1. #1
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Hypocrisy in the USA !!!

    Haley calling Ramaswamy “SCUM”…

    If a white male candidate for the POTUS said that, he’d be crushed the next day on “the View”. But since women are 52% of the voting public, Haley just skates away free and clear.

    Any woman > Any white male.

  2. #2
    TheGoldenGoose's Avatar SBR PRO
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    The State of Alabama has set a January execution date for a white male inmate. Instead of lethal injection they will execute Kenneth Eugene Smith by nitrogen gas. This is the first execution by nitrogen gas ever attempted. Can you imagine the outrage if this first "experiment" was conducted on a black man???

    Any man > Any white male.
