1. #1
    GoPanthers88's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Betonline.ag dishonest and poor customer service contributed to losing over $10k

    First off, I wanted to add the obligatory this is not all betonline's fault and certainly I am a grown person who makes my own decisions. That said, I am very disappointed in their customer service and can't help but that think they took advantage of a negative situation that worked out to their advantage.

    The quick cliff notes and timeline are:

    11/18: Open account and receive phone call from customer service. On this call I requested that they disable the online casino from my account, that I just wanted to use their services for Poker and Sports Betting. She told me that unfortunately that is not an option that they offer (spoiler alert: this is not true).

    11/18 - 11/25: I deposited roughly $1000 via BTC and credit card spread across 4 deposits. By 11/25, my account balance was over $10k.

    11/25: Knowing that there was going to be a week's time I had to wait before I could cashout due to their credit card wait period rules, I called once again and requested that the casino be disabled from my account since I had an online gambling problem when it came to casino games and didn't trust myself with that much balance. I was told that they would submit my request and follow up when it was disabled.

    Late night 11/25: After being out celebrating with some friends, I came back and played poker and hit a couple bad beats and lost somewhere around $500. I placed $2000 worth of sportsbets and then took this as an opportunity to try and quickly win back what I had just lost on blackjack. This did not go well and I played until my account balance was down to $0 (lost over $8k in the span of about 10 minutes).

    11/26: Later that night, the casino was still active (after first being told this wasn't an option, then being told it would be taken care of). I started a live chat and told the person what had happened and explained why I wanted the casino to be disabled. She took down the information and said that it would be sent in and the casino would be disabled.

    11/27: Early in the afternoon I received an email saying that my request was received to close the casino account and was being escalated (not sure if this was from the phone request or the live chat request). Later this afternoon, I won $2500 back in sports bets I had previously placed. I wanted to check if the casino was active still at this point after receiving that email, and as you can probably guess - I lost the remaining $2500+ on blackjack.

    Other points that I would like to add:

    -While I lost well over $10,000 late night 11/25 and 11/27, prior to that I had won some money in the casino so the net loss in the casino was lower than this when you look over the course of the week.
    -However, the full $10k+ was lost AFTER multiple requests to disable the casino where I explicitly said I was requesting this because I had a gambling problem when it came to online casinos
    -In my eyes, I had a $10k+ balance on a relatively small amount of deposits and I armed them with the information that I didn't trust myself with that kind of balance and access to the online casino
    -Since disabling the casino really amounts to clicking a button on their end, in my opinion this led to them dragging their feet and taking advantage of the situation with the intent of winning the money back

    What I am looking for:

    I guess I don't really know what to expect from this. Certainly there is a lot of blame to go around and a lot of that falls on me. However, I do think that people should hear that this happened with a reputable Sportsbook like BetOnline that I feel acted very unprofessionally when it comes to this. I'm sure they record the phone calls and can easily verify that I was lied to about the ability to opt-out of the casino options AND that nearly 10 days later the casino is still available in my account.

    I'm open to feedback and what others think a fair solution would be. I am well aware that in reality that fair solution might be that I am SOL, but I'd also argue that I did very well over the last couple of weeks with poker and the sportsbook and they took advantage of a weakness I shared with them thinking that they would help.
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  2. #2
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    It sucks to have a gambling problem.

    You may need to hit rock bottom and really ruin your life before you take the simple step of accepting responsibility by the sounds.

    It will be awful and ugly and may not end well, but unless you can man up beforehand and take control over something this simple, without reaching to "share a lot of blame around" when there is no one else to blame but yourself, then that is the inevitable result 99% of the time.

    You sound smart. Use those smarts to realize no one else can solve this for you and focus on what you can do yourself. You might just have to stop all gambling cold turkey, today. If you can do that, you might also be surprised how fast the stupid urges to throw good money after bad disappear.
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  3. #3
    Brooks's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    sorry this happened especially just before christmas, i stopped playing online casinos almost 10 years ago as id come home shit faced and start playing blackjack or craps and i did ok for a very long time until i lost over 4 grand one night and was crushed. betonline has always been very fair with me and they are my favorite live betting site. keep your head up and realize that our brains are wired differently than the majority of the people out there, which can be good alot of times, but not when it comes to things like gambling, drinking or heaven forbid drugs. happy holidays

  4. #4
    shaunovery's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Online casinos are pretty poor , that's why so many offer bonuses

    No sure what the difference is between a gambling problem with casinos and not one with a sportsbook , you have one or you don't

  5. #5
    luctens's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post
    First off, I wanted to add the obligatory this is not all betonline's fault and certainly I am a grown person who makes my own decisions. That said, I am very disappointed in their customer service and can't help but that think they took advantage of a negative situation that worked out to their advantage.

    The quick cliff notes and timeline are:

    11/18: Open account and receive phone call from customer service. On this call I requested that they disable the online casino from my account, that I just wanted to use their services for Poker and Sports Betting. She told me that unfortunately that is not an option that they offer (spoiler alert: this is not true).

    11/18 - 11/25: I deposited roughly $1000 via BTC and credit card spread across 4 deposits. By 11/25, my account balance was over $10k.

    11/25: Knowing that there was going to be a week's time I had to wait before I could cashout due to their credit card wait period rules, I called once again and requested that the casino be disabled from my account since I had an online gambling problem when it came to casino games and didn't trust myself with that much balance. I was told that they would submit my request and follow up when it was disabled.

    Late night 11/25: After being out celebrating with some friends, I came back and played poker and hit a couple bad beats and lost somewhere around $500. I placed $2000 worth of sportsbets and then took this as an opportunity to try and quickly win back what I had just lost on blackjack. This did not go well and I played until my account balance was down to $0 (lost over $8k in the span of about 10 minutes).

    11/26: Later that night, the casino was still active (after first being told this wasn't an option, then being told it would be taken care of). I started a live chat and told the person what had happened and explained why I wanted the casino to be disabled. She took down the information and said that it would be sent in and the casino would be disabled.

    11/27: Early in the afternoon I received an email saying that my request was received to close the casino account and was being escalated (not sure if this was from the phone request or the live chat request). Later this afternoon, I won $2500 back in sports bets I had previously placed. I wanted to check if the casino was active still at this point after receiving that email, and as you can probably guess - I lost the remaining $2500+ on blackjack.

    Other points that I would like to add:

    -While I lost well over $10,000 late night 11/25 and 11/27, prior to that I had won some money in the casino so the net loss in the casino was lower than this when you look over the course of the week.
    -However, the full $10k+ was lost AFTER multiple requests to disable the casino where I explicitly said I was requesting this because I had a gambling problem when it came to online casinos
    -In my eyes, I had a $10k+ balance on a relatively small amount of deposits and I armed them with the information that I didn't trust myself with that kind of balance and access to the online casino
    -Since disabling the casino really amounts to clicking a button on their end, in my opinion this led to them dragging their feet and taking advantage of the situation with the intent of winning the money back

    What I am looking for:

    I guess I don't really know what to expect from this. Certainly there is a lot of blame to go around and a lot of that falls on me. However, I do think that people should hear that this happened with a reputable Sportsbook like BetOnline that I feel acted very unprofessionally when it comes to this. I'm sure they record the phone calls and can easily verify that I was lied to about the ability to opt-out of the casino options AND that nearly 10 days later the casino is still available in my account.

