I quit MLB... and there are 50 hrs. in a day.. 20 hrs. before noon alone!! it's the best

*getting so much done.. had to share..


NBA is logical... at least mostly...

in MLB, the logical outcome happens 50% of the time.. thus..
first you have the pitchers to cap... then the batters... then ?

why... ?

there are so many buttons in life that work when you press them.* If MLB were a machine, i would return it to the store. "This is doesn't work"

capping is fun,.. but is madness when one is losing..

I stopped using money, and ran the simulation process that i wrote about in the book.. (coming)

MLB means capping ALL*day– everyday. because you don't know what game is best, until you cap them all..
and there are over a dozen games each day... so cap 2X Teams, cap 2X pitchers, 15 games...
That is basically tracking and capping 60 separate events in one day.*So you do all of that, and then realize that maybe you missed something, but you don't know what.. because only half the games denstrated your projections.. but not the half that you bet. Forget it, man. I will be this age only once.. i need those hrs.

back to life gents... *

i hope no one is getting rocked.. GL