist at all KM as I've said before, Im a realist. You are a complete racist sir, I have read your posts and you clearly find that white ppl are somehow to blame for brown ppls economic difficulties, regardless of the fact that Mexico (clearly majority Mexican) is a complete hellhole and your ppl crawl through the desert illegally to come live with us racist whites that are so awful to them as you say

I am completely against allowing the illegal immigration of millions of broke non-English speaking welfare recipients and criminals into border states leading to their inevitable bankruptcy, they could be brown or green it wouldnt matter, this is about negative economic impact not your level of tan.

The only difference between the Mexican poor and the inbred poor is that my people actually get up and do something about their misfortune, while the inbreds sit in their trailer parks collecting checks..