    I'm open to feedback and what others think a fair solution would be. I am well aware that in reality that fair solution might be that I am SOL, but I'd also argue that I did very well over the last couple of weeks with poker and the sportsbook and they took advantage of a weakness I shared with them thinking that they would help.
    BetOnline's customer service have obviously not been up to scratch here, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to any of the money back or anything whatsoever of that nature, and there's absolutely no point whatsoever in you even trying to argue that you're entitled to anything whatsoever back from BetOnline, it's simply a pointless waste of time, and your main focus now needs to be stop gambling. And even if BetOnline gave you any of the money back as a goodwill gesture or anything which they don't do anyway, that wouldn't be any good for you anyway, as all you'd do in the current mental state you're in at the moment is gamble with it, and the last thing you need to be doing at the moment is doing any more gambling.

    Whatever poor service you received from BetOnline, the ultimate responsibility lies with you controlling yourself, and you didn't control yourself, and you paid the consequences by losing the money. End of.

    And your load of rubbish about you having a problem with casino games but not sports betting or poker is complete crap, and it shows you're in denial. It's like somebody saying they're ok with beer but spirits make them an alcoholic, or they're ok with a particular drug but other drugs make them addicted, it's all complete rubbish. If you've got an addiction to casino games, then that's a gambling addiction, not a casino addiction, a gambling addiction, and the first stage is to accept you're a gambling addict, not just a casino addict, a gambling addict, and to accept that the only way you can recover is to stop all forms of gambling.

    Betting on sports, poker or any other form of gambling is all rolled into one, in that betting on one form of gambling is going to make you far more vulnerable to falling into other forms of gambling as well, such as casino games. There's no doubt that betting on sports and poker and any other form of gambling will inevitably lead you to being far more susceptible to falling back into casino games, so you need to stop all forms of gambling.

    You even said in your post that after some bad beats and lost money on poker, you then lost a load on sports betting, which then led you chasing the losses on casino games. And a couple of days later, some wins on sports betting lead you to go back onto casino games. The very simple thing is, it is extremely likely that if you bet on any form of gambling, that will eventually lead you back to betting on casino games in the end, so you need to stop all forms of gambling. From poker to sports betting to casino games and to any other form of gambling, it's all an inter-linked vicious spiral that goes around and around until you finally do something to stop that never-ending cycle.

    So you firstly need to forget about arguing the toss about what you've done at BetOnline as you'll get nothing back from them, and you then need to move on from that. Then you need to stop being in denial as you're in at the moment, and actually accept that you've got a gambling addiction, not just a casino addiction, a gambling addiction, and you then need to accept that the only way to stop this cycle and recover from your gambling addiction is to stop all forms of gambling. When you've accepted that's what you need to do, you then need to go and get gambling addiction help.
    Last edited by luctens; 11-28-16 at 09:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Foxx's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Somehow I don't think that 10k was going to last very long even if the casino was promptly disabled. Easy come easy go.

  7. #7
    GoPanthers88's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by luctens View Post
    BetOnline's customer service have obviously not been up to scratch here, but that doesn't mean you are entitled to any of the money back or anything whatsoever of that nature, and there's absolutely no point whatsoever in you even trying to argue that you're entitled to anything whatsoever back from BetOnline, it's simply a pointless waste of time, and your main focus now needs to be stop gambling. And even if BetOnline gave you any of the money back as a goodwill gesture or anything which they don't do anyway, that wouldn't be any good for you anyway, as all you'd do in the current mental state you're in at the moment is gamble with it, and the last thing you need to be doing at the moment is doing any more gambling.

    Whatever poor service you received from BetOnline, the ultimate responsibility lies with you controlling yourself, and you didn't control yourself, and you paid the consequences by losing the money. End of.

    And your load of rubbish about you having a problem with casino games but not sports betting or poker is complete crap, and it shows you're in denial. It's like somebody saying they're ok with beer but spirits make them an alcoholic, or they're ok with a particular drug but other drugs make them addicted, it's all complete rubbish. If you've got an addiction to casino games, then that's a gambling addiction, not a casino addiction, a gambling addiction, and the first stage is to accept you're a gambling addict, not just a casino addict, a gambling addict, and to accept that the only way you can recover is to stop all forms of gambling.

    Betting on sports, poker or any other form of gambling is all rolled into one, in that betting on one form of gambling is going to make you far more vulnerable to falling into other forms of gambling as well, such as casino games. There's no doubt that betting on sports and poker and any other form of gambling will inevitably lead you to being far more susceptible to falling back into casino games, so you need to stop all forms of gambling.

    You even said in your post that after some bad beats and lost money on poker, you then lost a load on sports betting, which then led you chasing the losses on casino games. And a couple of days later, some wins on sports betting lead you to go back onto casino games. The very simple thing is, it is extremely likely that if you bet on any form of gambling, that will eventually lead you back to betting on casino games in the end, so you need to stop all forms of gambling. From poker to sports betting to casino games and to any other form of gambling, it's all an inter-linked vicious spiral that goes around and around until you finally do something to stop that never-ending cycle.

    So you firstly need to forget about arguing the toss about what you've done at BetOnline as you'll get nothing back from them, and you then need to move on from that. Then you need to stop being in denial as you're in at the moment, and actually accept that you've got a gambling addiction, not just a casino addiction, a gambling addiction, and you then need to accept that the only way to stop this cycle and recover from your gambling addiction is to stop all forms of gambling. When you've accepted that's what you need to do, you then need to go and get gambling addiction help.
    All valid points here. I wouldn't really say I'm in denial because obviously i recognize I have a problem with blowing off over $10k in the matter of minutes, and also not the first time it has happened.

    Maybe it's on me for not wording my post properly, but I was more asking if a gaming company like betonline is under any obligation to honor requests or follow through with things they have said. There are many different nuances in regulations when it comes to off-shore, US, UK, etc. Companies. I am not an expert by any stretch on those...so I was asking the forum if there was anything there. As I also said, if that's not the case and I am SOL then I understand and am fine with that.

    Lastly, one point of clarification was that I did not lose a load on sports betting. I simply included in my description that I placed those wagers so the math made sense when I said I lost over $8k in the casino after previously saying my balance was over $10k. I actually won those wagers on the games that took place Saturday and Sunday (soccer and NFL). That is then the money I lost again in the casino Sunday night.

    Quick wrap up is that yes I have a gambling problem and own that and that I made the decision to use the casino. That said, poker and sports betting (two forms of gambling where you essentially control the odds and can argue is more than a game of chance) are not something I have historically struggled with when it comes to gambling off my money. This does happen with games of chance like black jack where large amounts can be watered in very short periods of time. Knowing this about myself is why I reached out to the betonline customer service multiple times.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foxx View Post
    Somehow I don't think that 10k was going to last very long even if the casino was promptly disabled. Easy come easy go.
    Maybe, maybe not. Won't know now but as surprising as it may be given this post I am a winning player when it comes to sports. I've had my limits reduced at multiple books over the last couple years after crushing them in NFL and soccer (and cashing out weekly). I heard good things about betonline and wanted to get back into poker but don't want the option of a casino anywhere I go.

