NFL rules are being implemented in a vacuum. When a game is nearing its end it needs to be given that unless a play is a coefficient to a play that causes the win, it should be waived off. If a penalty is irrelevant on an important game impact play, waive it off. For plays that need review and are of consequence, both teams should submit quickly their view of the play. This avoids the one-sided review that happened in Green Bay, where the referee simply reviewed whether Bryant had made competed a catch before hitting the ground. the referee should have also heard the view of the opposition stating that the player had made a football move by his attempt to reach for the end zone. clearly the referees one side of your things was a valid review but if he would have had a full picture the decision would probably have gone the other way 99 percent of the world realizes a Football move had been made by reaching for the end zone.

Between the poor review process and all these penalties that change games we have A league beginning to look like it's being run by Las Vegas gamblers!