Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=28263829'>posted</a> on 12/21/2018:

Quote Originally Posted by BigdaddyQH View Post
Hey idiot. Who was the one who told you about wagering on streaks. I finally lost one today, after 6 wins in a row. (I wager streaks after a minimum of two wins for the streak). So I get a split today, and go 7-1 overall. I also cashed in on Arizona State's loss and Under tt in the Vegas Bowl. 9-1 so far, with just one wager remaining. I made more money in two weeks than you have in your entire life. There is no way you have ever won a much as I did because I wager so much more than you do and you lose so many times more than I do. I guarantee you that I have won more money since the start of the Bowl season than you have in your entire life. You can't even figure out why you can win numerous times in a row by wagering on a streak but only lose once.
Sorry, edit a couple of more times so i can understand bud....

But to be honest, I have nothing against you man, just post picks, analysis, enjoy a nice conversion once in a while, dont be a dick and people will like you