    Unfortunately my history is that I will get way up and then give it all back in the casino when that is available.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brooks View Post
    sorry this happened especially just before christmas, i stopped playing online casinos almost 10 years ago as id come home shit faced and start playing blackjack or craps and i did ok for a very long time until i lost over 4 grand one night and was crushed. betonline has always been very fair with me and they are my favorite live betting site. keep your head up and realize that our brains are wired differently than the majority of the people out there, which can be good alot of times, but not when it comes to things like gambling, drinking or heaven forbid drugs. happy holidays
    Thanks for the response. It's tough to deal with and come to terms with when this has happened as often as it has and the time of the year doesn't help. Fortunately being wired the way we are does help me crush it with my job and other aspects of life but yeah the gambling side is just an ugly dark cloud I hope I can get ahold of and under control. Cheers, happy holidays.

  10. #10
    GoPanthers88's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    It sucks to have a gambling problem.

    You may need to hit rock bottom and really ruin your life before you take the simple step of accepting responsibility by the sounds.

    It will be awful and ugly and may not end well, but unless you can man up beforehand and take control over something this simple, without reaching to "share a lot of blame around" when there is no one else to blame but yourself, then that is the inevitable result 99% of the time.

    You sound smart. Use those smarts to realize no one else can solve this for you and focus on what you can do yourself. You might just have to stop all gambling cold turkey, today. If you can do that, you might also be surprised how fast the stupid urges to throw good money after bad disappear.
    Thanks for the honest and thought out post. I posted this last night right after losing my final "chips" and was bitter about how things happened. I definitely recognize this is on me and was more curious around what obligations, if any, a book like BOL was under to honor requests like mine.

    That said, it has been a long few months with multiple occurrences like this where I run a balance way up only to give it all back.

    The rock bottom part is tough because I feel like I've hit it multiple times, but then the bottom continues to change and shift based on my professional life. Example: losing $500 in college when I had nothing was rock bottom vs. now when I am doing very well professionally losing $10k and being unable to pay bills for a couple weeks is the new rock bottom.

    I guess I just worry because as I continue to improve my salary into the high $150k+ range, that rock bottom number continues to get higher and higher. It just worries me I'll continue to go down the path I am on now where losing $10k isn't as big of a deal but I'll go until I lose $20k and then be back in the same spot.

    In any case, I've tried to GA meetings a couple times but the steps program in a church with religious undertones wasn't a good fit for me. I respect what you're saying about no one can fix this but me, but then you constantly hear that you can't fix it alone either so it's tough.

    Maybe not the spot for this but if my comments resonate with anyone and they have any suggestions on things that helped them, I'm all ears.

  11. #11
    luctens's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post
    All valid points here. I wouldn't really say I'm in denial because obviously i recognize I have a problem with blowing off over $10k in the matter of minutes, and also not the first time it has happened.

    Maybe it's on me for not wording my post properly, but I was more asking if a gaming company like betonline is under any obligation to honor requests or follow through with things they have said. There are many different nuances in regulations when it comes to off-shore, US, UK, etc. Companies. I am not an expert by any stretch on those...so I was asking the forum if there was anything there. As I also said, if that's not the case and I am SOL then I understand and am fine with that.

    Lastly, one point of clarification was that I did not lose a load on sports betting. I simply included in my description that I placed those wagers so the math made sense when I said I lost over $8k in the casino after previously saying my balance was over $10k. I actually won those wagers on the games that took place Saturday and Sunday (soccer and NFL). That is then the money I lost again in the casino Sunday night.

    Quick wrap up is that yes I have a gambling problem and own that and that I made the decision to use the casino. That said, poker and sports betting (two forms of gambling where you essentially control the odds and can argue is more than a game of chance) are not something I have historically struggled with when it comes to gambling off my money. This does happen with games of chance like black jack where large amounts can be watered in very short periods of time. Knowing this about myself is why I reached out to the betonline customer service multiple times.
    What you're in denial about is trying to convince yourself that you can control the sports betting and the poker and that your only problem is with the casino. That just simply will never work and you have to accept that. You don't just have a casino addiction, you have a gambling addiction, so betting on any form of gambling is extremely dangerous for you and will inevitably lead you back to casino games. So you need to stop deluding yourself that doing sports betting and poker is in any way a viable option. The only way you will recover from your gambling addiction is to stop all forms of gambling, so stop deluding yourself otherwise.

    You talk about what regulations there are offshore for this kind of incident. Bugger all, that's what regulations there are for anything whatsoever offshore. There is no regulation in Panama where BetOnline are that would help you in any way whatsoever in any case at all, let alone a cut and dried case like this. Even in a regulated market like the UK, I fully expect that the regulations in the UK would come to the conclusion that whatever mistakes the bookmaker has made, the ultimate responsibility comes down to the player.

    And it really doesn't matter whatsoever whether you won or not on those $2k of sports bets, the only important thing is that you playing poker led you to do sports betting that then led you to casino games. The only important thing is that you accept that the poker to the sports betting then to the casino, all of these forms of gambling are in an intertwined vicious spiral that needs to be stopped, and you need to accept that the only way you can stop that vicious spiral is to stop all forms of gambling.

    You say "That said, poker and sports betting (two forms of gambling where you essentially control the odds and can argue is more than a game of chance) are not something I have historically struggled with when it comes to gambling off my money."

    There you are again showing that you are in denial and trying to justify doing sports betting and poker. You need to accept that you will never recover from your gambling addiction unless you stop all forms of gambling. With you already having a gambling addiction, if you keep doing sports betting and poker, that will only inevitably to you developing an even worse addiction when it comes to sports betting and poker, and it will inevitably lead you back to casino games in the end, so if you keep doing sports betting and poker, the cycle never ends, and your gambling addiction never ends.

    You're still in denial trying to delude yourself into thinking that you can control sports betting and poker, and for that reason you're not even ready to go and get help yet. You will only be ready to go and get help when you accept yourself that to recover from your addiction, that you need to stop all forms of gambling. You thinking that you will be able to continue sports betting and poker whilst recovering from a gambling addiction is pure delusion. You have to give up the lot. Only once you've accepted in your own mind that giving up all forms of gambling is the only solution to your gambling addiction, only then will you be ready to go and get help.
    Last edited by luctens; 11-29-16 at 08:50 AM.

  12. #12
    JAKEPEAVY21's Avatar SBR PRO
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    go cold turkey with the online casinos

    I used to have issues with them as well and it is a vicious and ugly cycle

    From what I remember, it took me a long time to get betonline to disable the online casino for me and they had me send in a letter stating that I wanted it permanently shut off.

    You might as well just move on as you really have no recourse here and best of luck going forward...

  13. #13
    Optional's Avatar Moderator
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post

    Thanks for the honest and thought out post. I posted this last night right after losing my final "chips" and was bitter about how things happened. I definitely recognize this is on me and was more curious around what obligations, if any, a book like BOL was under to honor requests like mine.

