The only reason im even telling u guys this is so u dont think I bailed and wonder where I am... A few of u know this already. If u put all of the events in the last few months in perspective u will know im not lying (60k) bankroll... Now as many of u know I write articles for a capping service. My "boss" has great connections and moves money for certain people. He talked to one of his guys he moves money for...(not mentioning names because I cant but if u think hard youu know)... Anyways now I move money and bet on certain games for the someone as well... Started me with a 60k roll and at the end of each week I get percentage of winnings.... Nothing to do with touthood thank god.. Anyways both these men are very secritive people in what they do so they demand no thread for me in fear I would post their plays (which I wouldnt)... Ill still be around dropping plays in threads tho.. Wizbean esp lol.. Hope u understand gotta go with the money tho!! Love u guys:-D