Originally posted on 08/16/2011:

Quote Originally Posted by Fishhead View Post
For gawdsakes guy, where do you live, in NORTH LAS VEGAS or on BOULDER HIGHWAY?????
Thank you! People that live in the bummier areas, or end up being surrounded by the bum element almost always have a thumbs down outlook on Vegas.

No sense of community? -- The only think worse than shitty neighbors are shitty neighbors that are all up in your business. Being left alone is the nuts.

Random trash everywhere? -- We get a lot of wind, and this may lead to it. For the most part though, very clean, thanks to all the Mexican labor. Fairly low pollution, due to the lack of industrial commerce here.

Hustlers? -- Mostly harmless wanna-bes. This town is so big and varied, not one person or group of people thinks they run things. Keeps people in check.

High crime rate -- Only in the areas that are obviously crime zones. Strip clubs, areas within 2 mi of the Strip, North Vegas, Northeast Vegas. All very easy places to avoid, just like anywhere else. Leaves a LOT of the valley up for your enjoyment, the majority actually.

Being able to pretty much make your own rules, hot women from every ethnicity, a go-get-it attitude, proximity to California (without all the taxes), very few insects, you don't have to go visit friends because they'd rather come visit you, top notch food, nightlife for all different kinds of people, we've got it all.

And there's no better place to be 25-50 years old and single. The only thing my hometown of St. Louis ever caters to is kids/families, the elderly, and helping out lazy poor people that don't deserve help. Vegas could give a shit about all those things. My kind of town!!