    That said, it has been a long few months with multiple occurrences like this where I run a balance way up only to give it all back.

    The rock bottom part is tough because I feel like I've hit it multiple times, but then the bottom continues to change and shift based on my professional life. Example: losing $500 in college when I had nothing was rock bottom vs. now when I am doing very well professionally losing $10k and being unable to pay bills for a couple weeks is the new rock bottom.

    I guess I just worry because as I continue to improve my salary into the high $150k+ range, that rock bottom number continues to get higher and higher. It just worries me I'll continue to go down the path I am on now where losing $10k isn't as big of a deal but I'll go until I lose $20k and then be back in the same spot.

    In any case, I've tried to GA meetings a couple times but the steps program in a church with religious undertones wasn't a good fit for me. I respect what you're saying about no one can fix this but me, but then you constantly hear that you can't fix it alone either so it's tough.

    Maybe not the spot for this but if my comments resonate with anyone and they have any suggestions on things that helped them, I'm all ears.
    You sound like you are going through the same thing I did in my mid 20s. Was earning a lot of money so I could blow a thousand or two, or even everything I could get my hands on, knowing another 10k was coming in again soon.

    And I felt the same about GA. The program anyway. But visiting a couple of meetings really did help me. Listening to people who had stolen off their employers, parents and even kids to gamble made me sit up and say to myself, I am not like this. I am not one of these people who have totally given up and are being fed this pathetic line that they cant possibly ever control themselves. GA program is insidious imho.

    I had to do the cold turkey thing. I really wasn't sure I could do it at the time and had friends also ruining their lives who re-inforced the idea that it wasn't our fault and we couldn't control it.

    Me, and most people I knew well from that period all managed to get over it and have zero problem with control today. I can hardly bring myself to sit in front of a poker machine without falling asleep thee days. It's weird how fast the 'uncontrollable urges' go away when you REALLY decide to stop the stupidity. It's a really nice and empowering feeling too. Worth the effort.
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  14. #14
    GoPanthers88's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by luctens View Post
    What you're in denial about is trying to convince yourself that you can control the sports betting and the poker and that your only problem is with the casino. That just simply will never work and you have to accept that. You don't just have a casino addiction, you have a gambling addiction, so betting on any form of gambling is extremely dangerous for you and will inevitably lead you back to casino games. So you need to stop deluding yourself that doing sports betting and poker is in any way a viable option. The only way you will recover from your gambling addiction is to stop all forms of gambling, so stop deluding yourself otherwise.

    You talk about what regulations there are offshore for this kind of incident. Bugger all, that's what regulations there are for anything whatsoever offshore. There is no regulation in Panama where BetOnline are that would help you in any way whatsoever in any case at all, let alone a cut and dried case like this. Even in a regulated market like the UK, I fully expect that the regulations in the UK would come to the conclusion that whatever mistakes the bookmaker has made, the ultimate responsibility comes down to the player.

    And it really doesn't matter whatsoever whether you won or not on those $2k of sports bets, the only important thing is that you playing poker led you to do sports betting that then led you to casino games. The only important thing is that you accept that the poker to the sports betting then to the casino, all of these forms of gambling are in an intertwined vicious spiral that needs to be stopped, and you need to accept that the only way you can stop that vicious spiral is to stop all forms of gambling.

    You say "That said, poker and sports betting (two forms of gambling where you essentially control the odds and can argue is more than a game of chance) are not something I have historically struggled with when it comes to gambling off my money."

    There you are again showing that you are in denial and trying to justify doing sports betting and poker. You need to accept that you will never recover from your gambling addiction unless you stop all forms of gambling. With you already having a gambling addiction, if you keep doing sports betting and poker, that will only inevitably to you developing an even worse addiction when it comes to sports betting and poker, and it will inevitably lead you back to casino games in the end, so if you keep doing sports betting and poker, the cycle never ends, and your gambling addiction never ends.

    You're still in denial trying to delude yourself into thinking that you can control sports betting and poker, and for that reason you're not even ready to go and get help yet. You will only be ready to go and get help when you accept yourself that to recover from your addiction, that you need to stop all forms of gambling. You thinking that you will be able to continue sports betting and poker whilst recovering from a gambling addiction is pure delusion. You have to give up the lot. Only once you've accepted in your own mind that giving up all forms of gambling is the only solution to your gambling addiction, only then will you be ready to go and get help.

    I've read over both your posts multiple times and at this point it just seems like you're replying just to be condescending for the sake of being condescending. In my responses to you I have said that I acknowledge and recognize that I have a problem with gambling. That problem manifests itself differently in different people. For me, I typically do well for myself when I stick to sports betting and poker, and I have issues with self control and compulsiveness when it comes to casino games. Is that a gambling probably? Absolutely.

    Others within this post have said they deal with the same kind of thing so I don't think it's as cut and dry as you are making it. However, I opened myself up to this type of feedback and genuinely welcome it. I am just wondering if what seems like you being negative just to be negative is coming from a place of you dealing with something similar and now putting that back on me or what has happened to make you respond like this.

    You say in your post that it doesn't matter whether or not I won the $2k in sports bets or not. But it kind of does since that's what you tried to use to make your point in your first condescending post where you jumped to conclusions and were ready to go ahead and tell me that you know what I am struggling with more than I do. If someone is a winning player in one facet of gambling over a very large period of time, but a loser in a distinctly different type of gambling over the same period of time, I'm just not sure who you are to say that the two things are the same. Again...gambling addiction/issue? Yes. Are there nuances to it that could also be helped by something like the removal of a casino in their account? 100%.

    If gambling addiction is something you struggled with and you have experiences that have helped you get through that and be in a place where you're not dealing with the same types of struggles that I currently am, then please let me know what has helped you once you got to the point of realization that you're insinuating I am not currently at.

    If not, thanks for the feedback I guess?

  15. #15
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    At this point I have just closed my account with BetOnline and am moving on and planning on taking a breather for awhile. There's been a lot of really good responses here and most people really providing some good advice on where to go from here. If it wasn't evident at first, this post was made immediately after this happening and I was venting some but also looking for the type of advice I received.

    If there was on the off chance some fine print where BOL didn't live up to there end of the bargain though and I had some kind of recourse for how things played out, would I have been disappointed? Of course not.
    Last edited by GoPanthers88; 11-29-16 at 09:11 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Optional View Post
    You sound like you are going through the same thing I did in my mid 20s. Was earning a lot of money so I could blow a thousand or two, or even everything I could get my hands on, knowing another 10k was coming in again soon.

    And I felt the same about GA. The program anyway. But visiting a couple of meetings really did help me. Listening to people who had stolen off their employers, parents and even kids to gamble made me sit up and say to myself, I am not like this. I am not one of these people who have totally given up and are being fed this pathetic line that they cant possibly ever control themselves. GA program is insidious imho.

    I had to do the cold turkey thing. I really wasn't sure I could do it at the time and had friends also ruining their lives who re-inforced the idea that it wasn't our fault and we couldn't control it.

    Me, and most people I knew well from that period all managed to get over it and have zero problem with control today. I can hardly bring myself to sit in front of a poker machine without falling asleep thee days. It's weird how fast the 'uncontrollable urges' go away when you REALLY decide to stop the stupidity. It's a really nice and empowering feeling too. Worth the effort.
    Once again I appreciate the post. I am 28 myself right now so it sounds like what you went through, and have since gotten under control probably is pretty relevant for me.

    If you don't mind, I have a couple of questions. It's weird that the handful of people who have reached out and posted in this forum are probably better resources than anyone I know since most don't gamble beyond the occasional $5 or $10 friendly game of poker we play.

    -When you went cold turkey, was there something that happened where you were just at the point enough was enough?
    -I imagine since you are a moderator on SBRforum you are gambling now to some extent. If that's true, how long did the cold turkey period last? During that time, was there something that happened or clicked that helped you be more responsible with it when you did start again?
    -I'm not sure how old you are now, but were you doing online gambling when this happened during your 20s? If so, were there any tools or things you used to help remove the temptation of having it at your fingertips literally 24/7?

    Anything else you have to offer or add that you think might be helpful would be greatly appreciated. I have done some thing I am not proud of and put myself in bad situations with gambling, but I would never steal or anything like that, and with the exception of putting a strain on some of my past relationships, would never let it get to a point where it is truly negatively affecting someone else's life besides my own. On the flipside there have been periods of my life that I also shared with others that have been amazing and wouldn't be possible had I not been gambling as well. I lived in Spain for 2 years in my early 20s and financed everything and travelled all over Europe and had the time of my life from doing nothing but sports betting. I just have a tough time dealing with big downswings and then I react in ways that are outline in this thread (ie donk off $10k+ in online blackjack in one sittting).

    How you described your thoughts about the GA meetings was pretty much spot on with how I felt. One thing that stuck out was that I just felt like I had way more to lose than most of the people there too - I know I have a bright future, great family, great job and just general positive outlook on life.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAKEPEAVY21 View Post
    go cold turkey with the online casinos

    I used to have issues with them as well and it is a vicious and ugly cycle

    From what I remember, it took me a long time to get betonline to disable the online casino for me and they had me send in a letter stating that I wanted it permanently shut off.

    You might as well just move on as you really have no recourse here and best of luck going forward...
    Thank you, that's where I am at this point. Anything you did to help with the going cold turkey from the casinos? It just seems like every site that is worth using has them now. I plan on going cold turkey just in general now and getting things back in order, but just curious if you found a strategy that worked for you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post
    Thank you, that's where I am at this point. Anything you did to help with the going cold turkey from the casinos? It just seems like every site that is worth using has them now. I plan on going cold turkey just in general now and getting things back in order, but just curious if you found a strategy that worked for you?
    I got to a point where I realized that no good comes from online casino action. Sure, sometimes you win but in the long run they will take all the money. I didn't like the manic chasing state of mind that playing and losing put me in. You have to know and be honest with yourself and identify your weaknesses. It took me many times of dusting off my entire account to come to this realization but I'm much happier the past 10+ years without dealing with all that madness. Best of luck to you.

  19. #19
    JAKEPEAVY21's Avatar SBR PRO
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    stick to poker and sportsbetting...those 2 things you can actually win at in the long run.

  20. #20
    littlekona's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Dont they have any cashback or % of casino loss rebated? I briefly looked they have a high roller casino program which is ridiculous they give u $50 bonus on action of 75K-150K...$100 for 250K in play....OMG LOL

  21. #21
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    If you feel truly owed you can recoop some of your money, but won't be able to use certain methods, not worth it IMO

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post
    I've read over both your posts multiple times and at this point it just seems like you're replying just to be condescending for the sake of being condescending. In my responses to you I have said that I acknowledge and recognize that I have a problem with gambling. That problem manifests itself differently in different people. For me, I typically do well for myself when I stick to sports betting and poker, and I have issues with self control and compulsiveness when it comes to casino games. Is that a gambling probably? Absolutely.

    Others within this post have said they deal with the same kind of thing so I don't think it's as cut and dry as you are making it. However, I opened myself up to this type of feedback and genuinely welcome it. I am just wondering if what seems like you being negative just to be negative is coming from a place of you dealing with something similar and now putting that back on me or what has happened to make you respond like this.

    You say in your post that it doesn't matter whether or not I won the $2k in sports bets or not. But it kind of does since that's what you tried to use to make your point in your first condescending post where you jumped to conclusions and were ready to go ahead and tell me that you know what I am struggling with more than I do. If someone is a winning player in one facet of gambling over a very large period of time, but a loser in a distinctly different type of gambling over the same period of time, I'm just not sure who you are to say that the two things are the same. Again...gambling addiction/issue? Yes. Are there nuances to it that could also be helped by something like the removal of a casino in their account? 100%.

    If gambling addiction is something you struggled with and you have experiences that have helped you get through that and be in a place where you're not dealing with the same types of struggles that I currently am, then please let me know what has helped you once you got to the point of realization that you're insinuating I am not currently at.

    If not, thanks for the feedback I guess?
    I'm not being "condescending" whatsoever. You obviously don't "acknowledge and recognize that you have a problem with gambling", as you are in denial trying to delude yourself into thinking that you only have an addiction just to casino games but that you can control sports betting and poker on the side. That's simply delusional thinking. You've got a gambling addiction, and the only way you are going to recover from your gambling addiction is for you to stop all forms of gambling and not do sports betting, poker or any of it. If you continue to do sports betting and poker, you are likely to develop an even worse addiction for sports betting and poker and to inevitably fall back into casino games on the back of doing sports betting and poker, so you need to give it all up, there's no other way for you to recover from your addiction.

    And I'm not being "negative" whatsoever. I'm straight talking and I'm saying it as it is, which is simply that if you continue with sports betting and poker, you are never going to recover from your gambling addiction. I've never had a problem with addiction but I don't need to have had a problem with addiction to know that the only solution is to this is for you give up all forms of gambling.

    You've got to accept that part of the problem with your gambling addiction is you being around gambling in the first place, and all the while that you are around sports betting and poker, you are around gambling, and you will never escape from your addiction whilst you are around any form of gambling, so to escape your addiction, you need to escape all forms of gambling, otherwise you will never recover. If you go and see anybody that knows about gambling addiction and say to them that you want to recover from your gambling addiction whilst still doing sports betting and poker, they will laugh you out of the room. It simply isn't going to happen. It's all or nothing, there's no half-way house with addiction, you have to give it all up, or don't bother at all. You need to accept that part of the problem on why you are addicted to gambling is that sports betting and poker is keeping you around gambling, and whilst you are still around gambling, you will inevitably fall back into casino games in the end, so you need to accept that sports betting and poker is part of the problem, so the only way to solve the problem is by you giving up sports betting and poker and remove yourself from gambling altogether.

    Again you're deluding yourself into saying it matters whether you won or not with those sports bets that you did. It doesn't matter one bit, and it's only you being in denial that you are trying to convince yourself that it does. The very clear point I was making is that you doing sports betting and poker is part if the vicious spiral that inevitably is always going to lead you back into casino games, which it did as you described, so for you recovering going forward, there's no way you can recover from your gambling addiction whilst you are still doing sports betting and poker, as doing sports betting and poker is inevitably going to lead you back into casino games in the end, and then the addiction continues and never stops. Bottom line is, if you continue doing sports betting and poker, you will never recover your gambling addiction, as you will fall back into casino games in the end on the back of still being involved in gambling with doing sports betting and poker.

    And you again try to justify sports betting saying that you are winner at it in the long term. It doesn't matter. There's no point if you win a load on sports betting as by the every act of you still being involved in gambling with sports betting, you are inevitably always going to end up chucking it all away on casino games, so however good you think you are at sports betting, you need to accept that you need to give that up along with all other forms of gambling, otherwise you will never recover from your gambling addiction.
    Last edited by luctens; 11-30-16 at 07:13 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAKEPEAVY21 View Post
    stick to poker and sportsbetting...those 2 things you can actually win at in the long run.
    That's absolutely awful advice for you to give to a gambling addict. Being around sports betting, poker or any other form of gambling will inevitably lead to a gambling addict falling back into addiction, so the vicious spiral of addiction never ends. The only way for a gambling addict to recover from addiction is to give up all forms of gambling and remove themselves from gambling altogether, otherwise recovery from a gambling addiction will never be possible.
    Last edited by luctens; 11-30-16 at 07:23 PM.

  24. #24
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    So sorry. I do that almost EVERY time that I win. I combat it by immediately getting a payout if I win big money, because as you noted, when you win huge and then lose it all back while drunk in the casino, (or not drunk) it sux so bad. I have even cancelled payouts and then lost it all in the casino multiple times! Sportsbook.com and their 40 day payout idiocy once cost me 4 grand because I managed to wait a month,only to cancel it and lose it all in the casino. I had changed my email to a friends email and got my friend to change the password and not tell me what it was so that I couldn't get into my account and cancel the payout!! And it was his email so I COULDN'T simply tell sportsbook that I forgot my password and get them to send my password to my email. I thought I had FOUND a way to NOT lose my big wins!! But one night while drunk I simply "live chatted" with Sportsbook and they changed my email address over live chat and i got back in my account and lost it all in the casino!
    I was so upset that i started messing with my stocks to try and get my 4 grand back and it has now cost me over 30 grand in stock losses along with it! No sleep, no eat, and life sux. All because I won 4 grand but they wouldn't pay for over a month!!! LOL UGH! Only a month ago did I manage to wait over a month on another site to pay me, and then I cancelled the other payout and just lost the rest of it last week in the casino!
    MY only reason for writing is to tell you how unfair that bull-sheeit is, and the ONLY way that I have found to combat it is to only do business with the sportsbooks who either take out the payout money out of the account immediately AND they wont let you cancel payouts, or they simply pay off IMMEDIATELY. That is the only way that I have ever gotten paid without going back and losing it all.
    You could have requested a payout for the 10 grand and even me or you can wait a day or two without going crazy and risking any of it!!
    I don't know if betonline pays quickly or takes the money out and doesn't let you cancel payouts, but there ARE sites that do pay immediately. You have GOT to find those sites and only play there and always cash out the huge wins IMMEDIATELY! Because we both know how many times we have woken up with nothing when all we had to do was get a payout! (& maybe wait 1 or 2 days!)
    Last edited by blowjoe2020; 12-02-16 at 07:03 PM. Reason: Adding a few words

  25. #25
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    I have no idea why the guy is trying to "hack on" you. Some of us can do very well if we only stuck to sports. That is why it is so hard to quit! I've told my friends a million times, "If I lost every time I bet sports, like most people do, then I'd quit too like they do!!" But when you can win, it is hard to stop! So just try the only thing that ever worked for me, Like I've already said, only play at sites that pay off immediately, and always cash out your big wins immediately. Because it is to crushing to leave big money in an account only to see it go to zero! Take care. I just lost $10 in pool to my friend and cancelled a payout for $90 trying to get my pool losses back and now i have dumped off another 3 grand trying to get that back! But if I would have won, then i would have gotten the damn money out immediately! I know that!! Otherwise the wins are just numbers on a computer screen, and they mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Until you get a payout.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by luctens View Post
    That's absolutely awful advice for you to give to a gambling addict. Being around sports betting, poker or any other form of gambling will inevitably lead to a gambling addict falling back into addiction, so the vicious spiral of addiction never ends. The only way for a gambling addict to recover from addiction is to give up all forms of gambling and remove themselves from gambling altogether, otherwise recovery from a gambling addiction will never be possible.
    works for me

    mind over matter

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    Quote Originally Posted by blowjoe2020 View Post
    So sorry. I do that almost EVERY time that I win. I combat it by immediately getting a payout if I win big money, because as you noted, when you win huge and then lose it all back while drunk in the casino, (or not drunk) it sux so bad. I have even cancelled payouts and then lost it all in the casino multiple times! Sportsbook.com and their 40 day payout idiocy once cost me 4 grand because I managed to wait a month,only to cancel it and lose it all in the casino. I had changed my email to a friends email and got my friend to change the password and not tell me what it was so that I couldn't get into my account and cancel the payout!! And it was his email so I COULDN'T simply tell sportsbook that I forgot my password and get them to send my password to my email. I thought I had FOUND a way to NOT lose my big wins!! But one night while drunk I simply "live chatted" with Sportsbook and they changed my email address over live chat and i got back in my account and lost it all in the casino!
    I was so upset that i started messing with my stocks to try and get my 4 grand back and it has now cost me over 30 grand in stock losses along with it! No sleep, no eat, and life sux. All because I won 4 grand but they wouldn't pay for over a month!!! LOL UGH! Only a month ago did I manage to wait over a month on another site to pay me, and then I cancelled the other payout and just lost the rest of it last week in the casino!
    MY only reason for writing is to tell you how unfair that bull-sheeit is, and the ONLY way that I have found to combat it is to only do business with the sportsbooks who either take out the payout money out of the account immediately AND they wont let you cancel payouts, or they simply pay off IMMEDIATELY. That is the only way that I have ever gotten paid without going back and losing it all.
    You could have requested a payout for the 10 grand and even me or you can wait a day or two without going crazy and risking any of it!!
    I don't know if betonline pays quickly or takes the money out and doesn't let you cancel payouts, but there ARE sites that do pay immediately. You have GOT to find those sites and only play there and always cash out the huge wins IMMEDIATELY! Because we both know how many times we have woken up with nothing when all we had to do was get a payout! (& maybe wait 1 or 2 days!)
    Quote Originally Posted by blowjoe2020 View Post
    I have no idea why the guy is trying to "hack on" you. Some of us can do very well if we only stuck to sports. That is why it is so hard to quit! I've told my friends a million times, "If I lost every time I bet sports, like most people do, then I'd quit too like they do!!" But when you can win, it is hard to stop! So just try the only thing that ever worked for me, Like I've already said, only play at sites that pay off immediately, and always cash out your big wins immediately. Because it is to crushing to leave big money in an account only to see it go to zero! Take care. I just lost $10 in pool to my friend and cancelled a payout for $90 trying to get my pool losses back and now i have dumped off another 3 grand trying to get that back! But if I would have won, then i would have gotten the damn money out immediately! I know that!! Otherwise the wins are just numbers on a computer screen, and they mean ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Until you get a payout.
    You're obviously an extreme gambling addict just like the OP is, and just like the OP, the only way out of it for you is to give up all forms of gambling and remove yourself from gambling altogether. You can try and convince yourself that you're great at sports betting and that you'll never fall into the trap of casino games again all you like, but as long as you keep yourself around gambling, you'll fall back into your addiction to casino games in the end, it's simply inevitable.

    And you're not a good sports bettor whatsoever if you've tried to get a $10 loss back and chased your losses and got out of control so badly that you've lost a further $3k trying to get a $10 loss back for goodness sake. They are not the actions of a good sports bettor, they are the actions of a compulsive sports bettor.

    Unless of course that $3k you lost was done on casino games, in which case you aren't controlling your addiction to casino games anywhere near as well as you are trying to make out.

    Either way, you really need to stop deluding yourself. Whilst you're still around gambling, you'll always be a gambling addict and you'll inevitably eventually always fall back into the trap of addiction to casino games in the end. Just like the OP, the only cure for you is to remove yourself from all forms of gambling, otherwise that vicious spiral of addiction never ends.
    Last edited by luctens; 12-03-16 at 09:40 AM.

  28. #28
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    Question to OP: If you won when your casino was supposed to be turned off would this thread exist? Of course not, get help. Online casinos are a license to steal and you went all in.

  29. #29
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    Nope, it's like you didn't even read a word that I said and you just started typing in the crap about being an addict!
    Try to read what I post or we will never get anywhere!
    I never said that I had convinced myself that I wouldn't go to the casino if I left my wins in a gambling account! In fact I said that I KNEW I probably WOULD go to the casino! But the only way that I could do it is if I had failed to get an immediate payout! And that would be my own fault!
    I would NEVER try to "convince myself that I would never fall into the trap of casino games again."
    In fact, if you had only READ and comprehended what I wrote, instead of just starting to type, then you'd plainly see that I said
    just the opposite!
    So here it is again! Some of us FULLY KNOW that we will start the casino crap almost every time we ever win money! And thus possibly lose a ton of gains. But ONLY if we don't get a payout immediately after we win the big money!
    I just won $2500 on the colts on Monday night and I have already gotten the payout! If it was still in the account then I'd have most likely gambled all of it in the casino by now! But just like my first post said, the only way to combat it is to find online sportsbooks that payout quickly and then cash your wins in immediately so they can't be squandered away in the stupid casino! I won and got the payout and now I CAN'T "fall into the trap" of casino games again!
    So for the second time I will say it again, try to read it this time. PLEASE READ THESE WORDS THIS TIME!.... Leaving big wins in an online account instead of getting a payout is a SPORTSBOOK'S DREAM COME TRUE!
    Read what I say this time! W
    hether you are addicted to gambling or not, The ONLY way to prevent yourself from losing big gains at an online sportsbook, is to idiotically fail to get a payout immediately after winning!
    If I, or you, or the other guy, or ANYONE else EVER wins big money online and just leaves it in a gambling account instead of getting a payout immediately, then it is our OWN fault if it turns into zero! And however much anybody has in their account is just a number on a computer screen UNTIL you get the money paid out into your hand!
    Take care.
    Last edited by blowjoe2020; 12-06-16 at 11:12 PM. Reason: forgot a few words

  30. #30
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    Exactly right HedgeHog. All he had to do was get a payout and then he had banked his huge wins!
    I once told the awful SPORTSBOOK.com that by them waiting 6 to 10 weeks to process payouts and leaving the the ability to cancel the payout via the "cancel payout" button for the whole 6 to 10 weeks had probably cost their customers over 2 million dollars in losses!
    Of course that means it MADE and profited them over 2 million by leaving the money available and allowing the payout to be cancelled at anytime during the 2 month "processing" period and gambled again.
    LOL It doesn't take 2 months to cut a check or send a customer a money transfer! It only takes 20 minutes for them to receive funds and put them INTO your account! And it only takes that long to send the payout back too!
    They know exactly what they are doing, and they know exactly why they are doing it!
    And for those of us who don't have a chance of waiting 2 months (or even a week!) without cancelling a payout and re-gambling the money, then every dime that any of us ever send to a sportsbook that doesn't payout immediately is lost and will never be seen again as soon as we send it in!
    That's what I tried to tell the other goof-ball, but he didn't read a word of it! All he wanted to do was type about addiction! LOL Addiction has nothing to do with making sure you don't leave big gains available to be lost in a gambling account!
    It doesn't matter if you are addicted to gambling or not if you get the big wins sent immediately then you can't lose it!
    Any time I win and don't get an immediate payout, then the wins mean NOTHING! It is just numbers on a computer screen.
    And then if I lose all the balance in the casino later, I'm not mad at my "addiction", or the sportsbook, or anyone else, I'm only mad at MYSELF for not getting the money out as soon as I won it!
    Take care.
    Last edited by blowjoe2020; 12-06-16 at 11:23 PM.

  31. #31
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    Betonline one of best books in world

    end of discussion

  32. #32
    luctens's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by blowjoe2020 View Post
    Nope, it's like you didn't even read a word that I said and you just started typing in the crap about being an addict!
    Try to read what I post or we will never get anywhere!
    I never said that I had convinced myself that I wouldn't go to the casino if I left my wins in a gambling account! In fact I said that I KNEW I probably WOULD go to the casino! But the only way that I could do it is if I had failed to get an immediate payout! And that would be my own fault!
    I would NEVER try to "convince myself that I would never fall into the trap of casino games again."
    In fact, if you had only READ and comprehended what I wrote, instead of just starting to type, then you'd plainly see that I said
    just the opposite!
    So here it is again! Some of us FULLY KNOW that we will start the casino crap almost every time we ever win money! And thus possibly lose a ton of gains. But ONLY if we don't get a payout immediately after we win the big money!
    I just won $2500 on the colts on Monday night and I have already gotten the payout! If it was still in the account then I'd have most likely gambled all of it in the casino by now! But just like my first post said, the only way to combat it is to find online sportsbooks that payout quickly and then cash your wins in immediately so they can't be squandered away in the stupid casino! I won and got the payout and now I CAN'T "fall into the trap" of casino games again!
    So for the second time I will say it again, try to read it this time. PLEASE READ THESE WORDS THIS TIME!.... Leaving big wins in an online account instead of getting a payout is a SPORTSBOOK'S DREAM COME TRUE!
    Read what I say this time! W
    hether you are addicted to gambling or not, The ONLY way to prevent yourself from losing big gains at an online sportsbook, is to idiotically fail to get a payout immediately after winning!
    If I, or you, or the other guy, or ANYONE else EVER wins big money online and just leaves it in a gambling account instead of getting a payout immediately, then it is our OWN fault if it turns into zero! And however much anybody has in their account is just a number on a computer screen UNTIL you get the money paid out into your hand!
    Take care.
    I read exactly what you said, and I posted accordingly. You're in complete denial if you are trying to convince yourself you're not an addict when you say that if you don't get instant or close to it payouts that you won't be able to control yourself not to go on the casino and throw all of your money down the drain. That's an addiction you have right there.

    And the clear point I am making is that you are delusional if you think you can continue sports betting, keep getting instant or close to it payouts and not fall back into your casino addiction at some point. Whilst you are around any form of gambling, if you have that much of an addiction and a compulsion to play on casino games, that addiction and compulsion will finally win over in the end if you continue to be around any form of gambling.

    So you might be all right for a week, a month, a year or whatever getting your instant or close to it payouts on your sports bets and not be chucking it into a casino, but you continuing to be around gambling makes it simply inevitable that at some point, that addiction and compulsion will win over, and you won't cash out your sports bets and you'll put it all in the casino, it will simply inevitably happen at some point if you stay around any form of gambling.

    And that's all it would take, one time to fall off the wagon, go on the casino, and chuck all your money down the drain, and that would ruin any amount of time previous to that that you'd have managed to stay off casino games before that. And that one time you will fall off the wagon and chuck all your money down the drain in the casino will inevitably happen at some point if you stay around any form of gambling.

    So the very clear point is, you need to give up all forms of gambling and remove yourself from gambling altogether, otherwise you will never recover from your addiction and you will inevitably fall back into your addiction with casino games at some point.
    Last edited by luctens; 12-07-16 at 08:02 AM.

  33. #33
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    I stopped adding to the thread because I felt like I got the feedback I was looking for. Just to add a couple more points after the most recent posts:

    -Luctens, you keep saying I'm an addict and would just go back to the casino. There are no casinos within a 5 hour drive of where I live, so if I am using a book that disables the casino for me...this becomes more of a non-issue. Is the behind the scenes issue with compulsive gambling as it relates to casinos still there? Sure, but I wouldn't have the option or temptation of even using a casino at that point.

    -To other posters in reference to the suggestion around the immediate payout. 90%+ of the time when I have a big payout, I do exactly this. Unfortunately with BetOnline for this deposit I used my debit card since I had reached my instant buy limits on CoinBase for that week already. I haven't deposited with a CC in over 3 years due to making a switch to strictly BTC, but for this particular deposit that's what happened. BetOnline's rules stated that I couldn't request a payout until 7 business days after the initial deposit. I had the $1k in deposits up over $10k in around 3 days, so it was going to be a long 4 days until I could've requested the payout. That really was the reason for pestering their customer service about closing the casino since I knew it was going to be sitting there staring at me for another 4 days with over $10k.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by GoPanthers88 View Post
    I stopped adding to the thread because I felt like I got the feedback I was looking for. Just to add a couple more points after the most recent posts:

    -Luctens, you keep saying I'm an addict and would just go back to the casino. There are no casinos within a 5 hour drive of where I live, so if I am using a book that disables the casino for me...this becomes more of a non-issue. Is the behind the scenes issue with compulsive gambling as it relates to casinos still there? Sure, but I wouldn't have the option or temptation of even using a casino at that point.

    -To other posters in reference to the suggestion around the immediate payout. 90%+ of the time when I have a big payout, I do exactly this. Unfortunately with BetOnline for this deposit I used my debit card since I had reached my instant buy limits on CoinBase for that week already. I haven't deposited with a CC in over 3 years due to making a switch to strictly BTC, but for this particular deposit that's what happened. BetOnline's rules stated that I couldn't request a payout until 7 business days after the initial deposit. I had the $1k in deposits up over $10k in around 3 days, so it was going to be a long 4 days until I could've requested the payout. That really was the reason for pestering their customer service about closing the casino since I knew it was going to be sitting there staring at me for another 4 days with over $10k.
    If you think just disabling the casino at the online sportsbook you are doing sports betting and poker on is going to stop your addiction, then you're deluded. If you stay around any form of gambling, your addiction to casino games will finally win over in the end, and when that happens, I'm not talking about you going to a land-based casino, I'm talking about you doing the lot on online casino games.

    So what you may have disabled the casino at the online sportsbook that you would be playing on at that time, that won't make any difference whatsoever in the end, as when your addiction inevitably wins over, having the casino disabled on the sportsbook site you're currently playing on won't be anywhere near enough, as when your addiction inevitably wins over, you will find any way to get onto some online casino games, so you will simply end up finding other online casino or sportsbook sites and play casino there.

    You may be trying to convince yourself into thinking that your casino addiction won't win over as a result of you staying around gambling, and you may be trying to convince yourself that even if your casino addiction did win over that you'll be ok because the online sportsbook you'd be on would have the casino disabled and there's no land-based casinos around, but the fact is that if you stay around gambling, you will inevitably fall back into your casino addiction at some point, and when you do, you will simply end up finding yourself a different online casino or sportsbook site from the one you'd be currently playing on, and going and chucking your money away on that other site. The very clear point is, when your addiction inevitably wins over, you will find some way to play on casino games, because that's what addicts do, they become desperate, and they find some way to feed their addiction.

    If you are stupidly trying to convince yourself into thinking that won't happen to you at some point if you stay around any form of gambling, then that clearly shows you're in denial and you're deluding yourself.

    Bottom line, your only option for you to recover from your addiction is for you to give up all forms of gambling and remove yourself from gambling altogether, otherwise you'll inevitably fall back into your casino games addiction at some point and you'll inevitably find a way to play on casino games when that addiction inevitably wins over, end of.
    Last edited by luctens; 12-09-16 at 08:33 AM.

  35. #35
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    Luctens - I've seen your posts on a lot of other threads and the common theme seems to be you talking about a gaming problem or being negative towards what others are saying in their posts. As someone who had accepted and acknowledged they have a gambling problem, some of the most helpful feedback I have received has been from others who have gone through a similar experience.

    I have asked you point blank before and you haven't answered, and instead want to stay I and others are delusional or stupid, but do you have experience in the matter you keep commenting on as it pertains to how you personally deal with casino gambling vs. other forms?

    It seems like you have some very strong opinions and are ready to jump in and make some broad assumptions about other people, but im wondering if you have some personal experience that would help make what you're saying more relevant?

    It's like you just want to argue and tell others what they shouldn't do for the sake of just arguing. In your last comment you say that I would just delude myself and go on a path of finding another online casino to use. If that were the case then I would've had to cash out $10k+ then find another on line casino site and and deposit over $10k+ there and lose it. Given my own limits with BTC that I know (and you don't) that would mean I would have to lose $400 per week for 25 weeks in a row to achieve what you're saying would happen if I went on a run but "deluded myself" and inevitably found another casino to use.

    Obviously I went through a bad spurt here and regret what I did and acknowledge 100% I need to address the compulsiveness I experience during big runs. On the other hand, admittedly I am really interested in why you keep posting here and other threads where it seems like maybe you have some own issues you need to address.

    You just seem like an angry dude who has their own issues. If you've got some wisdom and personal experience here though...please let me me know. That is why I posted in the first place.

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